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Wally Trouten Platteville WI wwtrouten yahoo com A MESSAGE FROM YOUR ZOR POTENTATE As we leave summer and move into fall our journey continues Kids are headed back to school and the fall sports are already in full swing It has been an exciting and fun year for my Lady Gayle and I Busy of course and it won t be slowing down as we head into fall and then winter Lady Gayle and I have other clubs and units we want to visit plus other special events I know it seems to still be a ways off but the December Ceremonial is just around the corner I hope you have kept in mind Imperial Sir s membership goal of JUST ONE We need to have petitions completed and turned into the Zor office so that these candidates will be able to go through the Ceremonial You too will want to attend Antioch Temple Daughters of the Nile had the pleasure of hosting the Supreme Queen from Daughters of the Nile Dale Obernolte for an official visit at the Zor Temple Beja coordinated a visit from Imperial Sir Jeff Sowder and his lady Cheryl at the Packer Midwest Shrine Game in Green Bay The Packers gave 36 500 00 to Shriners Hospital for Children The Potentates from Beja Tripoli Ahmed and Zor were on the field for this presentation and the National Anthem Speaking of football games try to attend the games the events that surround the Shrine Games in River Falls and Whitewater that are coming up I have thought many times how fortunate we are being Shrine Masons As Masons we strive to become better men Our Mission Statement includes statements as We strive to make good men better men We have in our vision To be a relevant and wellrespected organization that makes a difference thereby improving the world for future Masonic generations Brother and Noble David Ritchie brought this to my mind in his latest article in the Wisconsin Masonic Journal While we all believe the quoted statements above what do each of us do to model this Perhaps you ve heard the statement that was given to a professional athlete who had stated that he isn t a role model Well whether one likes it or not we all are It is our choice as to whether we are a good role model or not I am happy to say that the vast majority of us make the right choice and it is noticed Not only by other Nobles but by those in the communities we live and wherever we parade We have enjoyed seeing Shriners and Shrine Ladies working together All Nobles and their Ladies continue to prove to me that It s A GREAT Day to be A Zor Shriner December 2019 June 2020 February 2020 August 2020 ZEPHYR REMINDER Be sure to email your stories by Sunday November 10th Include information for the months of November December AND January VOL LXXI NO 10 OCTOBER NOVEMBER 2019 Winner of ten First Place Dromedary Awards for Shrine Newspapers and seven Honorable Mentions Zor Editor Zor Imagineers Correspondent Milt Helmer Page 2 Deadline Nov 10th Deadline Jan 10th Deadline May 10th Deadline July 10th April 2020 Deadline March 10th ZOR SHRINE OFFICE USPS 017 572 Published monthly under the auspices of Zor Shriners of Shriners International Address 575 Zor Shrine Place Madison WI 53719 Electronic Subscription available on website Mail Address 575 Zor Shrine Place Madison WI 53719 Phone 608 833 6343 Fax 608 833 6348 Periodicals Postage Paid Madison WI and additional mailing offices E mail address zortemp chorus net website www zorshriners com Postmaster Send changes of address to Zor Zephyr 575 Zor Shrine Place Madison WI 53719 Zor Temple Office Hours of Operation Monday Thursday 9am 4pm Closed Fridays Deadline for Submission 10th of the month prior For Advertising call Milt Helmer 715 821 5002 Zor Zephyr Magazine www zorshriners com E mail submissions to zorsubmit gmail com

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IMPORTANT INFORMATION Imperial Potentate Jeff Sowder and 1st Lady HELP US SAVE PRINTING AND MAILING COSTS Cheryl Sign up to get your ZEPHYR news magazine via e mail E mail zorcommunications2019 gmail com Become a Friends of Zephyr Send your donation to the Shrine Office 575 Zor Shrine Place Madison WI 53719 ALL CLUBS AND UNITS SHOULD BE ZEPHYR SUPPORTERS THIS IS YOUR ZEPHYR 2019 ZOR ELECTED OFFICERS Potentate Wally Trouten and 1st Lady TIME TO SUBMIT NOMINATIONS FOR POTENTATE AWARD OF MERIT Each year the Potentate has the opportunity to present his Award of Merit s to deserving Nobles or non member volunteers who go above and beyond the expected to serve our Shriner children our hospitals and clinics or our fraternity If you know of someone who you feel is deserving you can nominate him or her by sending a letter to Recorder Zor Shriners 575 Zor Shrine Place Madison WI 53719 NOTICE TO ALL CLUBS AND UNITS It is a Zor Shriners policy that all Club and Unit Officers be elected prior to November 1st of the year preceding their term of office and the information be sent to the Zor Office ASAP before Dec 31st Installation should be after November 1st Only those who are members in good standing of the Shrine may hold an office in either a club or unit If elected or appointed to an office or chairmanship of a club or unit they must be a member of the Shrine This means that all officers and chairmen should pay their 2020 dues prior to December 31 2019 If they do not have their 2020 dues paid they technically are not a member of the Shrine for 2020 and cannot hold an office or chairmanship in a club or unit MEMBERSHIP DUES Any Zor Shriner who has not paid his 2019 dues by the end of the year 2019 will be suspended as of December 31 2019 If there is a reason you need special consideration for payment please contact the office at 608 833 6343 When you get the recording push 1 2 or 3 and leave your message with your reason for non payment ZOR TEMPLE OFFICE HOURS Monday Thursday 9 00 a m 4 00 p m Closed on Fridays Gayle Platteville WI wwtrouten yahoo com Chief Rabban Barry Ausen and Lady Becki Star Prairie WI bausen lakesidefoods com Assistant Rabban Mark Jerdee and Lady Sharon Wilton WI jerdeem hotmail com High Priest Prophet Rodney LaBlanc and Lady Mary Montello WI rmlablanc85 gmail com Oriental Guide Al Brueggen and Lady Penny Sparta WI brueggenal gmail com Recorder Bob Gorsuch PP and Lady Carol 2019 APPOINTED OFFICERS 1st Ceremonial Master Roger Keller Lady Tammy Marshall Brian Dunham Lady Linda Outer Guard Al Coenen New Richmond WI rogerkeller2012 gmail com Eau Claire WI getbrianandlinda gmail com Tomah WI dukeofcoenen yahoo com 2nd Ceremonial Master Captain of the Guard Chaplain Mark Hazelbaker Lady Deb Madison WI mark hazelbakerlaw com Steve Livernash Lady Koral Wisconsin Rapids WI prosticker solarus net Karl Gant Blanchardville WI kgyellowstone62 gmail com Fitchburg WI rgorsuch oakbankonline com Treasurer Larry Hanson PP and Lady Jill Albany WI hanso tds net OCTOBER NOVEMBER 2019 Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 3

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Comstock Tire 2413 S Park St Madison WI 53713 608 257 1004 Your One Stop Shop for Tires Auto Service A NEW LOOK THE SAME COMMITMENT TO DELIVERING Measurable Results DISCOVER THE SVA DIFFERENCE SVAaccountants com 620 Deere Drive New Richmond WI 54017 PHONE 715 246 2261 TOLL FREE 888 674 6455 FAX 715 246 7393 www johnsonmotorsales com Page 4 NOTICES ANNUAL MEETING Annual Meeting for all Zor Nobles is 1 00 p m on January 11 2020 at Zor Temple in Madison Dues must be current 2020 dues Dues card will be asked for If you are going to attend the luncheon at 11 30 a m you must register for it Call the office at 608 833 6343 and hit either 1 or 2 when you get the recorded greeting SHRINERS INTERNATIONAL BYLAWS ELECTION REGULATIONS 325 11 325 11 a Electioneering A candidate for an elected office in a Shrine temple may print publish and circulate during the year he is seeking the elected office a resume consisting of his educational background his vocational history and his Masonic and Shrine record Except as provided in the prior sentence the printing publication circulating or distribution of resolutions letters telegrams tickets email or other devices by a unit club noble or group of nobles suggesting recommending opposing or containing the names of proposed candidates for office in the temple is prohibited 325 11 b Expenditures Prohibited The expenditure of money for gifts favors or entertainment on behalf of a candidate for elected office is prohibited 325 11 Violation For any violation of a or b the Imperial Potentate may suspend any offending noble and he may declare the election of the officers void and order a new election ATTENTION ALL NOBLES ANNUAL MEETING Saturday January 11 2020 1 00 P M Please be advised that the Annual Meeting of the Nobility of Zor Shriners will be held at 1 00 p m Saturday January 11 2020 in Hankwitz Hall Zor Temple The business of the meeting will be to present to the body discuss and vote if necessary on the following items 1 Election of Temple Officers 2 Adoption of 2020 Budget 3 And any other business that may lawfully come before the body Wally Trouten Illustrious Potentate Attest Bob Gorsuch Recorder Appointments are for one year only When a Potentate s term of office expires all appointments made by him during his administration TERMINATE according to the Imperial By laws Such appointments include ALL appointed Officers members of committees and their Chairmen special appointees directors and all members of the Potentate s Staff The Potentate has the power and authority under Imperial Shrine Law to replace every appointee or he may if he believes it to be in the best interest of the Shrine to retain appointees by reappointment Traditionally for the sake of efficiency many Nobles of demonstrated ability are continued in office or appointment by reappointment But this is at the will and pleasure of the incoming Potentate In no case can he be bound by his predecessor Some Nobles seek to perpetuate an appointment fictitiously by adding to the lettering on the Fez the year or years of their appointment This is a violation of Imperial Law The offending may be informed but ignorance of the law is no excuse Zor Zephyr Magazine www zorshriners com

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2020 Zor Annual Meeting And Officer Election Zor Shriner s annual meeting and Election of Officers will be held on Saturday January 11th at the Zor Shrine Center starting about 11 30 a m The usual buffet lunch will begin at 11 30 in the Oasis Room with the Ladies invited to join Please RSVP by December 27th or if the Ladies are interested in something a bit different there is a planned Ladies Dutch Treat luncheon Ladies will meet at 11 15 and then carpool to a restaurant After lunch the Ladies will have free time to shop or relax at the Shrine Center prior to the Installation After the opening of the Temple at 1 p m the business session with all annual reports will last until about 3 p m at which time the election of Officers will be held Remember to bring your New Dues Card when you register to attend the business meeting Following the Election of Officers Ladies Family members and Guest are invited to attend the public installation of the New Officers which will begin at approximately 3 30 p m Housing will be at the Hampton Inn Suites located at 483 Commerce Dr 1 2 mile from Zor next to the Princeton Athletic Club Call the hotel directly at 608 271 0200 and mention the Zor Shriner room rate Room reservation deadline is December 6th HEART OF WISCONSIN SHRINE CLUB MEETING HELD Heart of Wisconsin Shrine Club held a meeting at Romano s in Nekoosa on Monday September 16th Always a great time Zor Shriners Annual Meeting Lunch Saturday January 11 2020 11 30am Nobles and Ladies welcome Name ___________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________ Phone __________________________________________________ No Attending _____ 15 00 person Amount Enclosed ________________ Annual Fez Party Announcement The Annual celebration to present the newly elected Potentate his official fez is scheduled for Saturday January 11 2020 following the annual meeting and installation of officers The Directors Staff President Lance Severson reports the time schedule stays the same as in past years 4 30 p m in the lower Oasis Room for hors d oeuvres from HyVee and beverages served by the 2020 host s Then at 6 00 p m Hankwitz Hall will reopen for a banquet meal with roast beef herb roasted chicken mashed potatoes and gravy and green beans and finish the meal with cake Following dinner the Divan ladies will make a presentation followed by a roast as 2 family members will be ready to spill the beans on our future leader The meal cost has not yet been finalized as of this writing the reservation and payment coupon will be in the December Zephyr Deadline December 27 2019 PLEASE MAIL COUPON TO Zor Shriners 575 Zor Shrine Place Madison WI 53719 UPDATE ON ZOR PROPERTY SALE Zor has received a draft of an offer for the purchase of our entire property in Madison at the price we requested Initial review does not indicate any major obstacles to acceptance Timing of the closing on the property could be as long as two 2 years In the meantime a committee to come up with options for relocation of the Zor offices continues to meet Their recommendations will be brought to the Zor membership for approval or denial Further updates will be forthcoming Any questions on the land offer can be directed to Recorder Bob Gorsuch at 608 279 2139 cell OCTOBER NOVEMBER 2019 Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 5

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l a i n o m Cere ZOR S FALL December 7 2019 Radisson Hotel La Crosse WI Illustrious Sir Wally Trouten and Lady Gayle have announced that the Annual Fall Ceremonial and Parade to Glory will again be held in La Crosse Wisconsin at the Radisson Hotel on Saturday December 7th We again have the honor of hosting our own Zor Noble Imperial Sir Jim Smith Imperial Chief Rabban and Lady Alice We are also expecting a Grand Lodge officer All ZOR Shriners and their Ladies are encouraged to attend this annual event This is a perfect opportunity to top line sign for a brother from your lodge to become a Zor Shriner He and his family will then begin to experience all the benefits of being a Shriner more especially a ZOR Shriner He will then be able to join a Club and or Unit His Lady may join Daughters of the Nile or Zor s Ladies Auxiliary If you are not sponsoring a candidate this year you and your Lady are still encouraged to attend and join in all the fun activities of the Ceremonial day If for no other reason than to meet the new Nobles visit with old acquaintances and to make some new Shrine friends In addition to the Ceremonial Parade to Glory there will be Men Ladies Luncheon Service Awards and the Page 6 Zor Zephyr Magazine www zorshriners com evening Banquet A marketplace will feature Vets Patrol Masonic Items Daughters of the Nile cookie walk Aux Raffle etc Clubs Units or other groups wishing a table s in the marketplace must E mail their request to jbh2010PGM outlook com Please include the number of tables and chairs your group will need We will do our best but space is limited The meal coupon next page must be completed and submitted to Zor for your meals Deadline for meal reservations is 15 November 2019 All late meal reservations will require a 20 late fee per person Deadline for hotel reservations is Friday 06 November 2019 and ask for the Zor Shrine rate Past Potentates Divan and support staff will make hotel reservations via Zor Office General Nobility and Candidates can make their reservations using one of the following methods Call Hotel directly Mon Fri 9am 5pm CST at 608 784 6680 ask for Zor Shriner Ceremonial rate when making your reservation On line at www radisson com lacrossewi using promo code ZOR19

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l a i n o m e r Ce ZOR S FALL sign up now Fall Ceremonial Radisson Hotel La Crosse WI Saturday December 7 2019 Noble Name __________________________________ Lady Guest ________________________ Name Tags will be made from the names you provide above Phone Number _______________________ E Mail Address _______________________________ Please Reserve the following Meals Men s Lunch Buffet No _______ 25 ___________________ Ladies Luncheon Buffet No _______ 25 ___________________ Dinner Pork Tenderloin No _______ 35 ___________________ Dinner Walleye No _______ 35 ___________________ Dinner Chicken No _______ 35 ___________________ Child Meal 10 yrs under No _______ 10 ___________________ Lunch and or Dinner Late Fee No _______ 20 ea ________________ per person for meal reservations made after November 15th Total Due __________________ MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO ZOR SHRINERS Mail registration to Zor Shrine Ceremonial 575 Zor Shrine Place Madison WI 53719 Reservation Registration Deadline November 15 2019 Special Dietary Needs Contact Zor Office Zortemp chorus net or 608 833 6343 Salad Gathered Greens with Petite Tomatoes Sliced Cucumber Parmesan Cheese and Balsamic Vinaigrette Choice entr e Each entr e comes with Seasonal Steamed Vegetables Yukon Mashed Potatoes Toasted Focaccia Encrusted Walleye with a Champagne Beurre Blanc Herb Roasted Chicken Breast with Sweet Garlic Thyme Jus Pork Loin Stuffed with Smoked Bacon and Dried Cherries with Creamy Pork Jus Alternated Served Desserts Banana Cream Tart with Chantilly Cream Milk Chocolate Cheesecake with Graham Cracker Crust Whipped Cream OCTOBER NOVEMBER 2019 Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 7

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Calendar Raffle Winners 20 00 David Rezin Warrens 20 00 Jane Crawford Mondovi 20 00 Emilia Wesley New Lisbon 20 00 Niki Zrostlik Long Grove IA 20 00 Carmen Webb Wis Rapids 20 00 Elaine Hines Ellsworth 100 00 Donna Davis Mondovi 20 00 Roxanne Leahy Shullsburg 20 00 Emma Zrostlik Long Grove IA 20 00 Sean Katuin Waupaca 20 00 Brenda Drier Arkansaw 20 00 Alex Olson Watertown 20 00 Jo Garthwaiate Janesville 100 00 Jan Fehr Colfax 20 00 Matt Iserloth Bellville 20 00 Jan Fehr Colfax 20 00 Alan Brueggen Sparta 20 00 Benjamin Cornwell Baldwin 20 00 Valerie Irwin Baldwin 20 00 Ronda Portwine Lone Rock 100 00 Roas Salzman Afton 20 00 Mackinzie Collins Verona 20 00 Todd Perry Black River Falls 20 00 Tyler Meyer Wauwatosa 20 00 Tim Larkin Tomah 20 00 Billy Jo Mark Elmwood 20 00 Debbie Sie Mondovi 100 00 Karen Jones Madison 20 00 Jeff Kloneckl La Crosse 150 00 Eric Collins Verona DONATIONS Shriners Hospitals for Children Chicago SHC Chicago In Memory of Karen Everson Richard Doolittle Barbara Drecktrah Donor Lee Sharon Christensen Mark Virginia Owens Kay Utzig Stephen Lori Hagen Philip Carol Peterson David Jayne Wick Betty Cahoon Larry Barbara Mahr David Judy Hammersley Harlan Debbie Heller Dennis Erfurth Kenneth Yvonne Bavery Barbara Larson Michael Nelson Jack Diane Jensen Ronald F Outhouse Mike Pat Barry Ronald Yvonne Jorgensen Linda O Brien The Law Center SC Gary Shealy Roger Judith Nitzsche Carol David Skavlen David Nelson Keith Syvrud Richard Rygh John Debra Thorstad Roger Lou Barthel FRIENDS OF THE ZOR ZEPHYR DONORS PP Tom Nancy Nelson Sam Arneson Ellen Manthe Larry Nelson Darrell Schultz PP Roger Judy Nitzcshe PP Bob Carol Gorsuch Willard Janis Reck Bob Amy Hering PP Steve Mary Ellen Peterson PP Ken Wava Grinde PP Gary Judy Cuskey Ruth Kielley Jim Smith Wayne Tubbs Jerry Diane Balschun Lyle Fox Burnell Roble SHC Twin Cities In Memory of Bob Harley John Sigafus Robert Betthauser Lowell Larson Donations Hospital Transportation Milt Helmer N6356 740th St Beldenville WI 54003 715 821 5002 miltonhelmer gmail com www milthelmer Page 8 Zor Zephyr Magazine www zorshriners com Donor Pam Mousel Mr Mrs John Hein Marilyn Ivers Shel Ivers Dennis Nola Weis James F Golz Patricia Preisig Robert Donna Kenas Viroqua Chapter No 35 Richard Greta Hougom Birger Phyllis Eklov Jean Sandry Donors Andy Anna Burish Lavern Edna Wagler Duane Webb In Memory of Karen Everson Donor Dave Stolen In Memory of Alvie Nelson Donor Roger Judith Nitzsche Endowment Fund

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ZOR SHRINE CALENDAR OF EVENTS Sunday Oct 13 th Saturday Oct 15th Wednesday Oct 17th Friday MOUND VIEW SHRINE CLUB DINNER DANCE 4 40 pm 7 00 pm Dodgeville Masonic Lodge LAKELAND SHRINE CLUB MONTHLY MEETING Saturday UW RIVER FALLS ST CROIX SHRINE GAME SPORTSMAN RAFFLE Oct 22 nd Thursday Oct 24 th Friday Saturday HONORED LADIES LUNCH DIVAN MEETING STEAK FRY 11 30 am Zor Shrine Center MINI CARS MONTHLY MEETING 6 30 pm Edgerton Truck Stop VALLEY OF MADISON REUNION Oct 25th 26th Wednesday Madison Masonic Center 301 Wisconsin Ave Madison WI Nov 6th DIRECTORS STAFF QUARTERLY MEETING Monday ZEPHYR DEADLINE Nov 11th Wednesday Nov 13th Thursday Nov 14th Sunday 6 30 pm Maple Tree Restaurant McFarland DIVAN MEETING 1 pm Zor Shrine Center LAKELAND SHRINE CLUB MONTHLY MEETING 6 00 pm Maple Tree Restaurant McFarland Nov 24th SOUTHWESTERN WISCONSIN SHRINE CLUB QUEENB RADIO ALL AREA FOOTBALL Sunday Saturday FEZTIVAL OF TREES Nov 24 30 th th Dec 6th Eau Claire LAKELAND SHRINE CLUB CHRISTMAS PARTY 6 30 pm Stoughton Country Club Reservations required contact Jim Stelsel Jr 608 770 5204 Cell DIVAN MEETING Radisson Hotel LaCrosse DIVAN GUESTS DINNER Radisson Hotel LaCrosse Friday Sunday FALL CEREMONIAL Dec Radisson Hotel LaCrosse 6th 8th 7 pm Mehara Shrine Club 2625 W Folsom St Eau Claire WI Tuesday Friday 6 00 pm Maple Tree Restaurant McFarland Oct 18 Oct 19th Dec 4th ZOR TRUSTEE S MEETING 10 am Zor Shrine Center ST CROIX SC SHRINE PARTY th Wednesday Sunday Dec 8th Wednesday Dec 11th SW SHRINE CLUB DIVAN MEETING Zor Shrine Center If needed HOSPITAL DADS DRIVER Schelley Schoville Schelley Schoville Dora Johnston Msrk Charbonneau Tim Natarus Dick Jarvis Dora Johnston Bob Calverley Mike Hayden John Hanson Allen Coenen Dora Johnston Monte Steiber Monte Steiber Allen Coenen Bob Calverley Bob Calverley Dora Johnston Monte Steiber Duane Harvey RIDER John Shaeffer Steve Marshall Bob Keene Carol Stephen Britton Don Heit Jay Wood Mike Hunter Bob Keene Mark Charbonneau Kersten Rocksvold Steve Marshall Jennifer Lukowicz Jay Wood Debbie Longfield Steve Marshall Norman Luellen IN MEMORIAM Larry R Derks 08 08 19 Schofield WI Fred P Gudgeon 08 30 19 Westby WI Harry E Hiser 08 30 19 Onalaska WI Odean A Teigen 09 10 19 Stoughton WI OCTOBER NOVEMBER 2019 Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 9

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MAKING QUILTS Lady Gayle and her 4 sisters brother and nieces worked together this summer to make 15 lap size quilts to be donated to the Shrine Hospital One of them will be raffled by Daughters of the Nile at Ceremonial and another will be raffled at the Holiday Spirits Zor Funsters Event in October We wanted to make bright colorful quilts with kids in mind and to honor Wally as the 2019 Potentate and also our father who was a Zurah Shriner Gun Raffle Tickets SELL SELL SELL or get them turned back in to you club or Unit or any Divan member Sportsman s 40 Gun Raffle Oct 19th 2019 This year we are offering the 40 Gun Sportsman s Raffle tickets through the Zephyr in the form of a coupon that can be returned to the Temple to be entered in the drawing This is designed for members who are not active with a club or unit but still wish to participate in a Temple fundraiser Tickets can be purchased for 20 00 each or a book of 6 for 100 00 To purchase a ticket s fill out the ticket coupon indicate how many tickets you would like and mail it and the money to the Temple Please purchase tickets before Oct 12 2019 Ticket stubs will be returned to the buyers Tickets may also be obtained by contacting a Divan member or any Shrine Club Zor Shriners 575 Zor Shrine Place Madison WI 53719 PARADE PRACTICE The mini car unit did a parade practice on Aug 25th so that our newest member Jorge Salgado could learn the parade maneuvers prior to the Jefferson parade Page 10 Zor Zephyr Magazine www zorshriners com

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Nerve transfer surgeries offer new hope for children Among the first in the area to offer the treatment for acute flaccid myelitis SMALL BAG BUT BIG HEART Several months ago while conducting a conference in Louisiana Susan Delle Shaffette the daughter of Noble Don Lady Mary Fennie had mentioned to a women attending the conference that the Shriners collected can tabs and what they were used for The next day the women brought her a bag od the tabs to help the cause The picture below was sent to the lady with a thank you letter As we see the story tells it all and reaches everyone Thanks for the tops every little bit helps Photo by Noble Don Fennie Max is a big fan of fishing Last summer the 7 year old spent many days going fishing with his neighbor His family hopes he can fish again after a rare sudden illness left him unable to move one arm and temporarily paralyzed his legs Acute flaccid myelitis AFM is a condition that can attack the nervous tissue and the myelin the protective coating of the spine nerves Doctors at Shriners Hospitals for Children Chicago took some of Max s own nerves from his rib cage area and transferred them to his right arm It is hoped the nerve transfer surgery will restore better movement to his right elbow and hand Shriners Hospital is among the first to offer this technique in Chicago for patients with AFM After a period of recovery we take an inventory of nerve function using a combination of physical examination and nerve testing to see what s working Dr Fishman and Sameer Puri M D work together in the operating room A physiatrist and pediatric rehabilitation team provide support with medications and therapy which Dr Fishman says are an essential component of a successful result what the patient has that wasn t affected by AFM or that has recovered sufficiently and can be used to augment what isn t working said Felicity Fishman M D an orthopaedic hand and upper extremity surgeon at the Chicago Shriners Hospital It takes at least six months or longer to start to see if nerve transfers were successful because nerves regenerate slowly about an inch a month Shriners Hospitals takes a team approach to children with AFM Two orthopaedic hand surgeons After taking a month to heal from surgery Max has had regular occupational and physical therapy all summer to keep his muscles and joints flexible His family is still waiting to see if the nerve transfer will allow him to fish or write using his right hand again It s waiting and working and that will be the hardest part now for a whole year Max s mom Anna said She has already noticed small changes How he keeps his hand down Before it was turned under and bent Now his hand is more loose and straight I m so glad we came here Express Your Season s Greetings Fill out the coupon below with your 10 donation Send it today to make sure your name will be included with all the other Nobles families Noble __________________________________ Spouse __________________________________ Shrine Club Unit __________________________________________________ Friend Children __________________________________________________ PRINT CLEARLY AND MAIL TO Zor Shriners 575 Zor Shrine Place Madison WI 53719 Deadline November 10 2019 OCTOBER NOVEMBER 2019 Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 11

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ANTIOCH TEMPLE NO 113 Antioch Temple No 113 enjoyed a special day on Aug 31st The Supreme Queen Dale Obernolte visited us for her official visit We were excited to initiate Pr Diane Amundson into our order There were 2 visiting Queens and 35 other ladies in attendance The dinner following was a great buffet enjoyed by our Illustrious Sir Wally Trouten Potentate of Zor and his lady Gayle A former patient at the Chicago Shrine Hospital spoke on her time there over 40 years ago It was so interesting hearing about the many changes from years ago Home of the 23 95 Oil Change AUTOMOTIVE www moodyscorner com Sales Service Tires Family owned Since 1940 715 425 2472 590 S Wasson Lane River Falls WI 54022 Your Source for Quality Building Materials and Excellent Service Building Materials Cabinet Design Windows Doors Drafting Services 16 Locations FREE Delivery PROUDLY FEATURING Visit our website at Page 12 www abc clc com Zor Zephyr Magazine www zorshriners com Attached is a picture of S Q Dale Obernolte Queen of Antioch Judy Emerson S Pr Royal Heather Krastins Lambert and in the back row Queen Kate Smith Thompson of Mat Sha Temple St Paul MN and Queen Bonnie Kohn of Beja Temple Green Bay We will be having our annual Cookie Walk at the Radisson Hotel La Crosse at the Shrine fall Ceremonial on Saturday Dec 7th The Antioch ladies provide all these wonderful cookies Remember to stop by and enjoy the wonders of our cookies

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Shriners Grand Marshals are current Shrine patients By Milt Helmer The two daughters of Teri and Oliver King of River Falls who will lead the Shrine parade as Grand Marshals on October 19th in River Falls are different in many ways Eight year old Hailey is the more athletic of the two She is into cheerleading gymnastics and most of all volley ball She longs to be a meteorologist when she grows up She loves nature and the great outdoors Thirteen year old Olivia is the reflective one She enjoys writing drawing and music In fact she has written and illustrated her first book which is now on the shelves of the Fox Den in downtown River Falls She and her sister also love performing in plays Olivia appeared in the play The Shadows which has 5 performances at the River Falls Library in August Both girls also performed in another play the Best Worst Christmas at a local church Their father Oliver also appeared in that holiday production Olivia loves also golf and would like to become an author and illustrator someday Both Olivia and Hailey had issues that called for braces Olivia was diagnosed with scoliosis when very young and the family was told to watch the condition When she was four the condition was showing signs of worsening and she was taken to Gillette Hospital in the Twin Cities She was fitted with braces The brace was painful but they were told it was necessary After the second brace and rising health care costs Teri s mom suggested she look into Shriners Healthcare for Children She is now on her first brace at Shriners and the family is looking into therapy to replace the awkward brace Oliver also suffers from a sensory problem which makes the brace even more uncomfortable to wear Eight year old Hailey suffered from a condition in which she was walking on her tip toes This called for a brace from her foot to her knees For the active youngster it was hard to deal with They are going back to Shriners to find out if there is other therapy that could be used to correct their conditions Both are now undergoing treatment at the Shriners Members of the King family poise for a picture at the River Falls Library Left to right is Hailey Mom Teri and Olivia King Photo by Milt Helmer Healthcare for Children in the Twin Cities Hailey just loved being at Shriners saying they have fun toys She added she wished she could spend more time there The King family is originally from Illinois They have traveled Illinois to Iowa to Minnesota and now in River Falls for the last 7 years The girls go back to school in September Olivia in 8th grade at Meyer and Hailey in 2nd grade at Rocky Branch Both young ladies will be riding in the Shrine Parade and also be honored guests at the Potentates Dinner prior on Friday night prior to the game Steak Fry 2019 SCHEDULE Cost 10 payable at the door Tuesday October 22 2019 Sponsored by Past Potentates Reserve by October 17 2019 Temple Office 608 833 6343 Location Temple Time Social Hour 5 00 p m Dinner 6 00 p m PARADE FUN Potentate Wally Trouten with Nobel Ron Jaacks in the Platteville Dairy Days parade on Saturday September 7th OCTOBER NOVEMBER 2019 Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 13

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Dear fellow Nobles First I would like to say THANK YOU for the privilege of serving as YOUR Imperial Potentate Cheryl and I are extremely honored to be temporarily elevated to this position and we promise that we will work each day to try to make our fraternity and philanthropy a little better than the day before Throughout my life I have always believed that EVERYONE should belong to something bigger than they are so they can join with others to MAKE A DIFFERENCE EVERY person can be that JUST ONE person who makes a positive difference in the lives of other people I am honored to be working with each of you this year as we strive to MAKE A DIFFERENCE each and every day As we start this Imperial year we need to make membership our 1 PRIORITY We MUST rebuild our fraternity and our temple membership and we MUST take responsibility to get this important task done I have only one simple request that we ALL every one of us get JUST ONE new member during this next 12 months If ALL of us working together focus on getting JUST ONE new member either by creation or by restoration we will see an IMMEDIATE impact on our declining membership We MUST look at everyone we come in contact with differently those we work with those we go to church with the fathers and grandfathers of the children who attend the school that our children and grandchildren attend We must ask ourselves would these men make good Masons and Shriners We then need to not be afraid to ASK them about becoming a member of the world s oldest largest most widely known and most widely respected fraternal organization in the world FREEMASONRY and then to become a Shriner and join us as an owner of 22 health care facilities that make up the world s greatest philanthropy SHRINERS HOSPITALS FOR CHILDREN I challenge each of you to always have your two minute elevator speech on WHY you are a Shrine Mason ready we MUST be able to be articulate the PRIDE we each have in our membership with each person we encounter We MUST be able to tell them about the miracles that happen every day in our hospitals and outpatient centers and that we have made a positive difference in the lives of over 1 4 MILLION children and their families all regardless of their ability to pay One final note the Shriners Hospitals for Children Open golf tournament will be held Oct 3 6 in Las Vegas It is not too late to join us for this outstanding event I would like to thank the OVER 400 Shriner volunteers that will be assisting us at the tournament We have a GREAT field of golfers playing this year including Phil Michelson Brooks Koepka Bryson DeChambeau and others It will be a fun time in Vegas hope to see you there Yours in the faith Jeffrey L Sowder Imperial Potentate Page 14 Zor Zephyr Magazine www zorshriners com

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SHC TC CLINIC BUILDING VIEW The aerial pictures that you see of the new SHC TC clinic building in Woodbury Minnesota are courtesy of Bob Hering and his grandson Adam Johnson Adam is a former patient at the SHC TC and wanted to continue Paying it forward by using his drone to take the aerial photographs Adam is licensed by the FAA and the US Department of Transportation to operate Commercial Unmanned Aircraft drones in particular OCTOBER NOVEMBER 2019 Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 15

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WINNING THE GOLD shrinershospitals shclexington patient Mikaela just became the WORLD CHAMPION in the S10 Butterfly Finals after wining GOLD at the Paralympic World Championships in London England WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU MIKAELA Thank you for inspiring us all with your amazing talent strength and abilities HONOR FLIGHT Congratulations to ZOR Noble Ray Asbjornson as he attended the Never Forgotten Honor Flight Thank you for your service Ray ZOR ROADRUNNERS The thrilling Roadrunners at it again in Amery Wisconsin HILLBILLY CLAN 183 SHRINE CLUB Patch of a fellow Couzin New hillbilly ladies Lexie LaBlanc And Barb Ritchie Page 16 Left photo Couzin s flooding the air with some string tunes Zor Zephyr Magazine www zorshriners com Right photo Clan Newbees Bob Beech Marvin Engelka Dave Ritchie Steve Livingston

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Shriners Breakfast with Santa Saturday November 30 2019 8 00 a m noon All You Can Eat Breakfast PANCAKES EGGS SAUSAGES APPLESAUCE BEVERAGES Activities for Kids VISIT SANTA FACE PAINTING ELF SHELF Adults 7 00 Children 5 12 3 00 UNDER 5 FREE Labor Temple 318 S 3RD AVE WAUSAU WI Shriners Hospitals for Children is a health care system of 17 hospitals and five out patient locations dedicated to improving the lives of children by providing pediatric specialty care innovative research and outstanding teaching programs for medical professionals Children up to age 18 with orthopedic conditions burns spinal cord injuries and cleft lip and palate are eligible for care and receive all services in a family centered environment regardless of the patients ability to pay If you know of a child who could benefit by these services call Steve Peterson at 715 573 4059 or Rick Schnabel 715 432 3152 ey we have raised mon This is the 24th year n re for Child for Shriners Hospitals te to this fundraiser na do to e sir de u yo If e 15 432 3152 or Stev call Rick Schnabel 7 9 for more details 05 Peterson 715 573 4 which children of all This is a family event s and grandparents rent ages will enjoy so pa lendar to attend put this on your ca Page 18 Zor Zephyr Magazine www zorshriners com All net proceeds go to

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THE SHRINERS ARE THERE EVERY STEP OF THE WAY Be well Be home Be family Supper Club Open 7 Days A Week Whether you join our community based Wellness Connection become a member of our team or experience our full continuum of care we welcome you Serving Nightly at 4pm Sunday Mornings 8 30am 1pm Banquet Facilities for Parties and Special Events Visit our website for virtual tours careers fitness membership info and more Lifestyle Value Trust 6010 Hwy 51 McFarland 410 N Main St Dousman WI 53118 800 848 5306 www threepillars org 608 838 5888 If Image Is Important To You We re Here For All Your Needs CUSTOM APPAREL T Shirts Hats Sweatshirts Smith Contact us today We also do Business Cards Banners Signs Flyers Envelopes Brochures Raffle Tickets Coupon Books Local National Direct Mail and much more union ily re June 3 2020 fam WI Grand Park 800 533 1635 DEPARTMENT LAKE CITY FIRE Raffle Fireman s Dance 119th Annualto be won see back for details 20 Prizes 2001 FORD 1stprize RANGER XLT Donation 5 00 Need not be win present to permit 02785 31367 REGULAR CAB AUTOMATIC donated by Drawing to be held July WHITE HARD Tom Heffernan 1st 2017 at 0001 _ ____________ 0001 permit 02785 31367 ___________ S _______ ____________ _ ____________ Phone ____________ www HelmerPrinting com ____________ 599 D Onofrio Drive Suite 222 Madison WI 53719 Direct Line 608 662 2300 Fax 608 662 9977 Cell 608 220 7271 Email mh kasieta com Website www kasieta com Address ____________ Attorney at Law PROMOTIONAL ITEMS Pens Koozies Bags Key Chains Cups Mugs Raffle Tickets Name ____________ Mark B Hazelbaker TONNEAU COVER Ford Inc the Lake City Fireman s Dance OCTOBER NOVEMBER 2019 Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 19

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Zor Shriners Tournament Sportsman s Raffle at Mehara Shrine Club 2625 W Folsom St Eau Claire WI This is a great event for the whole family that can t be beat And best of all you don t even need to know a thing about fishing This year over 850 00 in CASH will be given out Plus there will be paddle wheel games and several other activities to keep you entertained along with snacks and a cash bar Check out the rules below for the full details and we ll see you on the 19th FISH ON OFFICIAL ICE FISHING RULES Must buy a Shrine Fishing License that has a specific identification number You ll also receive 25 lures Licenses are 20 apiece and are non transferable You may buy additional lures for 1 each or 25 for 20 You ll place your lures in one of the 54 holes buckets you would like to fish in You may fish all of your lures in one hole or spread them out over several holes Once the tournament starts we ll draw a hole that has a fish at least every two minutes Once the active hole is drawn we will draw out one of the lures If your number is called you must report to the hole with your license before the next active hole is drawn When you arrive at the hole you ll draw a card which indicates the weight of the fish Aces are 1lb other weights equal numerical value in the card all face cards are 10lbs Jokers are a missed fish Tagged fish win special cash prizes You ll then clip your card to your stringer lanyard At the conclusion of the tournament you ll turn in your stringer and the weights will be calculated In the result of a tie in any category the prize will be split plit between the winners FISH CANNOT BE T TRANSFERRED BETWEEN FISHERMEN ERMEN For Additional Information or where to purchase Sportsman orttsman 40 Gun Raffle Tickets Call 608 487 1692 Al Donations are not tax deductible Page 20 Zor Zephyr Magazine www zorshriners com Appearance by Gilbert Brown The top 3 weight totals will be paid out 400 for 1st 200 for 2nd 100 for 3rd There will w also be wil prizes for 1st fish caught and most fish caught 50 for 1st 100 for most

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OFFICERS ELECTED TO SERVE ST CROIX VALLEY SHRINE CLUB Shown are the Nobles who were elected or appointed to serve the club for 2020 2021 Left to right is Bob Fisher Director Bob Hering Trout Pond chair and member of the Shrine Board of Governors Jerry DuBois Director Sketch Gustofson Healthcare rep Mike Kastens Chaplin Larry Wiegand Secretary Larry Riemenschneider Director and Passed Potentate Carl Gaulke Vice President and Jack Thomas Treasurer Seated left to right is Roger Keller past president and Football game chair and Ed Swenson President elect for 2020 2021 Missing photo were Doug Hoffman Director Dale Brathol Director Randy Pfab Zor Roadrunners Captain and Milt Helmer Zor Correspondent Shrine Officers elected coming events announced By Milt Helmer Members and officers of the St Croix Valley Shrine Club gathered at the New River s Edge Restaurant in Somerset Wisconsin on Wednesday September 18th to not only elect new officers to lead the premier Shrine Club for the next two years but also to bring everyone up to date President Roger Keller served as master of ceremonies of the meeting He thanked his team of Board and committee chairman for an outstanding job over the past two years of his presidency saying this has been a true team effort It was a nostalgic evening for Keller who earlier in his working career had tended bar at the old River s Edge He said I got to work many of the Shrine stag nights long before I joined the Shrine Roger now has risen to a position in the State organization the Zor Shrine Temple PGA Golf Tournament One of the many things coming up was a special PGA Golf Tournament set for Oct 3 6 in Las Vegas Noble Bob Hering who is a member of the Shrine Board of Governors for the Twin Cities said there will be 22 Shriners Hospital for Children patient representatives throughout the country invited to the Nationally telecast PGA golf tournament According to Hering this will be a rare inside the ropes opportunity for the kids to show how the Shriners Hospital has transformed their lives Professional golfers will meet and greet Shriners volunteers and spectators The Shriners Healthcare for Children Twin Cities will be inviting a young man named Isaac 14 of Neillsville Wisconsin as their representative Isaac was born with a limb deficiency of the left hand He has been a patient of the Shriners Health Care Twin Cities since he as 9 months old Over the years he has received everyday prosthetics as well as sport specific arms he utilizes in baseball hockey golf fishing and weight lifting Isaac and the other patient s stories will appear on line in the tournament programs and will be shared on Golf channels which will televise the tournament nationally and internationally reaching over 700 million homes across 240 countries At the tournament the patient representatives will serve as standard bearers throughout the weekend carrying the scores of professional golfers The patients are seeking donations to help send Isaac to the tournament The St Croix Valley Shrine club raised 620 at their stag night to help in the effort One of the notable upcoming events being sponsored by the St Croix Valley Shrine club will be the Little East West Shrine Game held on Saturday Oct 19th in River Falls The week long activities begin with a special pork chop dinner for the football team of the Falcons of the University of Wisconsin River Falls Wednesday October 16th at the American Legion club Guest speakers will be Earl Gunderson District 2 Deputy Grand Master of Masons in Wisconsin and Barry Ausen Chief Rabban of the Zor Temple in Madison The next event will be the annual Potentate s Dinner held on Friday October 18th at Junior s in River Falls The grand marshals of the parade on Saturday Hailey King and her sister Olivia will be guests of honor at the banquet The Shrine club will host their traditional Oasis on Saturday October 19 beginning a 7 30 am The parade line up starts at 9 30 and will feature numerous Shrine units from throughout the Midwest plus units from the UW RF Homecoming The game kicks off at 1 pm at Ramer Field on campus The parade marshals will be introduced prior to kick off OCTOBER NOVEMBER 2019 Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 21

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Zor Mavericks preparing for their next maneuver WO ZHA WA DAYS PARADE Nobles of ZOR and Tripoli Shrine participated in the WoZha Wa Days parade in Wisconsin Dells The Mavericks kicked things off followed by the Funsters Tripoli Long Riders and lastly the Midgets Afterwards Nobles and their ladies enjoyed a picnic at Noble Marty Blake s house Thank you Marty and Mary for the hospitality Zor Funsters Batman Little boy a Superhero fan and Spiderman Our Tripoli peddling for kids Shriner Brothers Zor Midgets thrilling the crowd of thousands For all your printing and promotional needs Business Cards Banners Forms digital print signs 715 268 7295 215 Power Street t Amery WI 54001 Jerome Sorensen 715 497 2645 or Jennifer 715 497 7413 Page 22 Zor Zephyr Magazine www zorshriners com Steve Schumacher CFP Managing Director Branch Manager Direct 608 758 5330 steve schumacher wellsfargoadvisors com Wells Fargo Advisors is a trade name used by Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC Member SIPC a registered broker dealer and non bank affiliate of Wells Fargo Company 2011 2013 2016 Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC All rights reserved 74127 v4 A1695 BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 0718 01772

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New medical device for scoliosis treatment approved by FDA Portland Shriners Hospital is one of the few hospitals with staff trained to perform innovative scoliosis treatment deformity they deserve an individualized treatment plan utilizing the most advanced and innovative techniques The spine team at the Portland Shriners Hospital takes a fully integrated team approach to the treatment of pediatric spine conditions with a focus on early detection and fusionless treatments for the growing spine as well as offering minimally invasive and advanced surgical techniques for those children who do require spinal fusions A new medical device for treating scoliosis curvature of the spine has received FDA approval providing an alternative that both corrects the curve and maintains flexibility in the spine Children worldwide are affected by scoliosis and Shriners Hospitals for Children Portland has an extensive scoliosis program designed to treat all forms of the condition using every non surgical and surgical option available Michelle Welborn M D pediatric orthopaedic surgeon at the Portland Shriners Hospital is one of only 12 current surgeons across the country certified to perform this innovative surgical procedure Anterior vertebral body tethering VBT is a promising alternative for certain patients with scoliosis who meet very specific criteria are still growing and for whom surgery is indicated VBT is an alternative to spinal fusion While VBT is not right for everyone it is a great alternative to fusion particularly for those patients where preserving motion is critical such as those patients with curves in their lower spine athletes and dancers Furthermore recovery tends to be faster so patients can return to activities faster than they would following a fusion The FDA s clearance is for The Tether which uses patented methods and techniques developed by medical staff of Shriners Hospitals for Children Philadelphia and performed at the Portland Shriners Hospital It is the first commercially available product used specifically for VBT Fast facts Scoliosis The key in all care and treatments of scoliosis is prevention the earlier detection happens in children and adolescents the better possible outcomes There are many types of scoliosis How it works Instead of using metal rods VBT uses a strong flexible cord to gently pull on the outside of a scoliosis curve to straighten the spine A screw is placed in each vertebra of the curve and then attached to the flexible cord with the spine in a straighter position Scoliosis progression is stopped the spine is realigned and can continue to grow and flexibility is maintained As the child grows it is anticipated that curve progression will be halted and the spine will remain straight Neuromuscular scoliosis related to underlying conditions affecting the nerves including cerebral palsy and spina bifida The Tether straightens the spine using the patient s growth process The pressure from the cord slows the growth on the tall side of the vertebra so that the short side can grow and catch up This novel technology allows for both correction and continued motion at the levels of the spine treated unlike fusion surgeries As an emerging treatment for a small patient population this system is being made available through the FDA s humanitarian device exemption HDE pathway About anterior vertebral body tethering Customized treatment Whether a child has common idiopathic adolescent scoliosis or a highly complex spine Scoliosis associated with a syndrome or other condition such as Marfan syndrome Congenital scoliosis associated with malformed vertebra bones in the spine and or ribs Idiopathic scoliosis not related to another condition As with all medical care and procedures results differ based on individual patients Patients who opt for the tethering procedure can return to their routine activities including sports after about one month In comparison after a spinal fusion it can take six months to a year to reach that point Tethering may be an option for adolescent patients with scoliosis for whom wearing a brace is difficult for physical and or psychosocial reasons OCTOBER NOVEMBER 2019 Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 23

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LAKELAND SHRINE CLUB ANNUAL LADIES NIGHT DINNER Lakeland Shrine Club held their Annual Ladies Night dinner on Sunday Sept 22nd at the Maple Tree Restaurant in McFarland 46 people were in attendance Each member presented there lady with a carnation and they commented on why she is so special Annual Shrine Women s Auxiliary Auction Hosted by St Croix Valley Shrine Women s Auxiliary Ready Randy s Sports Bar Grill New Richmond Friday November 1 2019 Join us for refreshments dinner and the auction Bring your friends and family for a fun evening And get a little Christmas shopping in as well The meal will consist of an 8oz sirloin steak or champagne chicken with baby red potatoes chef blend vegetables and a spring garden salad by calling 715 246 6897 or 715245 7545 Please bring items for the auction such as baked goods hand made crafts small furniture wall hangings sporting goods items that can be sold to raise money Cost 26 per person includes tax gratuity and use of the room All net proceeds will be used by the Women s Auxiliary to benefit the Shriner s Healthcare for Children Twin Cities Please make reservations by October 28th to Pearl Christensen Schedule Friday November 1 2019 5 00 PM 6 00 PM Social hour 6 00 PM 6 30 PM Dinner 6 30 PM 9 00 PM Auction Pete Gunderson Matt Gunderson Clary s Gourmet Popcorn 105 State Street Madison WI 53703 608 255 2994 Order on line at www claryspopcorn com UPS shipping available Page 24 Zor Zephyr Magazine www zorshriners com

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Who cleans the bottom of the ocean A Mer Maid Why do watermelons have fancy weddings I tried to sue the airline for misplacing my luggage Because they cantaloupe I lost my case Zor Noble s Last Name Word List First Name How much fun is doing your laundry Member Since LARRY JOHNSON 1972 DWAIN JONES 1972 WAYNE MEYERS 1972 JERRY MILLER 1972 FLOYD RICHARDSON 1972 JAMES STELSEL SR 1972 JAMES BEEBE 1972 EUGENE BONNES 1972 DONALD EGGEN 1972 on the lighter side Zap for Answer Sheet Loads VERN ENGEBRETSON 1972 PP 1993 J KEVIN JOHNSON 1972 PP 1997 DANIEL LINEHAN 1972 ROBERT SMITH 1972 LEONARD URBAN 1972 STANLEY JOHNSON 1972 JOHN MCCOY 1972 J BURTON PIERCE 1972 ROGER SEDGWICK 1972 CHARLES WUSSOW 1972 JOHN BENEDICT 1972 HERBERT BLOOMER SR 1972 ROBERT BULLOCK 1972 DANIEL DIXON 1972 WAYNE HAMLER 1972 HOLLIS HERBISON 1972 ZOR IMAGINEERS Created with TheTeachersCorner net Word Search Maker OCTOBER NOVEMBER 2019 Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 25

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No Job Too Big or Too Small 800 972 9546 ROBERTS RIVER FALLS Jeffrey A Redmon Your Business Counselor in the St Croix Valley Being a Hospital DAD is one of the fundamental activities of a Shriner Zor Hospital DADS are Nobles from around Zorland They selflessly sacrifice their time to transport children from their area to appointments at either Shriners Hospital for Children Chicago or Shriners Healthcare for Children Twin Cities It may not appear that it would but when the day is done you feel as though you have received the ethereal wages of a Master Mason If you want to prove this statement wrong please contact the hospital van coordinator nearest you 715 386 0100 175 Second St So Suite 300 Hudson WI 54016 Zor Hospital Dad s Van Coordinators Contact Info Zor Van Coordinator Rodney LaBlanc rmlablanc85 gmail com 608 617 6602 Wausau Van 1 Steve Petersen PP petestrout msn com 715 573 4059 Rapids Van 2 Bob Calverley jinglescal1 gmail com 715 572 8937 Van 4 Platteville Schelley Schoville Monte Steiber schovill chorus net mbamsteiber centurytel net 608 732 0030 608 412 0264 Janesville John Torpy johnnjeri hotmail com 608 774 6434 Tomah Van 9 Bob Keene 2keenes4u charter net John Schaeffer beaushaeffer aol com H 608 372 2577 C 608 343 0075 515 710 1260 Van 6 Eau Claire Van 10 Dora Johnston Bruce Fransway gammadora gmail com bruce franzwas com 715 210 0682 715 225 6983 Wautoma Mike Karas mkkfloyd888 gmail com 608 254 6575 Van 19 Honored Ladies Lunch Zor Shrine Temple Tuesday October 22 2019 Social 11 00 am Lunch 12 00 noon All Zor Ladies and guests are invited to attend the lunch where we honor the widows of Shrine It s a great time to socialize with friends Name ____________________________________________________________ Phone ___________________________________________________________ Reservation Number _____________ 20 00 each Total ________________ 715 643 4211 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO ZOR SHRINERS AND MAIL COUPON TO Zor Honored Ladies Lunch 575 Zor Shrine Place Madison WI 53719 Page 26 Zor Zephyr Magazine www zorshriners com Deadline October 7 2019

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WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE Steve Livernash units What makes the difference between Shriner units and other parade CAPTAIN OF THE GUARD IMAGINEER S PROJECT MANAGER The Wisconsin Dells Parade attracts tens prosticker solarus net of thousands of people Many places along the route had 6 to 8 people deep from the curb People from all over the world and neighboring states vacationing and watching one of the most premier parades in Wisconsin Many floats marching bands and unique acts throughout the event The Zor Shriners were well represented with our Zor Mavericks Funsters and Midgets The parade progresses forward with each band and float entertaining the crowd with blowing horns waving or throwing candy Then come the Shriners Well first off they are going the wrong direction The Shriners backtrack more than any other unit in the parade Secondly it s like going to two parades for a Shrine unit for amount of pavement covered Tricks thrills and driving skills are demonstrated with crisp moves People laugh and cheer loudly Bubbles circus music and clowns interacting with the crowd Emotions are high and full of smiles Nobles Jacob LaBlanc Bob Calverley and Steve Livernash with smiling Avery from Missouri up with two prosthetic legs Avery her given name and patient at Shriners Hospitals for Children St Louis Thank you guys for what you do and for me these as she looked down to her new legs accompanied with a smile on her face from ear to ear We talked with her for a few minutes Her Mom so appreciative Avery walked away waving back at us with a warm smile Yes grown men can smile and tear up at the same time not because of hurt but from a feeling of pride knowing what you are doing is right Of the thousands of smiles we seen on the parade route that day there is one permanently burned into our memories The difference between the Shriner units and other parade units All seen as colorful acts of entertainment by the crowd Sirens drums and political signs looking for impressions as each pass The Shriners are different like our 1902 Flint a horseless motorized carriage May not see a horse or the Nobles behind the makeup or mask as we idle forward for a cause An underlying philanthropy of having fun and helping children No matter which direction we are going on the street it is always the right direction in our hearts Unseen by the crowd or experienced by other units after the parade was the reality of why we were there found in a beautiful smile as she gracefully walked up to us Thank You Avery Everyone leaves after a parade with a feeling of being entertained and look forward to next year s exciting event The bands representing their communities business floats hopefully gaining impressions for the sale of a product Promotions of upcoming events and festivals The Shriners What do they gain Well you could say exposure for Shriners having fun while helping children The fun is seen by all The meaning of why we are there isn t Imagine That always projected to the crowd After the parade as we were loading up equipment in the Funster trailer we waved to the other Shrine unit guys passing through with their units Then a beautiful young lady approached us along with her Mom and Aunt Here on vacation from Missouri Walking Please submit all Zephyr articles and information to Z O R S U B M I T GM A I L C O M OCTOBER NOVEMBER 2019 Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 27

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MOVING COMPLETE THIS SECTION AND RETURN IT WITH THE CURRENT MAIL LABEL BELOW TO THE ZOR TEMPLE RECORDER 575 ZOR SHRINE PL MADISON WI 53719 Periodicals Postage Paid Beldenville WI I love autumn the season of the year that God seemed to have put there just for the beauty of it And when it is time for the leaf to gracefully leave it knew life was a gift Thank you Gayle Meeting Location Zor Shrine Temple Madison October 8 2019 5 00 pm Zor Temple Steak Fry with Ice Cream from Antioch October 19 2019 9 30 am Coffee and 10 30 am Stated Session November 16 2019 9 30 am Coffee and 10 30 am Stated Session December 21 2019 9 30 am Coffee and 10 30 am Stated Session Queen Judy Emerson