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Zephyr December 2024 Final

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Page 2 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comIusiou SiROGER KELLERFrom the desk ofGreetings and Happy Holidays,November has own by, and cooler temps are upon us. As I sit to write one of my last articles, I reect on how fast this entire year has gone by. Tammy and I again enjoyed the Yoshi Shrine Club annual meeting in Wisconsin Dells with our children and grandchildren. This weekend was especially nice for us this year, as the miles and events took us away from our family so many times. As we sat and enjoyed Yoshi this year, we noticed how the club has grown over the last few years, and more members are bringing grandchildren. At times with everyone in the same room, it is loud and chaotic but so much fun. The kids enjoy the water parks and slides, and I enjoy the smiles on everyone’s faces as they have fun. Thank you to Past Potentate Barry Ausen for bringing this idea to Zor.November brought us two Feztival of Trees and what a beautiful show these are. The clubs do a wonderful job of setting these up and involving the community.As we come to the end of 2024, I want to thank the Divan, support staff, committee members, and ofce staff for all their hard work this year. Without all of you, 2024 would not have been so successful and fun for me. I especially want to thank Gioia for joining us this year as Zor’s Patient Ambassador. She has made the whole year extraordinarily fun and entertaining. She and her entire family are wonderful people, and I am grateful her parents allowed her to do this for Zor. Just a quick reminder, annual membership dues are due. The Shrine is one of the most fun fraternities you can belong to. If you haven’t yet paid your dues please don’t hesitate, we strive for a strong membership and want you to be part of it.Til next month,CARROT ON! $11,000

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Page 3December 2024 • Zor Zephyr MagazineVOL LXXVI No. 12 • December 2024 608-833-6343Zor Temple Ofce Hours of Operation:Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 9am-4pm • Closed Wed & Fri‘Charter as of July 12, 1933’HELP US SAVE PRINTING & MAILING COSTSSign up to get your ZEPHYR news magazine via e-mail!E-mail: zorsubmit@gmail.comBecome a Friend of the Zephyr. Send your donation to the Shrine Ofce: 6510 Grand Teton Plaza, Suite 204 • Madison, WI 53719All CLUBS AND UNITS SHOULD BE ZEPHYR SUPPORTERS.THIS IS YOUR ZEPHYR!Jeanne Hansen,Dane County BeekeepersSpeaking at the Honored Ladies LuncheonIN THIS ISSUE: ON THE COVERPAGE 5 .............RECORDER BOB’S CORNERPAGE 6 .............DECEMBER CALENDAR PAGE 7 .............SEASON’S GREETINGS PAGE 8-9 ..........92ND ANNUAL MEETING & SCHEDULEPAGE 11 ...........CAMEL PATROL’S CHIEF RABBAN PARTYPAGE 12 ...........DAUGHTERS OF THE NILEPAGE 13 ...........CONTACTS & BIRTHDAYSPAGE 14-15 ......HONORED LADIES LUNCHEONPAGE 17 ...........FLAMBEAU CLOWNSPAGE 19 ...........ZOR OUTDOORSMEN CLUBPAGE 21 ........... PATIENT AMBASSADOR GIOIA SCHUTTEPAGE 22-23 ...... DONATIONS, REPRESENTATIVES, IN MEMORIAM, HOSPITAL DADS & FRIENDS OF THE ZEPHYRPAGE 24 ...........ORDER OF EASTERN STARPAGE 27 ...........ON THE LIGHTER SIDEBACK COVER ....DECADES

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Brian Dunhamand LadyLindaEau Claire, WIgetbrianandlinda@gmail.comChief RabbanBob Gorsuch, PPand LadyCarolFitchburg, WIrgorsuch@oak.bankRon Malcolmand LadyDawnEau Claire, WIrpmalcolm6546@gmail.comMike Kastensand LadySusanNew Richmond, WImrkastens@gmail.comSteve Livernashand LadyKoralWisconsin Rapids, WIprosticker@solarus.netLarry Hanson, PPand LadyJillAlbany, WIhanso@tds.netPage 4Zor Zephyr Magazine2024 ELECTED OFFICERSZOR SHRINERS2024 APPOINTED OFFICERS Thomas W. Stevensand 1st LadyLauraChippewa Falls, WItom.stevens@wimasons.orgRoger Kellerand 1st LadyTammyNew Richmond, WIrogerkeller2012@gmail.comPotentateMost Worshipful Grand MasterAssistant RabbanHigh Priest & ProphetOriental GuideRecorderTreasurerScott Pedley, PGMand LadyRondaShullsburg, WIscott.pedley@wimasons.orgRoger Amundsonand LadyDianeEdgerton, WIamundsonranch@gmail.comBrad Schultzand LadyMichelleWhitewater, WIschultzbrad@hotmail.comMark Mayryand LadyCharleneNew Richmond, WImarkjmayry@gmail.comDaniel Smithburgand LadyKellyTomah , WIdansmithburg@gmail.comKarl GantBlanchardville, WIkgyellowstone62@gmail.com1st Ceremonial Master2nd Ceremonial MasterMarshalCaptain of the GuardOuter GuardChaplainRichard G. Burkeand 1st LadyJudyBuford, GeorgiaImperial Potentate

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Page 5December 2024 • Zor Zephyr MagazineZephyr Reminder!Be sure to email your stories by Tuesday, December 10, 2024for the Zephyr January 2025 issue.• 2025 dues are now due. Those who have not paid 2024 dues by 12/31/24, will be suspended. We still have 68 Nobles who have not paid their 2024 dues. If you know someone who is having nancial difculties, please contact me at 608-833-6343, ext. 3. • 2025 will soon be here. The names and contact information for all ofcers elected should be sent to the Zor ofce as soon as possible, but before December 31. Only Nobles who are in good standing with 2025 dues paid may hold ofce in either a club or unit.• The 2025 Zor proposed budget will be presented for member approval on January 11, 2025, at the Zor Annual Meeting in Eau Claire. If you are interested in reviewing the proposal, please feel free to contact me at • Shriner Trivia: State with largest Shrine population: Pennsylvania – 11,649.RECORDER BOB’S CORNERDECEMBER 2024 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 312211 N. Oak Park Ave. Chicago, IL 60707SHRINERSCHICAGO.ORG2900 N. Rocky Point Dr.Tampa, FL 33607SHRINERSCHILDRENS.ORG LIFE-CHANGING CARE!A teenager from Georgia is laughing, walking and able to care for herself again thanks to three months of care at Shriners Children’s Chicago, nine months total away from home. Anita, 14, got a random swollen foot on Christmas Day. Emergency room doctors determined her body was actually shutting down due to a combination of strep A and u B in her bloodstream. She almost died multiple times. The treatment to save her life meant she lost both lower legs. She came to Shriners Children’s Chicago for intensive inpatient rehabilitation, also unable to move her arms either. Three months later she has her sparkle back and walks with custom skull design prosthetics from our POPS department. Watch her story by scanning the QR code.Rehabilitation and prosthetics help Anita be herself again

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Page 6 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comPage 6december calendardecember calendar1144666615152525448811112323Fri – Sun - Nov 29th - Dec 8th Funsters FEZtival of Tree’s - Wisconsin Rapids Masonic Lodge #128, Wisconsin Rapids, WI • Fri Nov. 29th, Sat Nov 30th - 10:00 am to 7:00 pm • Sun Dec. 1st - 11:00 am - 6:00 pm • Dec. 2nd - Dec. 6th - (Mon. - Fri) - 1:00 pm - 7:00 pm • Dec. 7th (Sat.) 10:00 am - 7:00 pm • Dec. 8th (Sun) 11:00 am - 4:00 pmWed – Dec 4th Lakeland S.C. Christmas Party - 5:00 PM - 7:30 PM Halverson’s Supper Club, 1965 Barber Dr., Stoughton, WIFri – Dec 6th Divan meeting - 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM - Radisson Hotel La Crosse 200 Second Street South, La Crosse, WI 54601Fri – Sun – Dec 6th - 8th Zor Fall Ceremonial - Radisson Hotel La Crosse, 200 Second Street South, La Crosse, WISun – Dec 15th Heart of Wisconsin S.C. Xmas party - Social 5:30 pm - Dinner 6:00 pm Lake Arrowhead, 1195 Apache Ln, Nekoosa, WIWed – Dec 25th Mecca Shrine Club Meeting - 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Pizones, 202 Superior Ave, Tomah, WISat – Jan 4th Chief Raban / Camel Patrol Party - 5:30 PM - 9:00 PM Rex’s Innkeeper, 301 N Century Ave, Waunakee, WIWed – Jan 8th Director Staff - 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM Rex’s Innkeeper, 301 N Century Ave, Waunakee, WISat – Jan 11th Annual Meeting / Installation of Ofcers The Lismore Hotel, 333 Gibson St, Eau Claire, WI 54701Thurs – Jan 23rd Mini Cars - 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM Winchester Restaurant, 568 Haugen Rd, Edgerton, WIjanuary calendar

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Page 7December 2024 • Zor Zephyr MagazineNoblesDuane WalsvickLyle FoxGary ShealyHarold K. and June Fowler, Cindy, Susan, Michael & MarkJason and Jennifer Nelson, Tinsley & TeeganTom and Philayne Chose, Nick & JoeDon Komplin and Betty GlaaserMichael T. HeitkeDave Dewey and Karen OwensTrudy StelselPhil and Mary Lu AndersonDavid and Nancy NelsonRichard and Phyllis WinterDale and Deb OlsonAl Coenen and Linda ThomasWayne Dennis and Molly DermodySteve LivingstonPast Potentates1984 • Roger and Lady Judie Nitzsche, P.P.1989 • Bill and Lady Julie Johnson, P.P.1995 • Russel and Lorraine Dunnum, P.P.1997 • J Kevin and Lady Janet Johnson, P.P. - Mehara SC & Sawdusters1998 • Jim and Lady Joan Soderholm, P.P.2003 • Gerald and Lady Carol Jordon, P.P.2004 • John and Lady Debbi Thorstad, P.P.2005 • Jerry and Lady Diane Balschun, P.P.2007 • Mark and Lady Sheri Severson, P.P. - Directors Staff2008 • Tom Nelson, P.P.2010 • Joe and Lady Julie Thompson, P.P.2011 • Steve and Lady Mary Ellen Peterson, P.P. - Wausauken Shriners2012 • Larry and Lady Julianne Riemenschneider, P.P.2014 • Larry and Lady Jill Hanson, P.P.2015 • Monte and Lady Ann Steiber, P.P.2018 • Gary and Lady Judy Cuskey, P.P.2019 • Wally and Lady Gayle Trouten, P.P. - SWSC, LaCross SC, Firehouse Jesters2022 • Rodney and Lady Mary LaBlanc, P.P.2023 • Al and Lady Penny Brueggen, P.P.DivanRoger and Tammy Keller, PotentateBrian and Linda Dunham, Chief RabbanSteve and Koral Livernash, Assistant RabbanRon and Dawn Malcolm, High Priest & Prophet - Tin LizziesMike and Susan Kastens, Oriental GuideBob and Carol Gorsuch, P.P., 2013 - RecorderLarry and Jill Hanson, P.P. 2014 - TreasurerRoger and Diane Amundson, MarshalBrad and Michelle Schultz, Captain of the GuardMark and Charlene Mayry, Outer GuardKarl Gant, ChaplainClubs and UnitsImagineersMadison Shrine ClubBrent & Nancy Clausius - Pine River Valley Shrine ClubRandy & Kathy Webb - FunstersJohn & Gale Hendrickson - Camel PatrolDave Stolen - Lakeland Shrine ClubDuke & Marlene Thurs - Indianhead Shrine ClubTin LizziesLarry & Penny Krauss, - MidgetsDaniel Sherry, MD & Ellen Sherry Road RunnersPhil Oren - Lakeland Shrine ClubArlen & Gloria Christensen - Lakeland Shrine ClubBill & Peg Jones - Camel PatrolJustin Thompson - SWSCMoundview Shrine ClubSahara Shrine ClubLakeland Shrine ClubMini CarsLarry & Annell Nelson, St Croix Valley Shrine ClubScout, Lydia, Rhett, Jordy and Tripp Kastens - St Croix Valley Shrine ClubJim & Alice Smith, Sahara Shrine ClubBob & Sandy Calverley & Scott, Jodi, Tony - Funsters, Heart of WI Shrine ClubRod & Judy Rommel, La Crosse Shrine ClubErik, Paula & Lilly Severson, ClownsLance, Amber & Sierra, Cameron Severson, Directors StaffJeffrey, Katherine, Tony & Caroline Severson, Directors StaffTherese Severson, MidgetsRobert & Amy Hering, St Croix Valley Shrine ClubGary & Nancy Durgin, Mini CarsAlan and Teresa Brawders, Directors StaffRoadRunnersMavericksMiles BradleyBob BradleyDavid Dunahee, Colleen, Cale & KaneChuck and Cheryl PorterJim Stelsel, JrTom and Diane ThompsonJoe and Mary HarkerMike and Jenifer HedrickGerald WatsonMarv and Elaine EngelkeLaverne and Lois Jean ClirtonJason and Olivia WelchKevin and Diane SeversonRobert and Jodi OttDave and Gudrun HustonKenneth and Nancy NelsonChris and Linda PetersJerry E. WilkensCharles White

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Page 8 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comPlease join us Saturday, 11 January, 2025, in Eau Claire, WI. e Lismore Hotel in Eau Claire will be host for ZOR's 92nd annual meeting, election, installation of the 2025 offi cers, and our annual FEZ party. In addition to covered parking, this year all events (both men’s and women’s) will be held at  e Lismore Hotel so there should be no need to worry about inclement weather.  e ticket cost of $75 is per person and includes choice of lunch, hors d’oeuvres, choice of dinner, and entertainment. To enjoy a $5 per person discount, complete registration before 1, December, 2024.  e Lismore is off ering a reduced nightly rate of $125. Room reservations must be made PRIOR to 1, December, 2024 for rate eligibility. Following installation there will be hors d'oeuvres, a cash bar, pictures and live entertainment by the Dawson Redenius Septet. After dinner we will open a hospitality suite that overlooks the Christmas decorated downtown, Phoenix bridge lit for us in Shri-ner Red, and the Chippewa River. For questions about registration please call Gary Cuskey at 715-520-3052.Please join us Saturday, 11 January, 2025, in Eau Claire, WI. e Lismore Hotel in Eau Claire will be host for ZOR's 92nd annual meeting, election, installation of the 2025 offi cers, and our annual FEZ party. In addition to covered parking, this year all events (both men’s and women’s) will be held at  e Lismore Hotel so there should be no need to worry about inclement weather.  e ticket cost of $75 is per person and includes choice of lunch, hors d’oeuvres, choice of dinner, and entertainment. To enjoy a $5 per person discount, complete registration before 1, December, 2024.  e Lismore is off ering a reduced nightly rate of $125. Room reservations must be made PRIOR to 1, December, 2024 for rate eligibility. Following installation there will be hors d'oeuvres, a cash bar, pictures and live entertainment by the Dawson Redenius Septet. After dinner we will open a hospitality suite that overlooks the Christmas decorated downtown, Phoenix bridge lit for us in Shri-ner Red, and the Chippewa River. For questions about registration please call Gary Cuskey at 715-520-3052.Please join us Saturday, 11 January, 2025, in Eau Claire, WI. e Lismore Hotel in Eau Claire will be host for ZOR's 92nd annual meeting, election, installation of the 2025 offi cers, and our annual FEZ party. In addition to covered parking, this year all events (both men’s and women’s) will be held at  e Lismore Hotel so there should be no need to worry about inclement weather.  e ticket cost of $75 is per person and includes choice of lunch, hors d’oeuvres, choice of dinner, and entertainment. To enjoy a $5 per person discount, complete registration before 1, December, 2024.  e Lismore is off ering a reduced nightly rate of $125. Room reservations must be made PRIOR to 1, December, 2024 for rate eligibility. Following installation there will be hors d'oeuvres, a cash bar, pictures and live entertainment by the Dawson Redenius Septet. After dinner we will open a hospitality suite that overlooks the Christmas decorated downtown, Phoenix bridge lit for us in Shri-ner Red, and the Chippewa River. For questions about registration please call Gary Cuskey at 715-520-3052.

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Page 9December 2024 • Zor Zephyr MagazineJANUARY 11, 2025The Lismore hoTeL in eau CLaire, WisConsin • 11:30 am ....... Lady’s luncheon is in Wilson Hall. • 11:30 am ....... Men’s luncheon is in Richmond Hall • 12:30 pm ...... Ladies will enjoy an event. (Time will be provided for ladies to change into their black dresses for installation at 3:30 pm) • 1:30 pm ......... Annual Meeting • 3:30ish pm .... Installation*** Photos will be taken immediately following installation for all Divan and their ladies, along with support staff and their ladies.ALL ATTENDEES ARE INVITED TO GET PHOTOGRAPY. • 4:30 pm ......... Hospitality with hors d’oeuvres will be in the foyer area outside of Wilson Hall • 5:30 pm ......... Dinner in the Ballroom in Wilson Hall • 7:00 pm ......... Entertainment Please join us Saturday, 11 January, 2025, in Eau Claire, WI. e Lismore Hotel in Eau Claire will be host for ZOR's 92nd annual meeting, election, installation of the 2025 offi cers, and our annual FEZ party. In addition to covered parking, this year all events (both men’s and women’s) will be held at  e Lismore Hotel so there should be no need to worry about inclement weather.  e ticket cost of $75 is per person and includes choice of lunch, hors d’oeuvres, choice of dinner, and entertainment. To enjoy a $5 per person discount, complete registration before 1, December, 2024.  e Lismore is off ering a reduced nightly rate of $125. Room reservations must be made PRIOR to 1, December, 2024 for rate eligibility. Following installation there will be hors d'oeuvres, a cash bar, pictures and live entertainment by the Dawson Redenius Septet. After dinner we will open a hospitality suite that overlooks the Christmas decorated downtown, Phoenix bridge lit for us in Shri-ner Red, and the Chippewa River. For questions about registration please call Gary Cuskey at 715-520-3052.2025 ANNUAL MEETINGAND INSTALLATION OF OFFICER’S SCHEDULEPlease join us Saturday, 11 January, 2025, in Eau Claire, WI. e Lismore Hotel in Eau Claire will be host for ZOR's 92nd annual meeting, election, installation of the 2025 offi cers, and our annual FEZ party. In addition to covered parking, this year all events (both men’s and women’s) will be held at  e Lismore Hotel so there should be no need to worry about inclement weather.  e ticket cost of $75 is per person and includes choice of lunch, hors d’oeuvres, choice of dinner, and entertainment. To enjoy a $5 per person discount, complete registration before 1, December, 2024.  e Lismore is off ering a reduced nightly rate of $125. Room reservations must be made PRIOR to 1, December, 2024 for rate eligibility. Following installation there will be hors d'oeuvres, a cash bar, pictures and live entertainment by the Dawson Redenius Septet. After dinner we will open a hospitality suite that overlooks the Christmas decorated downtown, Phoenix bridge lit for us in Shri-ner Red, and the Chippewa River. For questions about registration please call Gary Cuskey at 715-520-3052.

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Page 10 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comPursuant to Imperial By-laws this noce is to inform the Members of Zor Shriners that we will be holding our Annual Membership Meeng and Elecon of Ocers on January 11, 2025, commencing at 1:00 p.m. This meeng will be held at The Lismore Hotel, 333 Gibson Street, Eau Claire, Wisconsin. All Zor Nobles in good standing are encouraged to aend.See below the governing rules, as extracted from the current edion of the Shriners Internaonal by-laws.Pernent Imperial Bylaws325.11 Elecon Regulaons.(a) Eleconeering. A candidate for an elected oce in a Shrine temple may print, publish and circulate during the year he is seeking the elected oce, a resume’ consisng of his educaonal background, his vocaonal history, and his Masonic and Shrine record. Except as provided in the prior sentence, the prinng, publicaon, or circulang or distribuon of resoluons, leers, telegrams, ckets, email or other devices, by a unit, club, Noble, or group of Nobles, suggesng, recommending, opposing, or containing the names of proposed candidates for oce in the temple is prohibited.(b) Expenditures prohibited. The expenditure of money for gis, favors, or entertainment on behalf of a candidate for elected oce is prohibited.(c) Violaon. For any violaon of (a) or (b), the Imperial Potentate may suspend any oending Noble, and he may declare the elecon of the ocer’s void and order a new elecon.(d) Noce. At least one week prior to the annual meeng or any elecon, the temple Recorder shall mail to each member a noce thereof containing this secon.Respecully submied:Robert C. Gorsuch, P. P. RecorderNOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETINGJanuary 11, 2025SAHARASHRINE CLUBJohn Thorstad sold and presented the winning Sahara Shrine Club rafe check worth $ 1000.00 to MARV ENGELKE.Marv

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Page 11December 2024 • Zor Zephyr MagazineZor’s Camel Patrol will hold its annual Chief Rabban Party on Saturday, January 4, 2025, at Rex’s Innkeeper in Waunakee. All Nobles, Lady’s, and Friends are invited.Party Chairman Jim Stelsel Jr said that the traditional party to honor the Chief Rabban, Brian Dunham and his lady Linda which is held before Zor’s Annual Meeting and Election to honor the Noble who moves up to the post of Potentate on January 11, 2025.It allows the future Potentate an opportunity to give a preview of some of the events he has planned during his year as Potentate.Chairman Stelsel said the social hour will begin at 5:30 P. M. with dinner at 7:00 P. M. As in past years there will be a choice of three entrees Tenderloin, Prime Rib and Shrimp all with potato, salad, roll and desert.The cost for each entrée will include milk, tea, coffee, dessert, tax, and tip.Due to the choice of entrees all Nobles and Ladies must ll out the accompanying coupon and send it with their preference marked and a check made payable to “Zor Shrine Camel Patrol” for the number of dinners being ordered by December 20th, 2024.Chairman Stelsel also promised door prizes and great fun and sociability!Camel Patrol’s Chief Rabban PartySATURDAY JANUARY 4, 2025Rex’s Innkeeper in WaunakeeCocktails 5:30 P.M. Dinner 700 P.M.Tenderloin $60______ Prime Rib $46______ Shrimp $36______ Number of Reservations ______All prices include tax & tip.Make Checks payable to the Zor Shrine Camel Patrol. Reservation DEADLINE: DECEMBER 20TH, 2024Total amount of check enclosed $________ Name _____________________________________________ Phone # ________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________________________Send reservations to: Jim Stelsel Jr, Party Chairman, 1705 Hooker Ave, Madison WI 53704CAMEL PATROL’S CHIEF RABBAN PARTY TO HONOR THE 2025 POTENTATE

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Page 12 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comJen (Schaefe) Verni, QueeJen (Schaefe) Verni, QueeQueen of Antioch Temple No. 113Daughters of the Nile, Madison, WIProud to be a Daughter of the Nile, Queen (Jenn Schaefer) VernigDAUGHTERS o e NILEGreetings Zorland,As you read this, the 2024 Fall Ceremonial will be in the books. Friends gather, lots of laughs and of course, our funds for our kids are dedicated for the year.Having our Grandpa Muenich in the Eau Claire drum corps and our dad in the Funsters, there were several years our family traveled to Madison for the December ceremonial that was held at downtown Masonic building. What a spectacular site to see so many units gathered in the amazing round auditorium for the Parade to Glory. The beautiful sparkle of so many Fez’s is a memory I will always cherish.Daughters of the Nile continues the long tradition of our cookie walk during the December Ceremonial. Our grandpa always enjoyed the homemade cookies with his coffee before the day’s events began and it’s such a great pleasure, I get to help carry that tradition on for many more years, while helping contribute to our hospitals.Although the holiday season gets so busy, Antioch took time during our November meeting to make snowakes and enjoy each other’s company. We also plan to take in the Feztival of Trees in Sparta to support our Zor family and enjoy some of the holiday scenes.Merry Christmas and many blessings to you all,Quee Jen (Schaefe) Verni

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Page 13December 2024 • Zor Zephyr MagazineFLAMBEAU LANDRobert Grunseth • 715-532-7311GLACIER RIDGE HILLBILLY CLAN 183Larry Hanson • 608-778-0802GREEN COUNTYNicholas Baker • 608-293-0796HAYWARD MUSKYRobert Odell • 715-671-8585HEART OF WISCONSINKen Olm • 715-323-7131INDIANHEADHarlan Dodge • 715-296-0485LACROSSEKevin Greeno • 608-780-2498LAKELANDJim Stelsel Jr. • 608-770-5204MECCAMontie Kramer • 715-459-3332MEHARAKeith Foulk • 309-224-7870MOUNDVIEWKarl Gant • 608-523-4714PINE RIVER VALLEYCole Downey • 608-604-4491SAHARADale Olson • 262-203-0641SOUTHWESTERN WILowell Ahrens • 608-412-2143ST. CROIX VALLEYTy Behr • 612-581-4667TIMBERRichard Dennis • 612-210-3007VACATIONLANDLeonard Pickett • 608-963-0860YOSHIRon Malcolm • 608-387-9421 ZOR Shrine ClubsZOR Shrine UnitsCAMEL PATROLJim Stelsel, Jr. • 608-770-5204MADISON CLOWNSPaul McCallum • 608-931-0849DIRECTORS STAFFBob Ott • 608-415-2536FIREHOUSE JESTERSKevin Greeno • 608-780-2498FLAMBEAU CLOWNSJesse Tihlarik • 715-820-3385FUNSTERSRandy Webb • 715-572-3807IMAGINEERSChris Peters • 715-630-9143MAVERICKSJacob LaBlanc • 608-617-9776MIDGETSAl Coenen • 608-387-6868MINI CARSMiles Bradley • 608-289-1628MISFITZMontie Kramer • 715-459-3332MUSKY CYCLE PATROLChuck Stene • 715-791-8240ROAD RUNNERSMike Kastens • 715-497-7527SAWDUSTERSMike Hayden • 715-495-0258TIN LIZZIESRod Schultz • 414-378-1553VETERANS PATROLRay Burrows • 715-228-2631WAUSAUKEN SHRINERSStephen Britton • 203-258-6987Rick Schnabel • 715-432-3152YOUR CONTACTSDecember 2024 BirthdaysDec 1: Phillip J JohnsonDec 2: Bernard O Kahl Jr; Robert J BurgfechtelDec 3: William F LindDec 4: Andrew J GavinDec 5: David B Dewey; Daniel T SedgwickDec 6: Gerald L Berg; William W WadephulDec 7: Jon M Grinde; Jeremy M ChristensenDec 8: Larry W Ryan; Benjamin C ColeDec 9: Walter J Oravez; Kenneth W ClaussenDec 10: Alvin W Arnold Jr; Matthew J BrigsonDec 11: John R Peirson; Richard A Brommer; Harold S Geller; John HendricksDec 12: Robert C Salisbury; David A DunaheeDec 14: Vernon A Smith; Richard H Indermuehle; Brian F MillerDec 15: Roger W Babcock; Larry A Hoyer; Rick L SchnabelDec 16: Donald J Sowle; Darrell R Smith; Lawrence L Ganske; Nathaniel T GoeheDec 17: Raymond E Jewell; George R Seybold IIDec 20: Joseph H Silverberg; E D Fennie; Jeffrey J Symes; William R Cress Jr; Arthur J LeniusDec 21: Jason A NelsonDec 22: R W FellandDec 23: Richard J RauschDec 24: Lawrence L Myers PGM; Carl H Gaulke; Jeffrey J KuschelDec 25: Joseph M Fleming; Erik L SeversonDec 26: Richard Hayden; Wayne D SteinhorstDec 27: Larry D Tronrud; Scott M Smith; Mark Hink; Alex RoelliDec 28: Donald Havilcek; Terrance M Mc Shane; Bruce A FranswayDec 29: Terry G Boydston; Eric C Roberts; David H McCarter Jr; Jacob D BurnittDec 30: Steven D Dehnert; Kevin W SchulteDec 31: James J Bossingham; John J Warnecke***Disclaimer***If this contact information for your unit/club is not correct, please contact the ZOR of-ce to update the information. Also, please ensure that you provide a copy of your updated ofcers to the ofce as soon as you are able!

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Page 14 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comHonored Ladies Luncheon (the Bee’s Knee’s) By: Noble Brad AndrewBUZZ,BUZZ, BUZZ, BUZZ, BUZZBUZZ getting the BUZZBUZZ on bees! On October 22nd, an Honored Lady’s Luncheon was about to BEE-gin at Rex’s Innkeeper Supper Club in Waunakee. Debbi Thorstad hosted a wonderful lunch and program for many to enjoy. Along with Karen Owens, Co-Chair for the afternoon, we also had Tammy Keller helping with the program. I was told that the name has been changed for the Ladies. It was originally called “The Widow’s Luncheon” and now called the Zor Honored Ladies Luncheon. Sometimes change is better. Debbi stood up and welcomed all that attended. She gave a short brieng on what was about to happen and handed it over to our hard-working Potentate, Roger Keller. But wait! Roger was looking all around the room. What was he looking for? Karl!! He was not there yet. The show must go on. Roger, knowing that Karl would hopefully show up, continued with the program. After the introductions of the Honored Ladies, and the Past Potentates Ladies, Karl walked into the room. Not sparing a minute. Just in time to make the Prayer before lunch. He chose a Prayer that was a 5-year-old prayer that he liked. It was about a “Biscuit”. Ask him about that one when you get a chance. Lunch was ready to BEE-gin. What a wonderful family style lunch we had. No reason to walk out hungry. The afternoon continued with the introduction of Jeanne Hansen. She is the founding President of the Dane County Beekeepers. BEE afraid, BEE very afraid of Bee’s. That’s what we were told back in the days. They sting and that could Bee bad for some. When we saw a bee, we wanted to swat it or kill it. It was a natural thing to do for what it did to us. It STUNG us. That little Sh*t is going to sting me and it’s going to hurt for a long time. Wait, read on a see what happens. Jeanne Hansen, after being introduced to all in the room, began talking about the many years of working with, and beehives she had. She started back in 2009 and had 12 hives. Today she is only working with 3 hives as a member on the east side of Madison. As my neighbor has bee hives in her yard, I got heavily involved in what she had to say. Listening to everything she had to say about the bees. I wanted to know what my neighbor went through. Being over at her house and wondering if I was going to get stung. I was going to learn something this afternoon. As a rewarding hobby taking care of the bees, she works all year round with them. As she talks about the bees, she passed around many different pictures of bees, bee hives, honeycombs, and so many other interesting things about bees, I think none of us knew the rst thing about bees is they have one thing on their mind and that’s about making honey. Not sting you or anyone else. If a bee stings you, it will die. I’m pretty sure they don’t want that. The only time a bee will sting you is if you mess with the hive, try to swat it or mess with the Queen Bee. Things not to do around bees, do not wear bright clothing, they might think you are a ower. That is why you see beekeepers in white and Bees don’t like carbon monoxide. A couple of things to do to keep bees away from you is to walk in the shade, no bright clothes, and no perfume. She went on about the different types of bees and the types of honey

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Page 15December 2024 • Zor Zephyr Magazinethey make. Different tasting honey depends on the owers they collect nectar from. Honey is the one thing that does not spoil, it lasts forever. You may see honey with a settled bottom to it. Just put in some hot water and let it soften up. Mix it up and it’s ready to go. We were informed there are three types of bees. The big Drones, (which apparently don’t sting), they are all males. The Workers. (Which are the smallest), they do sting!! And the Queen Bee, the ruler of all!! She is the biggest of all and the only one that lays eggs. The Drone bees take care of the Queen all the time. She talked about how the bees talk to each other. Overall, all bees play an important part in the hive. The bees will do a circle dance and wiggle their butts. This tells the other bees where to nd the nectar. The hive never sleeps. It is always on the go. The temperature in the hive can reach up to 92 degrees. When winter comes around, the hive has saved up enough honey to make it through the winter. They all stay close together to stay warm. Back in the days, only 10 pounds of honey was used at one point. Now we are pushing out 40 pounds. For the beekeepers that must retrieve the honey, they hit the hive with smoke that puts the bees in a calm state of mind. A high for the bees. Farmers enjoy the bees, because they pollinate their crops. Mice of all things were a hindrance to the bee population at one time. After seeing the importance that bees were, people started to leave them alone. The cities were good for them, the gardens and big groups of farmlands. All places had some kind of “food” for the bees to take home and make honey from. Just a note from the Queen Bee, the rst set of bees came over from Europe. As the speech was going on, 3 different types of honey were passed around. A bunch of pictures showing different bees, hives and honey were passed around. It was nally time for the Queen Bee to y home to her busy bees. Before she left, she handed out a single piece of honey candy. I hope all enjoyed that. A big round of applause was given to her in a well informative presentation. The next part was to recognize all Honored Ladies, Past Potentates and their Ladies. Lady Tammy Keller made all the closing remarks. Before all left, a gift bag was handed out to all Honored Ladies. One of the center pieces was given out to the person whose birthday was in May. Each person at a table was able to pick out one handmade ower from a vase that was in the middle of the table. A rose was given to the Honored Ladies. That ended a very special and well-organized program, a big thank you to Lady Debbi Thorstad, and well done to all that worked so hard to make this work out!! A big shout out to Olivia Johnson (Debbi’s granddaughter) for making the center pieces on the tables. She is working two jobs and going to school and yet did a wonderful job!! Also, A big hand for Mary LaBlanc for donating the decorations supplies. We cannot forget Michael Johnson for donating the Mason jars that held the owers perfectly on the tables. Once again, a wonderful job by AL L !!

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Page 16 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comCHANGES UNDER THE BIG TOPby: Noble Dale HolmenIt’s that time of year again for BIG changes under the BIG top. The Madison Clowns are once again looking to make changes and bring in a new clown to the unit. YES, that means it is time for the annual “Clown Potentate Party” to be held once again at the Esquire Club on Sherman Ave. in Madison. This year the festivities will be on Saturday February 15, 2025. We will be eating at 6:00 PM and social time begins when you arrive.This is always a fun evening for ALL and ALL are welcome. You do not have to be a clown, but this will give you a reason to act like one if you wish. Remember, EVERYONE is a clown, some of us just dress the part. We will have a great family style meal, so if you don’t get enough to eat it is your own fault. The price this year is $29.00 per person and reservations can be made by sending the form to: Dale Holmen, 13 St. Albans Ave., Madison, Wi. 53714 by February 2, 2025.The evening will begin with social time and checking out the different items in the bag drawing. A reminder: ALL proceeds will be sent to the Shrine Red Sneaker Fund which supports burn research at our Shrine Burn Hospitals. This is always a great fundraiser for the Red Sneaker Fund. While that is going on, the true entertainment is bringing the new Potentate front and center so he can show us his true colors as he becomes our newest clown.This has been a fun tradition for the Madison Clowns over the years and we ask that all past potentates bring their picture from their year, so that we can display them. It is always fun to see how much some of them have changed and in some cases, how much they still look like a clown.Make your plans to attend and see the CHANGES UNDER THE BIG TOP in February and we will see you under the BIG TOP!Changes Under the Big TopESQUIRE CLUB 1025 N SHERMAN AVE, MADISON, WIFebruary 15, 2025NAME _____________________________________________________________________Number Attending ______ X $29/person = $__________ Unit ___________________Checks made out to Zor Clowns.Mail to: Dale Holmen, 13 St. Albans Ave, Madison, WI 53714 RESERVATIONS DUE BY FEBRUARY 2, 2025

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Page 17December 2024 • Zor Zephyr MagazineThird Successful Meat Rafe in Phillips, WIFLAMBEAU CLOWNSby: Noble Jesse TihlarikThe Flambeau Clowns hosted their third successful meat rafe this year at John’s 3 Mile Corner Bar in Phillips, WI. The meat rafes have allowed the Flambeau Clowns to write a check of $2,000 for the Shriners Children’s Twin Cities location. This marks the rst signicant donation by the Flambeau Clowns in over a decade. There’s funny business back in the Northwoods once again.Pictured on the right (L to R): Noble Tony Budaj, Lady Krystal Tihlarik (Dotty), Maliyah Tihlarik (Stripes), Noble Jesse Tihlarik (Skuff), Lady Rochelle Cummings, Noble Al Cummings, and Bar Owner John SpaldingMOUND VIEW SHRINE CLUBMound View Shrine Club held there meeting on November third at The Pointer Cafe in Mineral Point, WI.Left to Right : Debbi Thorstad, Julie Thompson, Elaine Engelke, Karl Gant, Lois Clifton, LaVerne Clifton, Gerry Watson, Marv Engelke, Joe Thompson, missing is John Thorstad

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Page 18 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comSHRINERS TWIN CITIES BLANKET DONATIONSBecky, Jeanne and Wendy join their friends & family to make gifts for different organizations each year. We’re beyond grateful that they chose us this year and happily delivered 37 handmade eece blankets AND 43 knit hats for our patients! Thank you so much!You are all amazing!Just forYou!

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December 2024 • Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 19ZOR OUTDOORSMEN CLUBZOR SHRINERS RESPONDZor Shriners has contributed $5,000 to assist the Masons, Shriners, and their families who have been severely impacted by the back-to-back hurricanes, Helene and Milton.The Grand Masters of North Carolina, South Carolina and Florida have sought disaster assistance from the Masonic Service Association of North America to provide urgently needed nancial aid to many families who have lost their homes and possessions due to the forces of wind and water.Shrine Masons are proud to have the opportunity to come to the relief of their brothers and their families. Zor’s response to this need is vitally important to our brothers in those states and satises the high calling and obligation that each of us has to respond with fraternal charity. by: Noble Ron ChamberlainAre you an outdoor enthusiast looking for camaraderie and philanthropy? Are you into hunting that big buck or traveling to get into some good upland bird hunting? Maybe you like to sh for that notorious “sh of 1,000 casts,” the musky. Or are you one of those folks who enjoy camping, hiking, or just biking the trails? Perhaps those activities are a bit too slow for you and you prefer the adrenaline rush of an ATV, jet ski, or snowmobile. Or maybe you would be interested in family fun days, enjoying these activities with other Shrine families.It really doesn’t matter what your outdoor avor is—if you want to have an opportunity to do those activities while still enjoying the fun and fellowship of the Shrine, then the Zor Outdoorsmen club is for you. Join us and contribute to the greatest philanthropic cause there is while indulging in your favorite outdoor pursuits.The Zor Outdoorsmen club is seeking Nobles who are eager to enjoy their outdoor activities, no matter what they are, with fellow Nobles. Besides club dues, you might wonder how we can achieve our philanthropic goals with such activities. How about participating in trap or sporting clays events, organizing shing tournaments, or sponsoring a 5k run?Interested in learning more? Attend an informational meeting or reach out to Nobles Larry Hanson PP, 608-778-0802,, Al Brueggen PP, 608-487-1692,, or Ron Chamberlain, 608-792-5260,, for more details.Join us and experience the thrill of the great outdoors while contributing to a Noble Cause!Thank you so much!

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Page 20 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comSHRINER MINI CARSThe Mini Cars salute JASON MACKEY when not in his doctor’s ofce, or driving his mini car, he can be found at the Madison Mallards baseball eld as the team’s chiropractor.Mini Car members welcomedARMY VETERAN DAVE DEWEYback from his Badger Honor Flighton November 2, 2024at The Dane County airport.The Mini Cars salute unit member DEAN HOLMEN who came from Nashville to Madison on Nov. 9th to play for a food pantry fund raiser at the Cottage Grove Road VFW Club.JASON MACKEYDEAN HOLMENL to R - Brad Schultz, Dave Dewey, Steve Livingston, Chuck Porter, and John ThorstadL to R - Brad Schultz, Peter Lenz, Dave Dewey Jason Welch, Steve Livingston

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Page 21December 2024 • Zor Zephyr MagazineGIOIA SCHUTTE UPDATEHello Shriners!! Christmas time is hereeee!!It’s almost Christmas!! Even though I don’t like the cold or the snow, I love the Christmas season and the time off from school. When we get our two weeks off, it is time to relax and hang out with my friends, we already have plans!!I don’t have a lot of new updates; life is still pretty much the same as it was a month ago.Weight room is going well. I’ve been going three days a week and loving it!! I also have made a volleyball team!! I made the 16 4’s and the season is starting up. I can’t wait for another great year of club!! It will be busy though, when track season starts up again. Work is still busy!! They have been putting me on drive-through for longer shifts now, so some days I come home, and I don’t want to talk after using my voice all day.I have attended a few of the Shriner events at the end of October and November, but also my time for hanging out with y’all is coming to an end. The fun part is, I’ll get to see Roger eat carrot cake at the end of the year, but I’m hoping that he’ll have to eat a carrot too. It’s sort of payback for him dumping salad all over my plate at most of the dinners. School is going great!! I have a few big papers that are due soon and I’m hoping that I will get a good grade on them!! Not only do I have papers due, but I also have our nals of the rst semester coming up. We just took our midterm for math in November, and it was not hard, but not easy. I’m hoping that the nal will go smoother, as well as all my other subjects!! I have also decided that I will be helping with our school’s musical, in the costumes department. I helped with last year’s musical, Elf, which took place in the wintertime because it is a Christmas musical, unlike this year, which is in the spring. I decided not to do costumes for the play because I wanted to get a handle on sophomore year rst and I also have a study hall next semester. That’s all for December folks!! Sadly, since my time as Patient Ambassador is ending, I won’t be putting lots of updates in the articles, but you will still be hearing from me!!-Gioia

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Page 22 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comDONATIONSIN MEMORY OF: DONOR:Shriners Children’s ChicagoNeal Massey Mound View SC Joe & Mary Harker Joe & Julie ThompsonGP Wiemer Joe & Mary Harker Mark Strauss Rod & Diana JohnsonDavid Mullern Joe & Julie ThompsonDave Hoks Miles BradleyDonation: Keith Raisbeck DONATIONSDONATIONSShriners Hospitalsfor Children®ChicagoSHC-ChicagoIn Memory of: Donor:Dawn Beedy Todd & Jae WerndliNorma Jenkins Nancy Peckham Donaons: Breakfast with Santa Fundraiser Wausaukan Shriners Cookie Sales Izzy Henze Donaon Arlie Fahrney SHC-Twin Cies In Memory Of: Donor:Dale Viney Carl & Brenda Caulke Larry & Annell NelsonDon LeMay Christopher Libbey Dean LeMayLori Ann Langer Karen LangerGordon Behling Evelyn McGeeDonaon:Breakfast with Santa Fundraiser Wausaukan Shriners Hospital Transportaon In Memory of: Donor:Nancy Nelson Miles & Candy BradleyDonaon:Breakfast with Santa Fundraiser Wausaukan ShrinersUWW Football Fundraiser Sahara SCDonaon Jacob Beiler DONORS Robert GorsuchGary ShealyDarrell SchultzRay & Barb BurrowsJerry E WilkensJim & Allice SmithJohn & Debbi ThorstadLarry NelsonJohn SentyRobert KeeneBrent & Nancy ClausiusAl & Anne BeckerDave StolenMarn CallawayLyle FoxTom Nelson in memory of Nancy NelsonJames & Judy FossE Donald FennieJerry Balschun, PP & DianeAl & Penny BreuggenRick ColesFRIENDS OF THE ZOR ZEPHYRFRIENDS OF THE ZOR ZEPHYRMEMORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS¡ Zor Shriners Membership Fund ¡ Shriners Children’s® – Chicago¡ Zor Shriners Endowment Fund ¡ Shriners Children’s® – Twin Cities¡ Zor General Fund ¡ Shriners Children’s® – Ohio¡ Friends of the Zephyr Fund ¡ Zor Hospital Patient Transportation Fund MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE AS MARKED ABOVE AND MAIL TO:Zor Shriners, 6510 Grand Teton Plaza, Suite 204, Madison, WI 53719In Memory/Honor Of ______________________________________________________¡ Please acknowledge gift to the familyName __________________________________________________________________Address ________________________________________________________________City ____________________________________ State ________ Zip______________¡ Please acknowledge gift to the Donor¡ Via Email ____________________________________________________________Name __________________________________________________________________Address ________________________________________________________________City ___________________________________ State ________ Zip ______________GIVE PARADE TO GLORY CREDIT TO CLUB OR UNIT:DRIVER Monte SteiberDora JohnstonDora JohnstonDora JohnstonAl CoenenDora JohnstonAl CoenenSteve PetersonBob CalverleyBob CalverleyBob CalverleyBob CalverleyDuane HarveySco BrainardDora JohnstonJacob LaBlancDora JohnstonDora JohnstonDora JohnstonKevin SorensonWally TroutenJohn TorpyRIDERKen MeyerNadine SchuhJim DeVoeNadine SchuhJim DeVoeMary Ellen PetersonSandy CalverleySandy CalverleyMone KramerSandy CalverleyRichard DennisKessa LaBlancNadine SchuhDebbie LongeldNadine SchuhRichard JarvisAndrew WilleHOSPITAL DADSHOSPITAL DADSJames Schultz • 10.24.21 • Ladysmith, WIFrank Hallada • 01.14.22 • Dodgeville, WIIN MEMORIAMIN MEMORIAMMark B. HazelbakerAttorney at Law599 D’Onofrio Drive, Suite 222 Madison, WI 53719Direct Line (608) 662-2300 Fax (608) 662-9977 Cell (608) 220-7271Email Website www.kasieta.comMay 14th , 2022Summer Ceremonial and Potentate’s BallMARCH 2022 • Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 19Shriners Children’s Twin Cities Shriners Children’s Twin Cities Cont.IN MEMORY OF: DONOR: IN MEMORY OF: DONOR:Robert Newberg Thomas & Julie WhiteLarry Meier Lee Zellmer FamilyLeo Cigale Mary CallawayLou Chicquette Joyce SwanRiver Falls Football Fundraiser St Croix Valley Shrine Club PTG Southwestern WI Shrine Club Firehouse Jesters Hospital Transportation Donor:PTG SWWISC La Crosse SC Firehouse Jesters Road Runners Funsters Tin Lizzies MavericksDonation: Dannie MillerGeneral Fund: Donor:PTG SWWISC La Crosse SC Firehouse Jesters Road RunnersMembership Fund: Donor:PTG FunstersPeter J Hoffman • 05.28.24 • Black River Falls, WIWilliam S “Bill” McCorkle • 07.19.24 • Richland Center, WI

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Page 23December 2024 • Zor Zephyr MagazineDONORS:Patricia GieslerJerry WilkensJohn SentyJim Smith, P Imp P, & AliceJoe Harker, PGM & Mary A Brueggen, PP & PennyJohn & Gale HendricksonBob & Amy HeringBob Gorsuch, PP & Carol LOOKING FOR A FEW GOOD MEN!That is right, we are looking for a few good men to parcipate in a new short play at our May Ceremonial in Mauston. Potentate Rodney has asked that the “Knickerbocker Degree” be presented. This is something new to Zorland!The play is very short and will be presented just before the tradional Shrine Ritual on Saturday May 14th in Mauston. There are seven (7) speaking parts as well as some extras. NO part is very long and we can have some fun with this degree. It follows the beginning of the Shrine and then the hospital system and its eects on our community as well as the image of the Shrine.For those interested, I will be able to send you a copy of the script along with a presentaon video. The video will be for just those truly interested in being cast. I would like to set a meeng at least for a run through. This would be at some central locaon yet to be determined.I do believe this will be something that we can have some real fun with and sll present some history for those just coming into the Shrine. Also, it’s great when we engage the whole family and they learn what we are all about.I look forward to hearing of your interest.Please contact me with your interest or quesons. Email Dale Holmen at: holmendd13@a.net or call 608-241-4751. Hope to hear from any Shriners with fun in their heart.715-643-4211Steal & Seafood • Friday Fish FryNightly Specials • Carry-Out AvailableReservations AppreciatedLive Entertainment Friday & SaturdayPrivate Rooms AvailableRestaurant/Bar and Banquet FacilityRex’s Innkeeper• Open Every Night • Lunch Mon.-Fri. 11am-2pm608-849-5011301 N. Century Ave., Waunakee, WIwww.rexsinnkeeper.comPage 6 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comAthletes with either condion can usually return to sports aer several months of rest and physical therapy. Paents may need to wear a back brace as part of their recovery, which will be custom-made for them in our orthocs department. In rare situaons, if a vertebra is severely out of alignment or if a child remains in pain aer other forms of treatment, spinal fusion surgery may be needed from one of our skilled, experienced physicians.RehabilitaonOur team of physical and occupaonal therapists are highly trained in addressing a multude of dierent diagnoses. With regard to non-operave and post-operave management of injuries, we are able to tailor our treatment strategies to the paent and their needs–whether it be using crutches to get around at school or progressing back to playing a high-level sport.We use the most current evidenced-based pracce when ulizing modalies and strengthening techniques following injury or surgery and work closely with the medical providers to make sure the paent is making progress and meeng their goals as expected.Specializing in treang pediatrics also gives us a clear lens of how treang a young athlete diers from treang a high school athlete and the importance of using high-level training when appropriate. Our therapists have addional experience treang athletes who may use a wheelchair to play basketball, a sled to play hockey or a prosthesis to go snowboarding. It is crucial to consider all aspects of an athlete’s life and not just their performance on the court or the ice, but how their rehab will aect their ability to engage in their everyday acviesIn conclusionUnfortunately, it is impossible to eradicate all risks our Minnesota winters or winter sports pose. However, ensuring proper protecon during sports is one way to reduce the risk of injury to athletes. Wearing a helmet to ski or snowboard or full pads to play a hockey game is important to provide the maximum protecon to our athletes. Wearing good winter are and using a broad-based stance to walk on the ice and snow can help to reduce the risks of falls when out and about on slippery sidewalks and driveways.Shriners Children’s is one of the world’s greatest philanthropies and has evolved into an internaonal health care system for children, able to treat many health care issues including orthopedic condions, spinal cord injuries, burns and cle lip and palate. All children receive care regardless of the families’ ability to pay. Our centers vary regionally in terms of the range of condions they treat.Shriners Children’s Twin Cies is a specialty clinic focused on the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric orthopedic impairments and injuries. Inially we served a six-state region providing care for some of the most dicult congenital deformity cases, such as children born with their feet facing the wrong way. Some of our paents required over a dozen major surgeries before they were 18. As me went on, we have expanded the range of services we oer to include common injuries. We recently relocated to a new facility in Woodbury where, under one roof, we have a skilled and knowledgeable medical team consisng of orthopedic surgeons and physician assistants, physical and occupaonal therapists, prosthec and orthoc providers, radiology technicians, child life specialists and licensed social workers. This collaborave approach allows us to treat a wide spectrum of paents with diagnoses ranging from cerebral palsy to ankle sprains. Please think of us as a resource and partner when you have paents who may benet from these services and skills.Allyce Fisk, PA-C, MMS, is an orthopedic physician assistant at Shriners Children’s in Woodbury.Rebecca Rouse, PT, DPT, is a physical therapist at Shriners Children’s in Woodbury.Connued on next pageConnued from previous page+-!('-SVVYPUN33*0 DUDWKRQ)ORRULQJQHW3LQH6W_0DUDWKRQ:,2L]PU:VYLUZVU5(6,'(17,$/&200(5&,$/Comstock Tire2413 S. Park St.Madison, WI 53713(608) 257-1004Your One Stop Shop for Tires & Auto Service! www.comstocktire.comOpen 7 Days A WeekServing Nightly at 4pm Sunday Mornings 8:30am-1pmBanquet Facilities for Parties and Special Events6010 Hwy 51, McFarland608-838-5888Supper ClubMARCH 2022 • Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 17Friends of the ZephyrGary & Nancy DurginJohn Thorstad, PP & DebbiMark & Charlene MayryJames Soderholm, PP & JoanGerald BergChad & Andrea FonsecaIn Loving Memory of Martin CallawayCharles E. WhiteArlen & Gloria ChristensenDave StolenJerry Balschun, PP & DianeJohn & Marilyn SentyRobert SalisburyJack & Diane JensenMiles & Candy BradleySahara Shrine ClubSteve & Koral LivernashRon & Dawn MalcolmGary ShealyGary Cuskey, PP & JudyLarry NelsonBrent & Nancy ClausiusBob EversonTom Nelson, PPRoger & Diane AmundsonBill BoamanRoger ReasWendell J OlsoonIn Memory of Otis E LarsonHOSPITAL DADSDRIVER RIDERAl Coenen .............................. Linda ThomasDale Anderson ...................... John TorpyDora JohnstonAl Coenen .............................. Jim DeVoeDora Johnston ...................... Mary VilsDora Johnston ...................... Mary VilsAl Coenen .............................. Linda ThomasAl Coenen .............................. Linda ThomasAl Coenen .............................. Linda ThomasMonte Steiber ....................... Ron JaacksSteve PetersonSchelley Schoville ................. Gene TremellingSchelley Schoville ................. Jean SchovilleSchelley Schoville ................. Jean SchovilleSteve Peterson ........................ Mary Ellen PetersonJohn Torpy ............................. Brad YeomanJohn TorpyWill Lang................................ Monte SteiberMonte Steiber ....................... Lowell AhrensMonte Steiber ......................... Mike ChristensenMonte Steiber ....................... Kevin GreenoSchelley Schoville ................. Monte SteiberDora JohnstonDora Johnston ...................... Mary VilsDora Johnston ...................... Mary VilsDora Johnston ...................... Mary VilsDora Johnston ...................... Nadine SchuchDora JohnstonDora Johnston

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Page 24 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR WISCONSINSubmitted by: Brenda GaulkeWhat is the Order of The Eastern StarHello Sisters & Brothers, family and friends,It seems like it’s been a while since I had an article for you to read, truth be told…. life gets busy and I wanted to wait until after our Conference for more news.Recently we were in Myrtle Beach, SC for the 51st Triennium of the General Grand Chapter Order of the Eastern Star. Or shall I say our international conference. It was certainly a site to see over 2500 people in attendance, with almost 1000 voting delegates. To hear all the reports from every committee sharing where they were, what they were doing and how they raised funds was certainly inspiring. Our Most Worthy Grand Matron and Most Worthy Grand Patron instituted new jurisdictions in other countries during their triennium. Wisconsin raised slightly under 400,000.00 for OES Charities! Our newly installed Most Worthy Grand Matron is Billie Bradeld, a Past Grand Matron from Arizona and our Most Worthy Grand Patron, Michael Berry is a Past Grand Patron from Kentucky. They have awesome plans for Eastern Star. At the conference, some things were voted on that can make Eastern Star grow. A woman can now join without a direct Masonic relative, but she must have a letter of recommendation from both a sister and a brother. There were lots of other changes as well, including an optional way to perform the ceremony of Installation. This would make the ceremony shorter and have other benets too. Wisconsin is proud to have 8 Past Grand Matrons or Past Grand Patrons serving as a General Grand Chapter Committee Member:• Jane Blackwood, Alzheimer’s• Ian Watts, By-Laws• Joanne Frieman, Disaster Relief• Laurie Budwick, Community Service• Laramie Reissner, Credentials• Terri Hundhausen, Heart • Brenda Gaulke, Co-Chair, Historical Landmarks International Peace Garden Chapel• Tammy Hundhausen, YouthThe 52nd Triennium will be held in Phoenix, Arizona August 27 – September 3, 2027. If you would like to know more about the Order, just ask. Thank you to our Illustrious Sir, Roger Keller for asking me to write this series of articles about Eastern Star for you. As I stated above, if you ever want to know more or join or need a petition…. just ask.Star Love, Brenda GaulkeHere are the 4 who were at Myrtle Beach to be installed into ofce: L – R: Laramie Reissner, Terri Hundhausen,Brenda Gaulke and Tammy Hundhausen.

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Page 25December 2024 • Zor Zephyr Magazine$ 20.00 • Kim Kolstad • Mondovi$ 100.00 • Ed Swenson • River Falls$ 20.00 • Ron Boeck • New Glarus$ 20.00 • Jeanne Kozlowicz & Peg Drollinger • Wisconsin Rapids$ 20.00 • David R Hayden • Durand$ 20.00 • Cheryl White • Spencer$ 20.00 • Michael Lubinski Plover$ 20.00 • Jason Hayden • Mondovi$ 100.00 • Payton Wall • Tomah$ 20.00 • Neil E Johnson • Shell Lake$ 20.00 • Robert Miller • Springbrook$ 20.00 • Lyle Koerner • Eau Claire$ 20.00 • Elizabeth Sindelar • Friendship$ 20.00 • Lisa Roatch • River Falls$ 20.00 • Austin Kaiser • Marathon$ 100.00 • Michael Mertz • Wisconsin Rapids$ 20.00 • Carol Hunter • Durand$ 20.00 • Pat Mizzen • Orange Park FL$ 20.00 • Bryce Fransway • Colfax$ 20.00 • Diane Thompson • Monona$ 20.00 • Dorothy Coenen • Tomah$ 20.00 • Dustin Dziekan • Mondovi$ 100.00 • Donna Davis • Mondovi$ 20.00 • Chris Schnabel • South Milwaukee$ 20.00 • Julie Swenson • River Falls$ 20.00 • Scott Reitz • Wisconsin Rapids$ 20.00 • Jenny Cock • Wilton$ 200.00 • Tammy Caturia • Arkansaw$ 20.00 • Justin Thompson • Spooner$ 150.00 • Ethan Johnson • Watertown$ 1,230.00 • Total PrizesJeffrey A. RedmonJeffrey A. RedmonYour Business Counselor in the St. Croix Valley 715-386-0100715-386-0100175 Second Street South, Suite #300Hudson WI 54016MARCH 2022 • Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 21Imperial Session 2022 - ParadeDAVE EMERY PARADE MARSHAL 929 111th Ave. NW Coon Rapids, Minnesota 55448-4339 E-mail : January 4, 2022 Nobles, We are excited to have the 2022 IMPERIAL SHRINE SESSION back in Minneapolis. Imperial Sir Bill and Lady Debby look forward to hosng you, your Divan, your Nobility, and your Ladies in our 150th YEAR as a FRATERNITY and our 100th YEAR of supporng SHRINERS CHILDREN’S. IMPORTANT INFORMATION Parade – Tuesday July 5, 2022 Now is the me to get your Nobility excited and join us for a FUN FILLED IMPERIAL SESSION IN MINNEAPOLIS. We are happy to answer any quesons you might have. Rooms are sll available. Jerry B. Oliver, PP Director General 2022 Imperial Shrine Session (763)-639-8813 If your temple plans on parcipang in the parade at the 2022 Imperial Session of Shriners Internaonal in Minneapolis, please contact the Zor Shrine oce for more informaon.Jeffrey A. RedmonJeffrey A. RedmonYour Business Counselor in the St. Croix Valley 715-386-0100715-386-0100175 Second Street South, Suite #300Hudson WI 54016MARCH 2022 • Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 21Imperial Session 2022 - ParadeDAVE EMERY PARADE MARSHAL 929 111th Ave. NW Coon Rapids, Minnesota 55448-4339 E-mail : January 4, 2022 Nobles, We are excited to have the 2022 IMPERIAL SHRINE SESSION back in Minneapolis. Imperial Sir Bill and Lady Debby look forward to hosng you, your Divan, your Nobility, and your Ladies in our 150th YEAR as a FRATERNITY and our 100th YEAR of supporng SHRINERS CHILDREN’S. IMPORTANT INFORMATION Parade – Tuesday July 5, 2022 Now is the me to get your Nobility excited and join us for a FUN FILLED IMPERIAL SESSION IN MINNEAPOLIS. We are happy to answer any quesons you might have. Rooms are sll available. Jerry B. Oliver, PP Director General 2022 Imperial Shrine Session (763)-639-8813 If your temple plans on parcipang in the parade at the 2022 Imperial Session of Shriners Internaonal in Minneapolis, please contact the Zor Shrine oce for more informaon.620 Deere DriveNew Richmond, WI 54017PHONE: (715) 246-2261TOLL FREE: (888) 674-6455FAX: (715) 246-7393www.johnsonmotorsales.com431 Perry StreetUnion Center, WI 53962H. MARK HEDING, President(608) 462-8441www.drive4heding.comEst. 1927Truck Service Inc.A NEW LOOKSVAaccountants.comDISCOVER THE SVA DIFFERENCETHE SAMECOMMITMENTTO DELIVERING MeasurableResults.Milt Helmer2012 Michael LaneRiver Falls, WI 54022(715) 821-5002miltonhelmer@gmail.comCalendar Rafe Winners!FEBRUARY 2022 WINNERS: $20.00 • Debbie Sie • Mondovi $20.00 • Tammi Hoesly • Monroe $20.00 • Doug & Cory Homan • River Falls $20.00 • Aaron Schmucker • Markesan $100.00 • Kraig Krueger • Maiden Rock $20.00 • Lonnie Kopp • Maiden Rock $20.00 • Trenn Holstein • Wisconsin Rapids $20.00 • Elaine Partridge • Merrill $20.00 • Teegan Nelson • Pardeeville $20.00 • Bryce Fransway • Colfax $20.00 • Nellie LaBlanc • Poynee $100.00 • Joe Harker • New Berlin $20.00 • James R Timm • Wisconsin Dells $20.00 • Karl Olm • Madison $20.00 • Linda Dunham • Eau Claire $20.00 • Sally Swenson • Wilson $20.00 • Preston Walther • Mondovi $20.00 • Sue Lardahl • Durand $100.00 • Josh Whitney • West Allis $20.00 • George Kinney • Blue River $20.00 • Allen Stai • Colfax $20.00 • Tony Giese • Sparta $20.00 • Michael Homan • Watertown $20.00 • Bonnie Comstock • Merrillan $20.00 • Shelly Dziekan • Mondovi $100.00 • Fredrick Outhouse • Oxford $20.00 • Ray Burrows • Coloma $150.00 • Jeremy Haun • Tomah25 YEARS OF SERVICE:50 YEARS OF SERVICE:55 YEARS OF SERVICE:65 YEARS OF SERVICE:Philip P AndersonJon A BarthelJames R BeerDonald E BergstromSco K BrainardAllen G CoenenMarshall H CoonLouis L ChicqueeJohn H DodgeHoward S HetzelWallace D HornerCharles B DeadmanEvere L EllingsonRW FellandGene S GrengsEugene R HelgoeWalter F Schar, JrGerald R WatsonKeith C CreuzigerRobert L EdwardsCurs E HarrisonJon D OaklandWillis A OstremRobert F WenrickWalter J OravezLarry W RyanThomas J WimayerLarry L ZimmermanDavid D HomanPeter J HomanDennis L JonesJohn C Van HollenMarko ZelichCharles E WhiteMARCH 2022 • Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 23Internaonal Associaon of Shrine Motor Corps620 Deere DriveNew Richmond, WI 54017PHONE: (715) 246-2261TOLL FREE: (888) 674-6455FAX: (715) 246-7393www.johnsonmotorsales.com431 Perry StreetUnion Center, WI 53962H. MARK HEDING, President(608) 462-8441www.drive4heding.comEst. 1927Truck Service Inc.A NEW LOOKSVAaccountants.comDISCOVER THE SVA DIFFERENCETHE SAMECOMMITMENTTO DELIVERING MeasurableResults.Milt Helmer2012 Michael LaneRiver Falls, WI 54022(715) 821-5002miltonhelmer@gmail.comCalendar Rafe Winners!FEBRUARY 2022 WINNERS: $20.00 • Debbie Sie • Mondovi $20.00 • Tammi Hoesly • Monroe $20.00 • Doug & Cory Homan • River Falls $20.00 • Aaron Schmucker • Markesan $100.00 • Kraig Krueger • Maiden Rock $20.00 • Lonnie Kopp • Maiden Rock $20.00 • Trenn Holstein • Wisconsin Rapids $20.00 • Elaine Partridge • Merrill $20.00 • Teegan Nelson • Pardeeville $20.00 • Bryce Fransway • Colfax $20.00 • Nellie LaBlanc • Poynee $100.00 • Joe Harker • New Berlin $20.00 • James R Timm • Wisconsin Dells $20.00 • Karl Olm • Madison $20.00 • Linda Dunham • Eau Claire $20.00 • Sally Swenson • Wilson $20.00 • Preston Walther • Mondovi $20.00 • Sue Lardahl • Durand $100.00 • Josh Whitney • West Allis $20.00 • George Kinney • Blue River $20.00 • Allen Stai • Colfax $20.00 • Tony Giese • Sparta $20.00 • Michael Homan • Watertown $20.00 • Bonnie Comstock • Merrillan $20.00 • Shelly Dziekan • Mondovi $100.00 • Fredrick Outhouse • Oxford $20.00 • Ray Burrows • Coloma $150.00 • Jeremy Haun • Tomah25 YEARS OF SERVICE:50 YEARS OF SERVICE:55 YEARS OF SERVICE:65 YEARS OF SERVICE:Philip P AndersonJon A BarthelJames R BeerDonald E BergstromSco K BrainardAllen G CoenenMarshall H CoonLouis L ChicqueeJohn H DodgeHoward S HetzelWallace D HornerCharles B DeadmanEvere L EllingsonRW FellandGene S GrengsEugene R HelgoeWalter F Schar, JrGerald R WatsonKeith C CreuzigerRobert L EdwardsCurs E HarrisonJon D OaklandWillis A OstremRobert F WenrickWalter J OravezLarry W RyanThomas J WimayerLarry L ZimmermanDavid D HomanPeter J HomanDennis L JonesJohn C Van HollenMarko ZelichCharles E WhiteMARCH 2022 • Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 23Internaonal Associaon of Shrine Motor Corps602 Third Street, Suite 1Hudson, WI 54016Measurable Results.®SVAaccountants.comAUG 2023-AUG 2024USADISCOVER THE SVA DIFFERENCECalendar Rafe WinnersNOVEMBER 2024

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Page 26 Zor Zephyr Magazine • 800) 972-9546No Job Too Big or Too SmallROBERTS • RIVER FALLSPete Gunderson& Matt Gundersonwww.fnbrf.comGo Mobile withCONSIDER ADVERTISING!Shriners! If you own a business your company should consider adversing in the Zor Zephyr. It reaches all Zor Shriners in the state and we can give you very aracve rates. If interested please contact Milt Helmer at 715-821-5002 or email at: miltonhelmer@gmail.comSmithfamily reunionJune 3, 2020Grand Park, WI800-533-1635 www.HelmerPrinting.comPROMOTIONAL ITEMS: • Pens • Koozies • Bags • Key Chains • Cups • Mugs • Raffle TicketsCUSTOM APPAREL: • T-Shirts • Hats • SweatshirtsWE ALSO DO: Business Cards, Banners/Signs, Flyers, Envelopes, Brochures, Raffle Tickets, Coupon Books, Local & National Direct Mail, and much more! Contact us today!WE’RE HERE for all your printing needs!MARCH 2022 • Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 27620 Deere DriveNew Richmond, WI 54017PHONE: (715) 246-2261TOLL FREE: (888) 674-6455FAX: (715) 246-7393www.johnsonmotorsales.com431 Perry StreetUnion Center, WI 53962H. MARK HEDING, President(608) 462-8441www.drive4heding.comEst. 1927Truck Service Inc.A NEW LOOKSVAaccountants.comDISCOVER THE SVA DIFFERENCETHE SAMECOMMITMENTTO DELIVERING MeasurableResults.Milt Helmer2012 Michael LaneRiver Falls, WI 54022(715) 821-5002miltonhelmer@gmail.comCalendar Rafe Winners!FEBRUARY 2022 WINNERS: $20.00 • Debbie Sie • Mondovi $20.00 • Tammi Hoesly • Monroe $20.00 • Doug & Cory Homan • River Falls $20.00 • Aaron Schmucker • Markesan $100.00 • Kraig Krueger • Maiden Rock $20.00 • Lonnie Kopp • Maiden Rock $20.00 • Trenn Holstein • Wisconsin Rapids $20.00 • Elaine Partridge • Merrill $20.00 • Teegan Nelson • Pardeeville $20.00 • Bryce Fransway • Colfax $20.00 • Nellie LaBlanc • Poynee $100.00 • Joe Harker • New Berlin $20.00 • James R Timm • Wisconsin Dells $20.00 • Karl Olm • Madison $20.00 • Linda Dunham • Eau Claire $20.00 • Sally Swenson • Wilson $20.00 • Preston Walther • Mondovi $20.00 • Sue Lardahl • Durand $100.00 • Josh Whitney • West Allis $20.00 • George Kinney • Blue River $20.00 • Allen Stai • Colfax $20.00 • Tony Giese • Sparta $20.00 • Michael Homan • Watertown $20.00 • Bonnie Comstock • Merrillan $20.00 • Shelly Dziekan • Mondovi $100.00 • Fredrick Outhouse • Oxford $20.00 • Ray Burrows • Coloma $150.00 • Jeremy Haun • Tomah25 YEARS OF SERVICE:50 YEARS OF SERVICE:55 YEARS OF SERVICE:65 YEARS OF SERVICE:Philip P AndersonJon A BarthelJames R BeerDonald E BergstromSco K BrainardAllen G CoenenMarshall H CoonLouis L ChicqueeJohn H DodgeHoward S HetzelWallace D HornerCharles B DeadmanEvere L EllingsonRW FellandGene S GrengsEugene R HelgoeWalter F Schar, JrGerald R WatsonKeith C CreuzigerRobert L EdwardsCurs E HarrisonJon D OaklandWillis A OstremRobert F WenrickWalter J OravezLarry W RyanThomas J WimayerLarry L ZimmermanDavid D HomanPeter J HomanDennis L JonesJohn C Van HollenMarko ZelichCharles E WhiteMARCH 2022 • Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 23Internaonal Associaon of Shrine Motor CorpsBrian 715-396-1395 | Linda 715-456-6284Brian 715-396-1395 | Linda 715-456-6284( 800) 972-9546No Job Too Big or Too SmallROBERTS • RIVER FALLSPete Gunderson& Matt Gundersonwww.fnbrf.comGo Mobile withCONSIDER ADVERTISING!Shriners! If you own a business your company should consider adversing in the Zor Zephyr. It reaches all Zor Shriners in the state and we can give you very aracve rates. If interested please contact Milt Helmer at 715-821-5002 or email at: miltonhelmer@gmail.comSmithfamily reunionJune 3, 2020Grand Park, WI800-533-1635 www.HelmerPrinting.comPROMOTIONAL ITEMS: • Pens • Koozies • Bags • Key Chains • Cups • Mugs • Raffle TicketsCUSTOM APPAREL: • T-Shirts • Hats • SweatshirtsWE ALSO DO: Business Cards, Banners/Signs, Flyers, Envelopes, Brochures, Raffle Tickets, Coupon Books, Local & National Direct Mail, and much more! Contact us today!WE’RE HERE for all your printing needs!MARCH 2022 • Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 27You can’t bethe best,if you’re onlythe same!Bob Gorsuch608.441.6000( 800) 972-9546No Job Too Big or Too SmallROBERTS • RIVER FALLSPete Gunderson& Matt Gundersonwww.fnbrf.comGo Mobile withCONSIDER ADVERTISING!Shriners! If you own a business your company should consider adversing in the Zor Zephyr. It reaches all Zor Shriners in the state and we can give you very aracve rates. If interested please contact Milt Helmer at 715-821-5002 or email at: miltonhelmer@gmail.comSmithfamily reunionJune 3, 2020Grand Park, WI800-533-1635 www.HelmerPrinting.comPROMOTIONAL ITEMS: • Pens • Koozies • Bags • Key Chains • Cups • Mugs • Raffle TicketsCUSTOM APPAREL: • T-Shirts • Hats • SweatshirtsWE ALSO DO: Business Cards, Banners/Signs, Flyers, Envelopes, Brochures, Raffle Tickets, Coupon Books, Local & National Direct Mail, and much more! Contact us today!WE’RE HERE for all your printing needs!MARCH 2022 • Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 27LOOKING FOR A FEW GOOD MEN!That is right, we are looking for a few good men to parcipate in a new short play at our May Ceremonial in Mauston. Potentate Rodney has asked that the “Knickerbocker Degree” be presented. This is something new to Zorland!The play is very short and will be presented just before the tradional Shrine Ritual on Saturday May 14th in Mauston. There are seven (7) speaking parts as well as some extras. NO part is very long and we can have some fun with this degree. It follows the beginning of the Shrine and then the hospital system and its eects on our community as well as the image of the Shrine.For those interested, I will be able to send you a copy of the script along with a presentaon video. The video will be for just those truly interested in being cast. I would like to set a meeng at least for a run through. This would be at some central locaon yet to be determined.I do believe this will be something that we can have some real fun with and sll present some history for those just coming into the Shrine. Also, it’s great when we engage the whole family and they learn what we are all about.I look forward to hearing of your interest.Please contact me with your interest or quesons. Email Dale Holmen at: holmendd13@a.net or call 608-241-4751. Hope to hear from any Shriners with fun in their heart.715-643-4211Steal & Seafood • Friday Fish FryNightly Specials • Carry-Out AvailableReservations AppreciatedLive Entertainment Friday & SaturdayPrivate Rooms AvailableRestaurant/Bar and Banquet FacilityRex’s Innkeeper• Open Every Night • Lunch Mon.-Fri. 11am-2pm608-849-5011301 N. Century Ave., Waunakee, WIwww.rexsinnkeeper.comPage 6 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comLOOKING FOR A FEW GOOD MEN!That is right, we are looking for a few good men to parcipate in a new short play at our May Ceremonial in Mauston. Potentate Rodney has asked that the “Knickerbocker Degree” be presented. This is something new to Zorland!The play is very short and will be presented just before the tradional Shrine Ritual on Saturday May 14th in Mauston. There are seven (7) speaking parts as well as some extras. NO part is very long and we can have some fun with this degree. It follows the beginning of the Shrine and then the hospital system and its eects on our community as well as the image of the Shrine.For those interested, I will be able to send you a copy of the script along with a presentaon video. The video will be for just those truly interested in being cast. I would like to set a meeng at least for a run through. This would be at some central locaon yet to be determined.I do believe this will be something that we can have some real fun with and sll present some history for those just coming into the Shrine. Also, it’s great when we engage the whole family and they learn what we are all about.I look forward to hearing of your interest.Please contact me with your interest or quesons. Email Dale Holmen at: holmendd13@a.net or call 608-241-4751. Hope to hear from any Shriners with fun in their heart.715-643-4211Steal & Seafood • Friday Fish FryNightly Specials • Carry-Out AvailableReservations AppreciatedLive Entertainment Friday & SaturdayPrivate Rooms AvailableRestaurant/Bar and Banquet FacilityRex’s Innkeeper• Open Every Night • Lunch Mon.-Fri. 11am-2pm608-849-5011301 N. Century Ave., Waunakee, WIwww.rexsinnkeeper.comPage 6 Zor Zephyr Magazine •• Open Every Night• Lunch Mon.-Fri.11am - 2pm301 N. Century Ave.,Waunakee, WIwww.rexsinnkeeper.comSteaks & Seafood • Friday Fish FryNightly Specials • Carry-Outs AvailableReservations AppreciatedLive Entertainment Friday & SaturdayPrivate Rooms Available608-849-5011Open Tuesday thru SaturdayServing Nightly at 4pmBanquet Facilities for Partiesand Special Events6010 Hwy 51, McFarland

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Page 27December 2024 • Zor Zephyr MagazineCreated with Word Search MakerZor Members Last NameCLARY GOFF PEIRSON BOEGEL MAYRY DURGIN DAVIG UNDERWOOD HOFFMAN DRECKTRAH LIND SCHNABEL JOHNSTON TRONNES BRADLEY LARSEN PARKYN HANSON VOSSETEIG OLSZEWSKI TOMSKI BRADLEY MILLER MASSEY OSTREM Name: B Q H P L V R O S G U M H G K P W L V D M D A L WS Y N S L S D S L N O S T X D M O S B W J J V F PP V I Y P C G T M I L L E R N T C F H T I P B K NQ Y G O X Q P R V J W O M Y S B P Y G S I F M C VS Y R O B N I E A P F V T M O C P L T N O S N A HY K U T I X K M C R E F P A N D A J X Z X N S B BP I D L Z Q S U K Z B D O H A C K Q U I A H O O NM U N G Y N M I N A X F H G M D N Y R A L C E U NP B W O P I O Y K D A O U P F H A M N N W R D Y TC O X S Q N T Q P F E U Q R F O Y W R H Q K O V LY E T C T V B D V F I R N B O K T L C Q D C O X BD G S M F Y S J R M L P W W H J L L E E Z A O A XY E Y U D M A S S E Y J E O X T W N Q Q V W V S RN L U W O X J E S C C F P I O W W U L F M G A I QA I J Y J L H H J C L K L J R D Z K G C D D W F GX E K R M F S E N Q G K T B K S W W D O N P T H IZ L I C R Q F Z D J K A R R L K O S U Y I E N W EH W S C H N A B E L M A H E A Z K N L T L H V P TT S W F Q H Z R R W D V Z P R H Y S Y D K V A V EX R Q L J A Z F C L S V P N S S G I L K T S B F SH G O X P B B Q E F N K P U E O Z P X X R K L N SJ B S N Q W W Y S U D K I N N T Q S Y R Y A M J OZ Z K O N P H O H L S H P S R K X R X H A O P S VC Z J X I E E U V Y E L D A R B F O E T E Y G L GQ K J O H N S T O N D B B L O D F D D K Y G X V EZOR IMAGINEERSOn the Lighter SideZor Member Last NameWord ListRAYMOND ASBJORNSON 1981DAVID JONES 1981ROBERT MOODY JR 1981GREGORY ROELLI 1981JAMES ROX 1981RICK TEPPEN 1981JERRY WILKENS 1981CLIFFORD CULVER JR 1982RANDY DAVIS 1982JOHN ENGLUND 1982JAMES FOSS 1982VIRGIL HAWKINS 1982GARY HOLSTEIN 1982JAMES MACFARLANE 1982MARLO ORTH 1982MELVIN ZASTROW 1982ALVIN ARNOLD JR. 1982JOHN FRIEDERS 1982ROBIN GILBERTSON 1982THOMAS HILDEBRANDT 1982LEE HOPPE 1982DUANE HUNTER 1982JOHN METCALF 1982GEORGE SAMARDICH 1982DALE SCHULTZ 1982Created with Word Search MakerASBJORNSON JONES MOODY ROELLI ROX TEPPEN WILKENS CULVER DAVIS ENGLUND FOSS HAWKINS HOLSTEIN MACFARLANE ORTH ZASTROW ARNOLD FRIEDERS GILBERTSON HILDEBRANDT HOPPE HUNTER METCALF SAMARDICH SCHULTZ Name: N W S I Z R Y S A Q P C V D N Q J I Q Y I M U V RH U N T E R Z H H E N L M D F O S D Y X B P L K AA R I M X S L S N A J W Y D H Z N N F I F B N O ZQ P C C Y P G S S F W Y X U E U N S R S L M O B KQ U L N B V P N S O M K H O L S T E I N E L S J AP J H C R U T D J X F D I G H J H N E U I W E Z QZ B K I Q T S U Y G D O N N W Q Q O D I D M F O NS C H U L T Z P E T V E F C S M E J E S X F F V RA K U M T D O S R V I N C Q I G Z X R N T H C E RG F H D P S E A S N E K L I W T R T S A G F D O QN N O S T R E B L I G C A W C X V O I Z F B A J RO S P D Q Y W Y R Z A P R F T I Q H C L J F S C GS X P G H M A C F A R L A N E O J L A C E Q K T ZN H E R M O I S D S N Q F P F V S C X X M R Z J FR J K B B G S K Q T Z D B M T K T Q G Q O E D X RO J V S Q F H O J R M V T C T E P P E N O R Z Y YJ L L H T P D S M O I H J A M A O Y M Y D F V U NB H L T H D Y A H W E P I O A E Q R S G Y F X D QS I G S E L G A U P O H B Q S D E B O P D A N E DA B M G B O W H C I D R A M A S R L M R H I Y C DF J J X X N X D S V E Y E V B R T K O K A T A E AP U Y J P R A G R V T O I J Q X M O L S R Q R U CM Z F Z H A W X L V F S H C W L T G M Y T R L O KE T Y C D C N U Y B E W Q Y X L T Q Z A W D Z E WC P L Z M A C M B L Y C T C Y C R C J M N K G O VMy New Year’s resolution My New Year’s resolution is to get in shape. is to get in shape. I chose round.I chose round.I needed a password that was I needed a password that was eight characters long, so I picked eight characters long, so I picked Snow White and the Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.Seven Dwarves.I’m friends with 25 letters I’m friends with 25 letters of the alphabet. of the alphabet. I don’t know why.I don’t know why.

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MOVING?COMPLETE THIS SECTION AND RETURN IT WITH THE CURRENT MAIL LABEL (BELOW) TO THE ZOR TEMPLE RECORDER 6510 GRAND TETON PLAZA, SUITE 204, MADISON, WI 53719PeriodicalsPostage PaidSparta, WIUSPS 017-572 Published monthly under the auspices ofZor Shriners of Shriners InternationalAddress: 6510 Grand Teton Plaza, Suite 204, Madison, WI 53719Electronic Subscription available on website.Periodicals Postage Paid - Madison, WI and additional mailing ofces.Postmaster: Send changes of address to Zor Zephyr6510 Grand Teton Plaza, Suite 204, Madison, WI 537192 0142 014Zor had a fun Halloween murder mystery event at the Zor Shrine Center in Madison. There was food, dancing, crazy costumes, and another rousing and hilarious (sometimes creepy) murder mystery.