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Zephyr October 2024 FINAL

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Page 2 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comHello Nobles and Ladies, I hope you all are enjoying the cooler weather; I know Tammy is, this is her favorite time of year. We traveled to Johnson Creek for the Sportsman’s Banquet and gun rafe, on our way home we decided to stop in Sun Prairie to support the Daughters of the Nile golf outing, even though we do not golf it was fun to surprise Queen Jenn and the other golfers to support the good things they do. The Hayward Muskies had their annual ATV/UTV ride, we were unable to attend this event this year but want to thank Chief Rabban Brian Dunham and Oriental Guide Mike Kastens and their Ladies for supporting this event.As we end the parade season, the Divan and I would like to thank all the parade units for their hard work and dedication this year. We also would like to thank all the ladies for supporting their Nobles as they traveled around Zorland, raising money to support the hospitals and clinics.Tammy and I had the privilege of riding with Steve and Koral Livernash on the Steampunk in the parade in Wisconsin Dells. Thank you again Steve for the invite, it was truly an honor. We continued our visits around the area by attending the Osman Luau, cele-brating with them, and the new Nobles they brought into the Shrine that day. While we were at Osman, Chief Rabban Dunham was seen at Zuhrah’s cere-monial where he congratulated a college friend as he joined the Shrine there. Thank you to all who attended the Grilling and Chilling event that was held in Onalaska, we hope you all had a wonderful time. As our 1st Ceremonial Master likes to say “re it up.”If you are looking for something to do in October, there is the Little East / West Shrine Game in River Falls on Oct 5. There is also a football game in Whitewater on the same day. Let’s get out and support the clubs that work hard all year to raise money for the clinics and hospitals. The Funsters are holding their Holiday Spirits Craft, Vendor, and Music event in Arnott on Oct. 12-13. This is a huge fundraiser for them and a ton of fun. If you can’t make any of these, you could take your lady for a ride to see the fall colors as they change and enjoy a nice dinner with her, as a way of thanking her for her support. Remember guys, without their support we could not do what we do!Til next month,CARROT ON! Iusiou SiROGER KELLERFrom the desk of

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Page 3October 2024 • Zor Zephyr MagazineVOL LXXVI No. 10 • October 2024 608-833-6343Zor Temple Ofce Hours of Operation:Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 9am-4pm • Closed Wed & Fri‘Charter as of July 12, 1933’HELP US SAVE PRINTING & MAILING COSTSSign up to get your ZEPHYR news magazine via e-mail!E-mail: zorsubmit@gmail.comBecome a Friend of the Zephyr. Send your donation to the Shrine Ofce: 6510 Grand Teton Plaza, Suite 204 • Madison, WI 53719All CLUBS AND UNITS SHOULD BE ZEPHYR SUPPORTERS.THIS IS YOUR ZEPHYR!ON THE COVERZor Midgets lined up and ready to go for one of the last parades for the year.PAGE 5 .............RECORDER BOB’S CORNER BOB GORSUCH HONOR FLIGHT PAGE 6 .............OCTOBER CALENDAR PAGE 8-9 ..........ZOR’S FALL CEREMONIALPAGE 10 ...........ANNUAL SHRINE AUXILIARY AUCTIONPAGE 12 ...........DAUGHTERS OF THE NILEPAGE 13 ...........CONTACTS & BIRTHDAYSPAGE 14-15 ......TIN LIZZIES, ALBANY PARADE & MIDGETS PAGE 18 ...........INSTALLATION OF 2025 OFFICERSPAGE 20 ...........FEZTIVAL OF TREESPAGE 21 ........... PATIENT AMBASSADOR GIOIA SCHUTTEPAGE 22-23 ...... DONATIONS, REPRESENTATIVES, IN MEMORIAM, HOSPITAL DADS & FRIENDS OF THE ZOR ZEPHYRPAGE 25 ...........SEPTEMBER CALENDAR RAFFLE WINNERSPAGE 27 ...........ON THE LIGHTER SIDEBACK COVER ....DECADESIN THIS ISSUE:TIN LIZZIESSHRINE UNITPG 14MEHARA PACKER PARTY

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Richard G. Burkeand 1st LadyJudyBuford, GeorgiaBrian Dunhamand LadyLindaEau Claire, WIgetbrianandlinda@gmail.comChief RabbanBob Gorsuch, PPand LadyCarolFitchburg, WIrgorsuch@oak.bankRon Malcolmand LadyDawnEau Claire, WIrpmalcolm6546@gmail.comMike Kastensand LadySusanNew Richmond, WImrkastens@gmail.comSteve Livernashand LadyKoralWisconsin Rapids, WIprosticker@solarus.netLarry Hanson, PPand LadyJillAlbany, WIhanso@tds.netPage 4Zor Zephyr Magazine2024 ELECTED OFFICERSZOR SHRINERS2024 APPOINTED OFFICERS Thomas W. Stevensand 1st LadyLauraChippewa Falls, WItom.stevens@wimasons.orgRoger Kellerand 1st LadyTammyNew Richmond, WIrogerkeller2012@gmail.comPotentateImperial PotentateMost Worshipful Grand MasterAssistant RabbanHigh Priest & ProphetOriental GuideRecorderTreasurerScott Pedley, PGMand LadyRondaShullsburg, WIscott.pedley@wimasons.orgRoger Amundsonand LadyDianeEdgerton, WIamundsonranch@gmail.comBrad Schultzand LadyMichelleWhitewater, WIschultzbrad@hotmail.comMark Mayryand LadyCharleneNew Richmond, WImarkjmayry@gmail.comDaniel Smithburgand LadyKellyTomah , WIdansmithburg@gmail.comKarl GantBlanchardville, WIkgyellowstone62@gmail.com1st Ceremonial Master2nd Ceremonial MasterMarshalCaptain of the GuardOuter GuardChaplain

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Page 5October 2024 • Zor Zephyr Magazine• 2025 dues are now due. Those who have not paid 2024 dues by 12/31/24, will be suspended. We still have 81 Nobles who have not paid their 2024 dues. If you know someone who is having nancial difculties, please contact me at 608-833-6343, ext. 3. • The next Stated Meeting is at the Zor Temple ofce, 6510 Grand Teton Plaza, Suite 204, Madison, on October 22, 2024, at 4:00 pm.• 2025 will soon be here. All club and unit ofcers should be elected prior to November 15. The names and contact information for all ofcers elected should be sent to the Zor ofce as soon as possible, but before December 31. Installation of the ofcers should be after November 15. Only Nobles who are in good standing with 2025 dues paid may hold ofce in either a club or unit.• As Masons and Shriners, we should maintain respect for all who may differ from us politically. There have been some social media postings that do not support that respect. Disagree? Absolutely. But be respectful.• Shriner Trivia: Number of Shrine Temples ………… 201Zephyr Reminder!Be sure to email your stories by Thursday, October 10, 2024for the Zephyr November 2024 issue.OCTOBER 2024RECORDER BOB’S CORNER S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31BOB GORSUCH HONOR FLIGHTI want to send a big thank you from the bottom of my heart for the notes and messages thanking me for my service to this great country! At the time, one does not think they are that important, just a small cog on a huge wheel. But as the years pass, and war for me and those who served at the time, is over, one can only hope people of all nations would realize that peace and love is a better avenue. The respect for our differences is lacking in many sec-tors today, but each of us can become a beacon of hope for the future. Thanks again, and God bless. Bob

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Page 6 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comPage 6october calendaroctober calendarWed – Oct 2nd St. Croix S.C. Falcon Football Team Dinner - Times TBD River Falls American Legion, 701 N Main St, River Falls, WIFri – Oct 4th St. Croix S.C. Potentate Dinner - Social - 6:00 pm - Dinner - 7:00 pm River Falls Golf Club & Events, 2120 E Division St, River Falls, WISat – Oct 5th • UW River Falls Home Coming Parade - 8:00 am - Meet up, 9:00 am - Line up, 10:00 am - Step off 1:00 pm - Kick off - River Falls American Legion, 701 N Main St, River Falls, WI• Road Runners - River Falls Homecoming Parade - 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM - River Falls, WISun – Oct 6th Madison S.C. - 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM - Esquire Supper Club, 1025 N Sherman Ave, Madison, WISat – Sun – Oct 12th - 13th Zor Funsters Holiday Spirits Craft & Vendor Show - Saturday - 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Sunday - 9:00 am - 3:00 pm - Arnott Lions Community Park, 6867 4th St, Stevens Point, WISat – Oct 12th Valley of Eau Claire Scottish Rite Reunion - 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM Masonic Temple, 616 Graham Ave, Eau Claire, WISun – Oct 13th Lakeland S.C. Ladies Night - 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM - Maple Tree Supper Club, 6010 U.S. Hwy 51, McFarland, WIThu – Oct 17th Lakeland S.C. - 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM - Maple Tree Supper Club, 6010 US-51, McFarland, WITue – Oct 22nd • Ladies Luncheon - 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM- Rex’s Innkeeper, 301 N Century Ave, Waunakee, WI• Divan Meeting - 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM - Zor Shriners Ofce, 6510 Grand Teton Plaza UNIT 204, Madison, WI• Zor Quarterly Stated Meeting - 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Zor Shriners Ofce, 6510 Grand Teton Plaza, Ste. 204, Madison, WIWed – Oct 23rd Mecca Shrine Club Meeting - 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM - Pizones, 202 Superior Ave, Tomah, WIThu – Oct 24th Mini Cars - 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM - Winchester Restaurant, 568 Haugen Rd, Edgerton, WISat – Oct 26th Mini Cars - Belleville Parade - 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM - Belleville, WISat – Oct 26th Valley of Eau Claire Scottish Rite Reunion - 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM - Eau Claire Masonic Temple, 309 Main St, Eau Claire, WIFri – Nov 1st St Croix Valley Women’s Auxiliary Auction 5:00 pm Social - 6:00 pm Dinner - 6:30 pm Auction Ready Randy’s Sports Bar & Grill, 1492 131st St, New Richmond, WISun – Nov 3rd Mound View S.C. - 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM Pointer Cafe, 809 Ridge St, Mineral Point, WIWed – Nov 6th Directors Staff - 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM Rex’s Innkeeper, 301 N Century Ave, Waunakee, WI224455661212131317172222232324242626113366november calendarnovember calendar

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Page 7October 2024 • Zor Zephyr MagazineExpress Your Season’s GreetingsHi Krista, Could you redesign this, make it a little bigger, change the deadline date to November 12, 2023, and run it in both the October and November’s issue? Thanks Please fill out this coupon with your $10 donation.Please fill out this coupon with your $10 donation.Send it in today to make sure your name will be includedSend it in today to make sure your name will be includedwith all the other Nobles and families.with all the other Nobles and families.Noble: ____________________________________________Spouse: _________________________________________Shrine Club/Unit: __________________________________________________________________________________Friend/Children: ___________________________________________________________________________________PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY AND MAIL TO:ZOR SHRINERS6510 Grand Teton Plaza, Suite 204Madison, WI 53719Deadline: November 12, 2024ATTENTION ALL CLUBS AND UNITSAll clubs and units of Zor are encouraged to nominate Nobles for the Potentate’s Annual Award of Merit. Here are guidelines to consider:This award is presented for dedicated and exemplary voluntary service to Zor Shriners and to the Shriners philanthropy, the Shriners Children’s (hospitals/clinics), over a minimum of ve years. 1. Recognition for outstanding service to Shriner Clubs or Units solely shall be the responsibility of those bodies and the nominee shall not be eligible for the Award of Merit recognition as they do not meet the guidelines. 2. The Award shall preferably be presented to Nobles not otherwise recognized as serving on the Divan or by appointment to prominent positions. 3. No member of Zor Divan or past member of the Divan shall be eligible for consideration until at least ve years following being on the Divan; then only for voluntary service that is within Zor’s sphere of inuence. 4. Nomination can be made by a nomination letter describing why the Noble is deserving of this award, i.e., what activities he has participated in; what ofces has he held with the club/unit nominating him; how he has contributed to the shrine philanthropy; how has he been involved with helping children. 5. Normally we request the letters be forwarded to the Zor Shriner ofce no later than November 1. While a woman has never received this award, the Potentate encourages such a nomination if a club or unit feels it is warranted.The awardee is selected solely by the Potentate.

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Page 8 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comIllustrious Sir Roger Keller and Lady Tammy have announced that the Annual Fall Ceremonial and Parade to Glory will again be held in La Crosse, Wisconsin at the Radisson Hotel at 200 2nd Street South on Saturday, December 7th. We have invited Imperial Ofcers to attend, and the Grand Master of Wisconsin Freemasonry or his representative.All ZOR Shriners and their Ladies are encouraged to attend this annual event. This is a perfect op-portunity to top-line sign for a Brother from your Lodge to become a Zor Shriner. He and his family will then begin to experience all the benets of being a Shriner, more especially a ZOR Shriner. He will then be able to join a Club and/or Unit. His Lady may join Daughters of the Nile or Zor’s Ladies Auxiliary. If you are not sponsoring a candidate this year, you and your Lady are still encouraged to attend and join in all the fun activities of the Ceremonial Day. If for no other reason than to meet the new Nobles, visit with old acquaintances, and make some new Shrine friends.In addition to the Ceremonial/Parade to Glory, there will be a Men’s and a Ladies Luncheon, Service Awards, and the evening Banquet. A marketplace will feature Vet’s Patrol Masonic Items, Daugh-ters of the Nile cookie walk, a Ladies Auxiliary table with Shriner items, Rafes, etc. Clubs, Units, or other groups wishing a table(s) in the marketplace must email their request to Monte Steiber at Please include the number of tables and chairs your group will need. We will do our best, but space is limited.The meal coupon must be completed and submitted to Monte Steiber for your meals.Deadline for meal reservations is November 22, 2024.All late meal reservations will require a $20 late fee per person. Saturday Evening Dinner Choices are: • Grilled Boneless Pork Chop with Pork & Thyme Jus • Focaccia Crusted Walleye with Champagne Cream Sauce • Italian Marinated Flank Steak with Chimichurri Sauce Each Plated Dinner Includes: • Caesar Salad • Dinner Bread & Butter • Chef’s Choice Vegetable • Creamy Grains (slow-cooked grains in a parmesan cream sauce) • Lemon Buttercream Layer Cake • Carrot Cake • Ice Water & Decaf Coffee Kids Menu: Fruit Cup, Chicken Tenders, Veggies, Fries, Dessert Kids Lunch: Grilled Cheese Sandwich with Veggies, Fries, and a cookieSpecial Dietary Needs: contact Monte Steiber at or 608-326-4640.ZOR’S FALL CEREMONIALDecember 7, 2024 | raDisson Hotel, la crosse, Wi

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Page 9October 2024 • Zor Zephyr MagazineThe Deadline for hotel reservations is Friday, November 15, 2024. Ask the hotel for the Zor Shrine Ceremonial Rate which will be $129 per night plus taxes. Past Potentates, Divan, and sup-port staff will make their hotel reservations via the Zor Ofce. General Nobility and Candidates can make their reservations using one of the following methods (contact Steve Peterson at 715-573-4059 if you have any issues making a hotel reservation): • Call the Radisson Hotel directly Mon.-Fri. 9 am – 5 pm CST at 608-784-6680 and ask for the Zor Shriner Ceremonial Rate when making your reservation. When prompted select Option-2 which is the live guest services representative in the hotel. Do not select Option 1 which will transfer you to an outside call center. If the system transfers you to the outside call center, hang up and call back. • On-line at The above website takes you directly to a group ratefor Zor for December 6 – December 8 reservations only.FALL CEREMONIAL - RADISSON HOTEL, LA CROSSE, WISaturday, December 7, 2024Noble Name: ___________________________________________________ Lady/Guest: ________________________________________________(Name tags will be made from the names you provide above)Phone Number: _________________________________________________ E-mail Address: ____________________________________________Please Reserve the following Meals:Men’s Lunch Italian Pasta Buffet No. _____@ $30 = $ ____________Ladies Lunch Grilled Chicken Wrap No. _____@ $25 = $ ____________Dinner Grilled Boneless Pork Chop No. _____@ $45 = $ ____________Dinner Focaccia Crusted Walleye No. _____@ $45 = $ ____________Dinner Italian Marinated Flank Steak No. _____@ $45 = $ ____________Late Fee* .................... No. _____@ $20 = $ ____________*$20 per person for meal reservations made after November 22nd TOTAL DUE: .............$ ____________Meal Reservation Deadline: November 22, 2024 Make checks Payable to: Zor Shriners Mail meal reservations to: Monte Steiber 60991 Ward Rd Prairie du Chien, WI 53821 Special Dietary Needs: Contact Monte Steiber at or 608-326-4640ZOR’S FALL CEREMONIALHotel informationKid’s Meals (12 yrs. & under)Kid’s LunchGrilled Cheese Sandwich No. _____@ $15 = $ ___________Kid’s DinnerCrispy Chicken Tenders No. _____@ $15 = $ ___________

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Page 10 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comAnnual Shrine Auxiliary Auction Join us for the annual St. Croix Valley Shrine Women’s Auxiliary Auction. WWhheerree:: Ready Randy’s, 1490 131st St, New Richmond, WI WWhheenn:: Friday, Nov 1, 2024, Social hour starts at 5:00 pm. Dinner at 6:00 pm with the auction starting at 6:30 pm The meal will consist of an 8oz sirloin steak or champagne chicken, with baby red potatoes, chef blend vegetables, and a spring garden salad. CCoosstt:: $35 per person (includes tax, gratuity, and use of the room) To make reservations please text or leave a detailed voicemail at 763-257-5896 or email by October 25th to Tammy Keller Bring your friends and family to join in the fun! Please bring items for the auction such as baked goods, handmade crafts, small furniture, wall hangings, sporting goods, items that can be sold to raise money. All net proceeds will be used by the Women’s Auxiliary to benefit the Shriner’s Healthcare for Children Annual Shrine Auxiliary AuctionBring yourfriends &familyto joinin the fun!ZOR FALL CEREMONIAL SUNDAY BRUNCH DECEMBER 8THWhere: La Crosse Masonic Center, 118 8th St. SouthWhen: serving from 7:30 am-9:30 am. $10 per person (kids $5)coffee, juice, milk, water, sodawafes, bacon, egg bake, sweet pastriesPay at the door. RESERVATIONS MANDATORY!!Please RSVP with Todd Wohlert at or 608-385-1923by Sunday December 1st Please bring items for the aucon such as baked goods, handmade cras, small furniture, wall hangings, sporng goods, items that can be sold to raise money.All net proceeds will be used by the Women’s Auxiliary to benet the Shriner’s Healthcare for ChildrenJoin us for the annualSt. Croix Valley Shrine Women’s Auxiliary AuctionWhere: Ready Randy’s, 1490 131st St, New Richmond, WI When: Friday, Nov 1, 2024, Social hour starts at 5:00 pm. Dinner at 6:00 pm with the auction starting at 6:30 pmThe meal will consist of an 8oz sirloin steak or champagne chicken, with baby red potatoes, chef blend vegetables, and a spring garden salad. Cost: $35 per person (includes tax, gratuity, and use of the room)To make reservations please text or leave a detailed voicemail at 763-257-5896 or email by October 25th to Tammy Keller

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Page 11October 2024 • Zor Zephyr MagazineTuesday, October 22nd, 2024Rex’s Innkeeper Supper Club in WaunakeeSocial Hour 11:00 am Luncheon 12:00 pmName of Honored Lady and/or Guest ____________________________________________________Phone # _______________________________________________________________________________Email _________________________________________________________________________________Number attending __________ $30.00 per person $________________totalPlease make check payable to Zor Shriners and send to:Debbi Thorstad7318 Longmeadow Rd. Madison, WI 53717Honore Ladies LuncheoIt’s the Bee’s Knee’s here in Zor Land! Honoring our Widows with a Luncheon on Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024.Come join our Potentate Roger Keller and his lady Tammy at the Honored Ladies Luncheon held at Rex’s Innkeeper Supper Club 301 N. Century Ave. Waunakee, WI 53597All Honored Ladies are guests of Zor. Everyone is welcome to join us. Social Hour at 11 am and the luncheon at 12 pmThe luncheon is family style with Baked Chicken, Ham, Au gratin Potatoes, Corn, Fruit, Rolls, and Dessert along with Milk and or Coffee all at the cost of $30.00 per person. Reservations and payment are due NO LATER THAN OCTOBER 7TH, 2024. NO MONEY WILL BE COLLECTED AT THE LUNCHEON.Please send coupon below to Debbi Thorstad 7318 Longmeadow Rd. Madison, WI 53717 Any questions call Debbi at 608-444-3481Yo Ar Invite!ZOR HONORED LADIES LUNCHEONWe will learn all about Our Friends the Honeybees from the Founding President of the Dane County Beekeepers Association, Jeanne Hansen.

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Page 12 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comJe (Schaefe) Verni, QueeJe (Schaefe) Verni, QueeQueen of Antioch Temple No. 113Daughters of the Nile, Madison, WIProud to be a Daughter of the Nile, Queen, (Jen Schaefer) VernigDAUGHTERS o e NILESeptember really zipped by and had a lot of fun in it!Antioch hosted their 1st golf outing on September 15th and our Dine to Donate on the 23rd at Texas Roadhouse, East Madison. We’re hoping to be able to make a nice contribution to Shriners Children’s from our new events and have some fun too!Our August session included welcoming a new member and we are lucky enough to do so again in September. We love new members with new ideas and enthusiasm!September 7th was a wonderful picnic hosted by our Past Potentate Rodney LaBlanc and his lovely lady Mary! Of course, there was SO much delicious food, not the least of which was the shrimp boil.Our own Queen Mum (PQ Beth Schaefer) celebrated her birthday with the group, Lady Mary leading in “Happy Birthday” during the afternoon.As the temps cool, we still have a lot to enjoy in our fellowship and our work for Shriners Children’s.Keep up the good work!Quee Jen (Schaefe) Verni

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Page 13October 2024 • Zor Zephyr MagazineFLAMBEAU LANDRobert Grunseth • 715-532-7311GLACIER RIDGE HILLBILLY CLAN 183Larry Hanson • 608-778-0802GREEN COUNTYNicholas Baker • 608-293-0796HAYWARD MUSKYRobert Odell • 715-671-8585HEART OF WISCONSINKen Olm • 715-323-7131INDIANHEADHarlan Dodge • 715-296-0485LACROSSEKevin Greeno • 608-780-2498LAKELANDJim Stelsel Jr. • 608-770-5204MADISONDale Holmen • 608-513-2570MECCAMontie Kramer • 715-459-3332MEHARAKeith Foulk • 309-224-7870MOUNDVIEWKarl Gant • 608-523-4714PINE RIVER VALLEYCole Downey • 608-604-4491ROCK COUNTY Jeff Lichtfuss • 608-752-2811SAHARADale Olson • 262-203-0641SOUTHWESTERN WILowell Ahrens • 608-412-2143ST. CROIX VALLEYTy Behr • 612-581-4667TIMBERRichard Dennis • 612-210-3007VACATIONLANDLeonard Pickett • 608-963-0860YOSHIRon Malcolm • 608-387-9421 ZOR Shrine ClubsZOR Shrine UnitsCAMEL PATROLJim Stelsel, Jr. • 608-770-5204MADISON CLOWNSPaul McCallum • 608-931-0849DIRECTORS STAFFBob Ott • 608-415-2536FIREHOUSE JESTERSKevin Greeno • 608-780-2498FLAMBEAU CLOWNSJesse Tihlarik • 715-820-1202FUNSTERSRandy Webb • 715-572-3807IMAGINEERSChris Peters • 715-630-9143MAVERICKSJacob LaBlanc • 608-617-9776MIDGETSAl Coenen • 608-387-6868MINI CARSMiles Bradley • 608-289-1628MISFITZMontie Kramer • 715-459-3332MUSKY CYCLE PATROLChuck Stene • 715-791-8240ROAD RUNNERSMike Kastens • 715-497-7527SAWDUSTERSMike Hayden • 715-495-0258TIN LIZZIESRod Schultz • 414-378-1553VETERANS PATROLRay Burrows • 715-228-2631WAUSAUKEN SHRINERSStephen Britton • 203-258-6987Rick Schnabel • 715-432-3152YOUR CONTACTSOctober 2024 BirthdaysOct 1: Dean Melby; Harold J Christensen; James S OnarheimOct 2: Melvin B Zastrow; Robert F Fischer; Timothy J Castner; Wayne P DennisOct 3: George F Choles; Larry E DuBoisOct 4: Arthur L Hotvedt; Russell G Dunnum PP; Wayne L WittenbergOct 5: Anton S Arneson Jr; William C Jones; James R Bohn; David R WolfOct 6: Perron W NicholasOct 7: Derek S KalishOct 8: Robert D Sembach; Robert M Hering; Douglas B Hoffman; Lance Van DammeOct 9: Randy L ConwellOct 10: Duane A Hunter; Lawrence W KraussOct 11: William E Johnson PP; Craig G WooldridgeOct 12: Karl A Gant; Curtis E BellOct 13: Lawrence D HovsethOct 14: Ronald DavisOct 15: Steven A Klein; Jay C VosseteigOct 16: Peter M LenzOct 17: Donald E Borgen; Wendell J Olson; Franklin J Struble; Peter J Gunderson; Patrick A Watson II; Harold S Schilling; Chancellor L Crowther Oct 18: Thomas G Thompson; Scott W Hurd; Todd J Skortz; Ryan WojicechowskiOct 19: Burton J Nelson; Robert R Moline; Rodney E LaBlanc PPOct 20: Dean D Dickinson; Jeffrey G Severson; Oct 22: Dale E AndersonOct 23: Matthew Hanson; Kristopher C Stewart; Jacob R Schultz; Ian G MattsonOct 24: John E Hendrickson; Robert D Tewes; Steven V EngebretsonOct 25: Edwin Blake; Anthony R Reeves; Matthew C CuperOct 26: Larry V Hawkins; William D Chappell; Charles W Van Heest Jr; Oct 28: Timothy E Dunlap; Theodore A See; Jared Brown; Armand P SchonscheckOct 29: Michael Mc Gough; William W ParkerOct 30: Burnell T Roble; Daniel J Dixon; Gayel L LarsenOct 31: Jack A Lyon; Jack M Jensen***Disclaimer***If this contact information for your unit/club is not correct, please contact the ZOR of-ce to update the information. Also, please ensure that you provide a copy of your updated ofcers to the ofce as soon as you are able!

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Page 14 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comAt the Boyceville parade, an individual came up to the van and gave Brother Don Fennie the $5.00 below. This was in recognition and thankfulness as he was a recipient of his articial leg replacement when he was younger. You make a difference in representing the great Shriners Hospitals and all they do by your participating in the parades to help those in need.The Ettrick parade is in the books for 2024. While it was a tad hot and humid, it was a great parade and a very appreciated crowd! The chicken dinner and beverages after the parade were certainly appreciated by the TL crew.Thank you, Bryce Fransway, for your leadership as the lead driver. You called a great parade! Thank you for driving the Tin Lizzies in the parade John VanToll, Tim Buckley, Donald Schwartz, Bill Tice, Steve Lasure, and myself.Special thank you to the ever-popular Shriners Teddy Bear, Colleen Schwartz, and “Hollywood” Bruce Fransway for driving the van!Please check your calendars for availability to drive in this upcoming parade. I will be sending out another email for signing-up for this parade and the remaining parades on the “Fearless” Tin Lizzies schedule in the next few days.Thank you for all you do Brothers!Tin Lizzies! By: C - RodFELLOW “FEARLESS”. . .

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Page 15October 2024 • Zor Zephyr MagazineALBANY PARADEZOR MIDGETS By: Ill. Sir Al Brueggen, PPOn Sunday the 18th of August, the Zor Shrine Clowns and the Mini Cars showed up in Albany to amaze the hometown crowd. As the clowns were getting their cart ready for the parade, some of the Mini Car drivers were waiting very patiently for the start of the parade. The clowns enjoyed the time they put in on setting up for the parade. The smiles they see on the kids are all worth it, adult smiles too. The clowns that do walk, enjoy the high-ves from the kids along the route along with some with the adults. Every now and then, our clowns do come across some grown-ups afraid of us. Not sure if that will ever change. Meanwhile, the Mini Cars did a wonderful job in the performance they did along the route for the crowd. It is amazing how they can move so precisely without making any mistakes. They are surely one of the best groups at what they do! They all made it through the parade without any issues. A great job to them. We all had a great time. After the parade, we all gathered over at Larry and Jill Hanson’s home for some refreshment. If anything, the barbeque was the hit of the day, it was delicious. Chef Ramsey would be proud of you. Thank you, Jill and Larry, for having us over. Hope you all have a wonderful day. Please be safe and see you next time.The Zor Midgets concluded their 2024 parade season in Blair WI on September 15. What a great sum-mer for parades. Thanks to all our drivers, their ladies, and their fami-lies for all the support. A big thank you goes out to our sponsors and parade goers.

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Page 16 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comby: Noble Merl SteffenThe Club recently participated in the Elmwood UFO days parade, and this marks our midway of the season. Seven parades completed and seven more to go. The carts have been working much better with the new engine upgrades. The Road Runner club appreciates the volunteer drivers who support all the parades and are integral in making our club succeed. The second half of the season parades included MSA in La Crosse on 8/8 & 10, Hammond on 8/11, Star Prairie on 8/18, Amery on 9/14, Spring Valley on 9/15, and River Falls East-West game on 10/5. Thank you for attending these parades as the Road Runners go-kart crew loves your support. The drivers love to see your smiling faces as they drive by and give you a big wave. Your support is always appreciated. Enjoy the parades, have a fantastic time, and support the local communities!Top Photo: River Falls Days Parade CrewStanding L-R; Ron Davis, Ed Swenson,Merl Steffen, Jim Wolfe, Doug Hoffman,Randy Pfab, Jeremy Christiansen, and Carl Gaulke.Middle Photo:New Richmond Fun Fest Parade CrewStanding L-R; Ron Davis, Mark Mayry, Ed Swenson, Doug Hoffman, Randy Pfab,Chad Fonseca, Merl Steffen, Barry Ausen,and Carl Gaulke.Bottom Photo: Elmwood UFO Days Parade CrewFront kneeling L-R: Ed Swenson and Jim Wolfe. Standing L-R: Randy Pfab, Jeremy Christiansen, Carl Gaulke, Doug Hoffman, Merl Steffen, and Dan Sherry. Picture provided by Brenda Gaulke.ST. CROIX VALLEY SHRINE CLUBRiver Falls Days Parade CrewNew Richmond Fun Fest Parade CrewElmwood UFO Days Parade Crew

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Page 17October 2024 • Zor Zephyr MagazineEND OF SUMMER PICNIC 2024

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Page 18 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comPlease join us Saturday, 11 January, 2025, in Eau Claire, WI. e Lismore Hotel in Eau Claire will be host for ZOR's 92nd annual meeting, election, installation of the 2025 offi cers, and our annual FEZ party. In addition to covered parking, this year all events (both men’s and women’s) will be held at  e Lismore Hotel so there should be no need to worry about inclement weather.  e ticket cost of $75 is per person and includes choice of lunch, hors d’oeuvres, choice of dinner, and entertainment. To enjoy a $5 per person discount, complete registration before 1, December, 2024.  e Lismore is off ering a reduced nightly rate of $125. Room reservations must be made PRIOR to 1, December, 2024 for rate eligibility. Following installation there will be hors d'oeuvres, a cash bar, pictures and live entertainment by the Dawson Redenius Septet. After dinner we will open a hospitality suite that overlooks the Christmas decorated downtown, Phoenix bridge lit for us in Shri-ner Red, and the Chippewa River. For questions about registration please call Gary Cuskey at 715-520-3052.Please join us Saturday, 11 January, 2025, in Eau Claire, WI. e Lismore Hotel in Eau Claire will be host for ZOR's 92nd annual meeting, election, installation of the 2025 offi cers, and our annual FEZ party. In addition to covered parking, this year all events (both men’s and women’s) will be held at  e Lismore Hotel so there should be no need to worry about inclement weather.  e ticket cost of $75 is per person and includes choice of lunch, hors d’oeuvres, choice of dinner, and entertainment. To enjoy a $5 per person discount, complete registration before 1, December, 2024.  e Lismore is off ering a reduced nightly rate of $125. Room reservations must be made PRIOR to 1, December, 2024 for rate eligibility. Following installation there will be hors d'oeuvres, a cash bar, pictures and live entertainment by the Dawson Redenius Septet. After dinner we will open a hospitality suite that overlooks the Christmas decorated downtown, Phoenix bridge lit for us in Shri-ner Red, and the Chippewa River. For questions about registration please call Gary Cuskey at 715-520-3052.Please join us Saturday, 11 January, 2025, in Eau Claire, WI. e Lismore Hotel in Eau Claire will be host for ZOR's 92nd annual meeting, election, installation of the 2025 offi cers, and our annual FEZ party. In addition to covered parking, this year all events (both men’s and women’s) will be held at  e Lismore Hotel so there should be no need to worry about inclement weather.  e ticket cost of $75 is per person and includes choice of lunch, hors d’oeuvres, choice of dinner, and entertainment. To enjoy a $5 per person discount, complete registration before 1, December, 2024.  e Lismore is off ering a reduced nightly rate of $125. Room reservations must be made PRIOR to 1, December, 2024 for rate eligibility. Following installation there will be hors d'oeuvres, a cash bar, pictures and live entertainment by the Dawson Redenius Septet. After dinner we will open a hospitality suite that overlooks the Christmas decorated downtown, Phoenix bridge lit for us in Shri-ner Red, and the Chippewa River. For questions about registration please call Gary Cuskey at 715-520-3052.

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October 2024 • Zor Zephyr MagazineINDIANHEAD SHRINE CLUBPlease join us Saturday, 11 January, 2025, in Eau Claire, WI. e Lismore Hotel in Eau Claire will be host for ZOR's 92nd annual meeting, election, installation of the 2025 offi cers, and our annual FEZ party. In addition to covered parking, this year all events (both men’s and women’s) will be held at  e Lismore Hotel so there should be no need to worry about inclement weather.  e ticket cost of $75 is per person and includes choice of lunch, hors d’oeuvres, choice of dinner, and entertainment. To enjoy a $5 per person discount, complete registration before 1, December, 2024.  e Lismore is off ering a reduced nightly rate of $125. Room reservations must be made PRIOR to 1, December, 2024 for rate eligibility. Following installation there will be hors d'oeuvres, a cash bar, pictures and live entertainment by the Dawson Redenius Septet. After dinner we will open a hospitality suite that overlooks the Christmas decorated downtown, Phoenix bridge lit for us in Shri-ner Red, and the Chippewa River. For questions about registration please call Gary Cuskey at 715-520-3052. MFG & MODEL CALIBER VALUE WINNERS NAME 1 Remington 700 Tactical ................... $799.99 Joseph Harker 2 Stoeger M3500 ..................................12 GA $349.99 Wieland 3 Glock 19 ................................................. $559.99 Lee Cushman 4 Kimber Micro ...................................... $649.99 Stoney Clements 5 Rugar Wrangler .................................. $219.99 Lucas Haas 6 Glock 43x .............................................. $499.99 Sheila Butzler 7 Smith & Wesson MP Shield 9 ....... $549.99 Joseph Harker 8 Sig Sauer P365 FDE .......................... $599.99 Brandon Clements 9 Browning AB3 6.5 .............................. $599.99 Wes Fechner 10 Rugar American 6.5 .......................... $419.99 Jon Hayden11 Winchester Wildcat 22 Black ........ $309.99 Adam Steiber12 Winchester Wildcat 22 Camo ........ $309.99 Ted Reisen13 Ruger American 204 Ruger ............ $529.99 Owen Demo14 Winchester SX4 ..................................12 GA $1,049.99 Jim Neitzke15 Browning X-bolt Speed 300 Win Mag $1,219.99 Mike Kastens 16 Franchi Ainity 3 ..............................12 GA $949.99 Mark Mugavero17 Stoeger STR9 ...................................... $299.99 Wieland18 Savage 93R17 ...................................... $349.99 Shelly Butler19 Mossberg 500 Combo ...................... $469.99 Toad Brom20 Savage 110 w/scope .........................30-06 $639.99 Jodi Ambrose MFG & MODEL CALIBER VALUE WINNERS NAME21 Weatherby Vanguard 270 ............... $639.99 Dan Wegner22 Tikka T3x243 ........................................ $849.99 Terry Boydston23 Mossberg 702 ....................................22 LR $149.99 Larry Krauss24 Ruger American 243 Win ................ $499.99 Tom Placke25 Ruger American 17HMR ................... $399.99 Steven Halverson26 Ruger PC Carbine .............................. $619.99 Charlie Allen27 Savage Axis ........................................30-06 $379.99 Randy Webb28 Savage Axis 7mm-08 ........................ $379.99 Al Brueggen29 Weatherby Element ..........................12 GA $669.99 Robert McCormack30 Browning Buckmark ........................22LR $419.99 Gary Yunk31 Ruger LCP 380 .................................... $269.99 Dick Lovley32 SW 442 ..................................................38 spl $499.99 Owen Demo33 Taurus G2C ..........................................40SW $299.99 Austin Tronnes34 SW SD9VE .............................................9mm $399.99 Mark Klein35 Kimber Custom 45 ACP .................... $799.99 Bob Johnson36 Beretta APX .........................................9 mm $449.99 Joe Dusek37 Diamondback DB15 ........................... $639.99 Ray Burrows38 Glock G44 ............................................. $499.99 Kevin Gitchel39 Ruger American 6.5 .......................... $499.99 Steve Hayden40 Franchi Ainity 3 ..............................12 GA $949.99 Scott SinzGIOIA SCHUTTE UPDATE2024 SPORTSMAN’S RAFFLE WINNERS1st Annual ATV Rideby: Noble Chuck SteneOn Saturday, August 17th, 2024, the Indianhead Shrine Club and the Rice Lake Snow and Dirt Club conducted their 1st Annual ATV Ride for Shriners Hospitals for Children.This is the 39th year the Rice Lake Snow and Dirt Club has joined efforts with the Indianhead Shrine Club in Fundraising for Shrine Kids treatments at Shrine Hospitals for Children. Previous rides were Snowmobile Runs in January; we switched to ATVs this year. 18 ATVs traveled many miles of trails to support funding our Shriners Hospi-tals for Children, and their treatment programs. This year riders collected over $12,500 for their efforts. Over the years, this group has raised over $350,000 for Shriners Hospitals for Children.Pictured with former “Shrine Kids” are Indian-head Shriners: Nobles Scot Arnold, Bernie Kahl, Chuck Stene, and Bob Olsen.Page 19

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Page 20 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comNovember 18th - 23rd 2024Monday - Friday 4-8 pmSaturday - 10 am - 6 pmSponsored Trees will be raffled onSaturday, November 23rd 6:00 pmA mini donut truck will be on the grounds Friday and Saturday.Need not be present to win.Zor Shriner Midgets are not tax deductible as a charitable contribution.Win a fully decorated Christmas Tree and the gifts – $500.00 value or more!Win a fully decorated Christmas Tree and the gifts – $500.00 value or more!

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Page 21October 2024 • Zor Zephyr MagazineHello Shriners! School is ofcially in session!!I really don’t have anything new or interesting going on in my life, so this is all the updated details.As the rst month of school comes to an end, my life is pretty busy. Between work, school and sports, I don’t really have a lot of free time. I’m going to as many home volleyball, football and sporting events as I can at my school. Home volleyball games are especially my favorite, since the energy in the crowd when we get a good block, ace or hit is AMAZING!! Some people lose their voice cheering, especially when the games turn into if we qualify for state or not. We also have a lot of different cheers that we use for different sports. Sometimes we use the same cheers that are hype up cheers.The weight room is going great! It’s a nice little activity to do after school, so my life isn’t all homework and work, but it’s also a fun way to hang out with my friends. Sadly, I could not nd a volleyball team to play on this fall, but I’m planning on playing in the winter/spring!!Speaking of work, work is going great!! Right now, I’m only working around 14-15 hours a week, but since I’m still only 15, I can only work till 7:00pm, but when I turn 16, I’ll be able to work later nights. I also watched the Paralympics, but only sitting volleyball and shot put. In sitting volleyball, the USA placed gold!! My friend who went to the Paralympics played AMAZING and I was so happy that she got the chance to play! I’m so proud of her. I didn’t get to see the end of the women’s f46 shot put because I had to make a quick little shopping trip.Since I mentioned shopping, I should mention that my school’s homecoming is at the end of September, which is waaay earlier than last year, so I’ll be back with more details on our schools’ homecoming games in November.That’s all that I have for this month folks!! I’ll be back with more adventures in November!!GIOIA SCHUTTE UPDATE

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Page 22 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comDONATIONSFriends of the Zor ZephyrIN MEMORY OF: DONOR:Shriners Children’s ChicagoLeRoy Kluever Jack & Diane JensenEdward Anderson Ray & Eloise AsbjornsonJohn Hendrickson Lakeland Shrine Club John Benedict Lakeland Shrine ClubDONATIONSDONATIONSShriners Hospitalsfor Children®ChicagoSHC-ChicagoIn Memory of: Donor:Dawn Beedy Todd & Jae WerndliNorma Jenkins Nancy Peckham Donaons: Breakfast with Santa Fundraiser Wausaukan Shriners Cookie Sales Izzy Henze Donaon Arlie Fahrney SHC-Twin Cies In Memory Of: Donor:Dale Viney Carl & Brenda Caulke Larry & Annell NelsonDon LeMay Christopher Libbey Dean LeMayLori Ann Langer Karen LangerGordon Behling Evelyn McGeeDonaon:Breakfast with Santa Fundraiser Wausaukan Shriners Hospital Transportaon In Memory of: Donor:Nancy Nelson Miles & Candy BradleyDonaon:Breakfast with Santa Fundraiser Wausaukan ShrinersUWW Football Fundraiser Sahara SCDonaon Jacob Beiler DONORS Robert GorsuchGary ShealyDarrell SchultzRay & Barb BurrowsJerry E WilkensJim & Allice SmithJohn & Debbi ThorstadLarry NelsonJohn SentyRobert KeeneBrent & Nancy ClausiusAl & Anne BeckerDave StolenMarn CallawayLyle FoxTom Nelson in memory of Nancy NelsonJames & Judy FossE Donald FennieJerry Balschun, PP & DianeAl & Penny BreuggenRick ColesFRIENDS OF THE ZOR ZEPHYRFRIENDS OF THE ZOR ZEPHYRMEMORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS¡ Zor Shriners Membership Fund ¡ Shriners Children’s® – Chicago¡ Zor Shriners Endowment Fund ¡ Shriners Children’s® – Twin Cities¡ Zor General Fund ¡ Shriners Children’s® – Ohio¡ Friends of the Zephyr Fund ¡ Zor Hospital Patient Transportation Fund MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE AS MARKED ABOVE AND MAIL TO:Zor Shriners, 6510 Grand Teton Plaza, Suite 204, Madison, WI 53719In Memory/Honor Of ______________________________________________________¡ Please acknowledge gift to the familyName __________________________________________________________________Address ________________________________________________________________City ____________________________________ State ________ Zip______________¡ Please acknowledge gift to the Donor¡ Via Email ____________________________________________________________Name __________________________________________________________________Address ________________________________________________________________City ___________________________________ State ________ Zip ______________GIVE PARADE TO GLORY CREDIT TO CLUB OR UNIT:DRIVER Monte SteiberDora JohnstonDora JohnstonDora JohnstonAl CoenenDora JohnstonAl CoenenSteve PetersonBob CalverleyBob CalverleyBob CalverleyBob CalverleyDuane HarveySco BrainardDora JohnstonJacob LaBlancDora JohnstonDora JohnstonDora JohnstonKevin SorensonWally TroutenJohn TorpyRIDERKen MeyerNadine SchuhJim DeVoeNadine SchuhJim DeVoeMary Ellen PetersonSandy CalverleySandy CalverleyMone KramerSandy CalverleyRichard DennisKessa LaBlancNadine SchuhDebbie LongeldNadine SchuhRichard JarvisAndrew WilleHOSPITAL DADSHOSPITAL DADSJames Schultz • 10.24.21 • Ladysmith, WIFrank Hallada • 01.14.22 • Dodgeville, WIIN MEMORIAMIN MEMORIAMMark B. HazelbakerAttorney at Law599 D’Onofrio Drive, Suite 222 Madison, WI 53719Direct Line (608) 662-2300 Fax (608) 662-9977 Cell (608) 220-7271Email Website www.kasieta.comMay 14th , 2022Summer Ceremonial and Potentate’s BallMARCH 2022 • Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 19Shriners Children’s Twin CitiesIN MEMORY OF: DONOR:James Hines Dean & Myrna Melby Charlie & Kris Webster Larry & Julie RiemenschneiderEvelyn Young Dean & Myrna Melby Charlie & Kris WebsterDr David Frogner Roger & Marlene Lee Ray’s Metal WorksDoc & Ecky Frogner Pat FoxOsman Shriners Chief Rabban Ryan Colligan John & Debbi ThorstadRussell Berg St Croix Valley SCRon Pete, Aad PP Kevin & Jen FischerMerlin Huber Joe & Bev Wiseman David Waldenberger Terry & Nancy Loper John & Barbara Young Roger & Paulette Huber Joe & Heidi ZeimentzIn Honor of:Thomas Fischer Kevin & Jen Fischer Donation: Jeanne & James Kadlec HOSPITAL DADSDRIVER RIDERRodney LaBlancAl Coenen ....................Linda ThomasAl Coenen ....................Linda ThomasAl Coenen ....................Linda ThomasMark Jerdee ................Kevin GreenoLinda Thomas ..............Sue FishMary Vils ...................... Dora JohnstonMary Vils ...................... Dora JohnstonDRIVER RIDERMary Vils ...................... Dora JohnstonSean SchillingBob Calverley .............. Sandy CalverleyKen Olm ...................... Philip WhiteSchelley Schoville ....... Monte SteiberSchelley Schoville ....... Gene TremellingBob Calverley .............. Sandy CalverleyJoseph R Williamson • 06.20.24 • Lyndon Station, WIGaylord “G.P.” Wiemer • 08.30.24 • Pardeeville, WIWilliam “Bill” Ratzburg • 09.05.24 • Ft Atkinson, WILouis “Lou” L Chicquette • 08.07.24 Red Wing, MN

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Page 23October 2024 • Zor Zephyr MagazineDONORS:Gary ShealyPatricia GieslerJerry WilkensJohn SentyJim Smith, P Imp P, & AliceJoe Harker, PGM & Mary A Brueggen, PP & PennyJohn & Gale HendricksonLOOKING FOR A FEW GOOD MEN!That is right, we are looking for a few good men to parcipate in a new short play at our May Ceremonial in Mauston. Potentate Rodney has asked that the “Knickerbocker Degree” be presented. This is something new to Zorland!The play is very short and will be presented just before the tradional Shrine Ritual on Saturday May 14th in Mauston. There are seven (7) speaking parts as well as some extras. NO part is very long and we can have some fun with this degree. It follows the beginning of the Shrine and then the hospital system and its eects on our community as well as the image of the Shrine.For those interested, I will be able to send you a copy of the script along with a presentaon video. The video will be for just those truly interested in being cast. I would like to set a meeng at least for a run through. This would be at some central locaon yet to be determined.I do believe this will be something that we can have some real fun with and sll present some history for those just coming into the Shrine. Also, it’s great when we engage the whole family and they learn what we are all about.I look forward to hearing of your interest.Please contact me with your interest or quesons. Email Dale Holmen at: holmendd13@a.net or call 608-241-4751. Hope to hear from any Shriners with fun in their heart.715-643-4211Steal & Seafood • Friday Fish FryNightly Specials • Carry-Out AvailableReservations AppreciatedLive Entertainment Friday & SaturdayPrivate Rooms AvailableRestaurant/Bar and Banquet FacilityRex’s Innkeeper• Open Every Night • Lunch Mon.-Fri. 11am-2pm608-849-5011301 N. Century Ave., Waunakee, WIwww.rexsinnkeeper.comPage 6 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comAthletes with either condion can usually return to sports aer several months of rest and physical therapy. Paents may need to wear a back brace as part of their recovery, which will be custom-made for them in our orthocs department. In rare situaons, if a vertebra is severely out of alignment or if a child remains in pain aer other forms of treatment, spinal fusion surgery may be needed from one of our skilled, experienced physicians.RehabilitaonOur team of physical and occupaonal therapists are highly trained in addressing a multude of dierent diagnoses. With regard to non-operave and post-operave management of injuries, we are able to tailor our treatment strategies to the paent and their needs–whether it be using crutches to get around at school or progressing back to playing a high-level sport.We use the most current evidenced-based pracce when ulizing modalies and strengthening techniques following injury or surgery and work closely with the medical providers to make sure the paent is making progress and meeng their goals as expected.Specializing in treang pediatrics also gives us a clear lens of how treang a young athlete diers from treang a high school athlete and the importance of using high-level training when appropriate. Our therapists have addional experience treang athletes who may use a wheelchair to play basketball, a sled to play hockey or a prosthesis to go snowboarding. It is crucial to consider all aspects of an athlete’s life and not just their performance on the court or the ice, but how their rehab will aect their ability to engage in their everyday acviesIn conclusionUnfortunately, it is impossible to eradicate all risks our Minnesota winters or winter sports pose. However, ensuring proper protecon during sports is one way to reduce the risk of injury to athletes. Wearing a helmet to ski or snowboard or full pads to play a hockey game is important to provide the maximum protecon to our athletes. Wearing good winter are and using a broad-based stance to walk on the ice and snow can help to reduce the risks of falls when out and about on slippery sidewalks and driveways.Shriners Children’s is one of the world’s greatest philanthropies and has evolved into an internaonal health care system for children, able to treat many health care issues including orthopedic condions, spinal cord injuries, burns and cle lip and palate. All children receive care regardless of the families’ ability to pay. Our centers vary regionally in terms of the range of condions they treat.Shriners Children’s Twin Cies is a specialty clinic focused on the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric orthopedic impairments and injuries. Inially we served a six-state region providing care for some of the most dicult congenital deformity cases, such as children born with their feet facing the wrong way. Some of our paents required over a dozen major surgeries before they were 18. As me went on, we have expanded the range of services we oer to include common injuries. We recently relocated to a new facility in Woodbury where, under one roof, we have a skilled and knowledgeable medical team consisng of orthopedic surgeons and physician assistants, physical and occupaonal therapists, prosthec and orthoc providers, radiology technicians, child life specialists and licensed social workers. This collaborave approach allows us to treat a wide spectrum of paents with diagnoses ranging from cerebral palsy to ankle sprains. Please think of us as a resource and partner when you have paents who may benet from these services and skills.Allyce Fisk, PA-C, MMS, is an orthopedic physician assistant at Shriners Children’s in Woodbury.Rebecca Rouse, PT, DPT, is a physical therapist at Shriners Children’s in Woodbury.Connued on next pageConnued from previous page+-!('-SVVYPUN33*0 DUDWKRQ)ORRULQJQHW3LQH6W_0DUDWKRQ:,2L]PU:VYLUZVU5(6,'(17,$/&200(5&,$/Comstock Tire2413 S. Park St.Madison, WI 53713(608) 257-1004Your One Stop Shop for Tires & Auto Service! www.comstocktire.comOpen 7 Days A WeekServing Nightly at 4pm Sunday Mornings 8:30am-1pmBanquet Facilities for Parties and Special Events6010 Hwy 51, McFarland608-838-5888Supper ClubMARCH 2022 • Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 17Friends of the Zor ZephyrRoger ReasWendell J OlsoonIn Memory of Otis E LarsonGary & Nancy DurginJohn Thorstad, PP & DebbiMark & Charlene MayryJames Soderholm, PP & JoanGerald BergChad & Andrea FonsecaIn Loving Memory of Martin CallawayCharles E. WhiteArlen & Gloria ChristensenDave StolenJerry Balschun, PP & DianeJohn & Marilyn SentyRobert SalisburyJack & Diane JensenMiles & Candy BradleyBob & Amy HeringBob Gorsuch, PP & Carol Gary Cuskey, PP & JudyLarry NelsonBrent & Nancy ClausiusBob EversonTom Nelson, PPRoger & Diane AmundsonBill BoamanHOSPITAL DADS

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Page 24 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comORDER OF THE EASTERN STARSubmitted by: Brenda GaulkeWhat is the Order of The Eastern StarHello Sisters & Brothers, Nobles and Ladies.I don’t know about you and how quickly your summer has own by, but here at our home it’s hard to believe that kids are back in school, state fairs are done, Halloween stuff is already on store shelves …and we are fast approaching the “ber” months.So like many things, OES has its own seasons too. We are now in our Ofcial Visit season, which means that a Grand Ofcer is coming to visit you at your chapter. They like to see if we truly know are work, work well together with stations lled or not lled, what are we doing and more. We like it because it can be one of the few times we here in the North can see a Grand Ofcer (many of them live in the S and SE part of Wisconsin). I remember the day when the Ofcial Visitor came to chapter and everyone in the room was nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof… suddenly you can’t remember your own name to say nothing of your lecturer, station work or even how to get to your station. Formals were the required attire and with meetings starting at 8:00 pm….it was a very long night! Thank goodness things change, most chapters start by 7:00, the attire is a skirt or dress and jacket for the men, if you can’t remember like you used too…that’s ok as you can read your work. Most importantly, the visitor is truly a member just like you! Many chapters now combine with another nearby chapter for what we call DD School. Our WISCONSINDistrict Deputy School is when a teacher, the “District Deputy” comes for a visit and helps you to do the work well, so that when the Ofcial Visitor comes the evening is a breeze! Fall is also another perfect time for members to visit other chapters as the drive across the state is or can be absolutely beautiful! The crisp evenings are awesome when one can spend time with a sister or brother. We (Carl & I) tend to have many stays at our “B & B”, the deck is ready, the repit is perfect, coffee is always available, and con-versation is the best. We nd it a great way to get to know our OES members better from all over the state and we have built many great friendships on the way. On a side note, we like many have recently returned from attending the Midwest Shrine Association Fall Convention in LaCrosse. It is truly a blessing to see all of our Shrine friends from all over, but the bonus is seeing our OES friends that are also involved with their Shrine Club. I know that I’ll miss someone by doing this, but it was great seeing:Barry & Becky Ausen, Tom & Julie White, Larry & Julie Riemenschnei-der, Chad & Andrea Fonseca, Roger & Diane Amundson, Bob Mehle, Joe Harker, Beth Schaffer, Karl Gant, Mitch Behlke, Jim & Lu DeVoe, James & Virginia Goodman, Charlie & Kris Webster. If I forgot some-one, I’m sorry.

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Page 25October 2024 • Zor Zephyr MagazineCalendar Rafe WinnersSEPTEMBER 2024$ 20.00 • Dan Smithburg • Tomah$ 100.00 • Greg Severson • New Richmond$ 20.00 • Barb Weber • Auburndale$ 20.00 • William Roberts • Chetek$ 20.00 • Charlie Bowen • Edgerton$ 20.00 • Brad Andrew • Fitchburg$ 100.00 • Keith Raisbeck • Wonewoc$ 20.00 • Carol Farmer • Cadott$ 20.00 • Neil E Johnson • Shell Lake$ 20.00 • Mary Bolle • Chippewa Falls$ 20.00 • Linda Dennis • Fort Wayne, IN$ 20.00 • Barb Kolstad • Mondovi$ 20.00 • Dan Severson • New Richmond$ 100.00 • A Chris Gans Scandinavia$ 20.00 • Craig Wold • Stevens Point$ 20.00 • Bert Swenson • Wilson$ 20.00 • Lauren Speckin • Sussex$ 20.00 • Patti Schulfer • Amherst Junction$ 20.00 • Sharon Bollig • New Lisbon$ 20.00 • Scott Bibeau • Osceola$ 100.00 • Tim Weiss • Mondovi$ 20.00 • Jason Welch • Janesville$ 20.00 • Roger LaBlanc • Clear Lake$ 20.00 • Alyx Johnson • Watertown$ 20.00 • Jerrett Wolman • New Berlin$ 20.00 • Lowell Ahrens • Prairie Du Chien$ 20.00 • Monte Steiber • Prairie Du Chien$ 100.00 • Don Roscovius • Tomah$ 20.00 • Kevin McCarthy • Merril$ 150.00 • Anders Hendricks • Germantown$ 1,130.00 • Total PrizesJeffrey A. RedmonJeffrey A. RedmonYour Business Counselor in the St. Croix Valley 715-386-0100715-386-0100175 Second Street South, Suite #300Hudson WI 54016MARCH 2022 • Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 21Imperial Session 2022 - ParadeDAVE EMERY PARADE MARSHAL 929 111th Ave. NW Coon Rapids, Minnesota 55448-4339 E-mail : January 4, 2022 Nobles, We are excited to have the 2022 IMPERIAL SHRINE SESSION back in Minneapolis. Imperial Sir Bill and Lady Debby look forward to hosng you, your Divan, your Nobility, and your Ladies in our 150th YEAR as a FRATERNITY and our 100th YEAR of supporng SHRINERS CHILDREN’S. IMPORTANT INFORMATION Parade – Tuesday July 5, 2022 Now is the me to get your Nobility excited and join us for a FUN FILLED IMPERIAL SESSION IN MINNEAPOLIS. We are happy to answer any quesons you might have. Rooms are sll available. Jerry B. Oliver, PP Director General 2022 Imperial Shrine Session (763)-639-8813 If your temple plans on parcipang in the parade at the 2022 Imperial Session of Shriners Internaonal in Minneapolis, please contact the Zor Shrine oce for more informaon.Jeffrey A. RedmonJeffrey A. RedmonYour Business Counselor in the St. Croix Valley 715-386-0100715-386-0100175 Second Street South, Suite #300Hudson WI 54016MARCH 2022 • Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 21Imperial Session 2022 - ParadeDAVE EMERY PARADE MARSHAL 929 111th Ave. NW Coon Rapids, Minnesota 55448-4339 E-mail : January 4, 2022 Nobles, We are excited to have the 2022 IMPERIAL SHRINE SESSION back in Minneapolis. Imperial Sir Bill and Lady Debby look forward to hosng you, your Divan, your Nobility, and your Ladies in our 150th YEAR as a FRATERNITY and our 100th YEAR of supporng SHRINERS CHILDREN’S. IMPORTANT INFORMATION Parade – Tuesday July 5, 2022 Now is the me to get your Nobility excited and join us for a FUN FILLED IMPERIAL SESSION IN MINNEAPOLIS. We are happy to answer any quesons you might have. Rooms are sll available. Jerry B. Oliver, PP Director General 2022 Imperial Shrine Session (763)-639-8813 If your temple plans on parcipang in the parade at the 2022 Imperial Session of Shriners Internaonal in Minneapolis, please contact the Zor Shrine oce for more informaon.620 Deere DriveNew Richmond, WI 54017PHONE: (715) 246-2261TOLL FREE: (888) 674-6455FAX: (715) 246-7393www.johnsonmotorsales.com431 Perry StreetUnion Center, WI 53962H. MARK HEDING, President(608) 462-8441www.drive4heding.comEst. 1927Truck Service Inc.A NEW LOOKSVAaccountants.comDISCOVER THE SVA DIFFERENCETHE SAMECOMMITMENTTO DELIVERING MeasurableResults.Milt Helmer2012 Michael LaneRiver Falls, WI 54022(715) 821-5002miltonhelmer@gmail.comCalendar Rafe Winners!FEBRUARY 2022 WINNERS: $20.00 • Debbie Sie • Mondovi $20.00 • Tammi Hoesly • Monroe $20.00 • Doug & Cory Homan • River Falls $20.00 • Aaron Schmucker • Markesan $100.00 • Kraig Krueger • Maiden Rock $20.00 • Lonnie Kopp • Maiden Rock $20.00 • Trenn Holstein • Wisconsin Rapids $20.00 • Elaine Partridge • Merrill $20.00 • Teegan Nelson • Pardeeville $20.00 • Bryce Fransway • Colfax $20.00 • Nellie LaBlanc • Poynee $100.00 • Joe Harker • New Berlin $20.00 • James R Timm • Wisconsin Dells $20.00 • Karl Olm • Madison $20.00 • Linda Dunham • Eau Claire $20.00 • Sally Swenson • Wilson $20.00 • Preston Walther • Mondovi $20.00 • Sue Lardahl • Durand $100.00 • Josh Whitney • West Allis $20.00 • George Kinney • Blue River $20.00 • Allen Stai • Colfax $20.00 • Tony Giese • Sparta $20.00 • Michael Homan • Watertown $20.00 • Bonnie Comstock • Merrillan $20.00 • Shelly Dziekan • Mondovi $100.00 • Fredrick Outhouse • Oxford $20.00 • Ray Burrows • Coloma $150.00 • Jeremy Haun • Tomah25 YEARS OF SERVICE:50 YEARS OF SERVICE:55 YEARS OF SERVICE:65 YEARS OF SERVICE:Philip P AndersonJon A BarthelJames R BeerDonald E BergstromSco K BrainardAllen G CoenenMarshall H CoonLouis L ChicqueeJohn H DodgeHoward S HetzelWallace D HornerCharles B DeadmanEvere L EllingsonRW FellandGene S GrengsEugene R HelgoeWalter F Schar, JrGerald R WatsonKeith C CreuzigerRobert L EdwardsCurs E HarrisonJon D OaklandWillis A OstremRobert F WenrickWalter J OravezLarry W RyanThomas J WimayerLarry L ZimmermanDavid D HomanPeter J HomanDennis L JonesJohn C Van HollenMarko ZelichCharles E WhiteMARCH 2022 • Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 23Internaonal Associaon of Shrine Motor Corps620 Deere DriveNew Richmond, WI 54017PHONE: (715) 246-2261TOLL FREE: (888) 674-6455FAX: (715) 246-7393www.johnsonmotorsales.com431 Perry StreetUnion Center, WI 53962H. MARK HEDING, President(608) 462-8441www.drive4heding.comEst. 1927Truck Service Inc.A NEW LOOKSVAaccountants.comDISCOVER THE SVA DIFFERENCETHE SAMECOMMITMENTTO DELIVERING MeasurableResults.Milt Helmer2012 Michael LaneRiver Falls, WI 54022(715) 821-5002miltonhelmer@gmail.comCalendar Rafe Winners!FEBRUARY 2022 WINNERS: $20.00 • Debbie Sie • Mondovi $20.00 • Tammi Hoesly • Monroe $20.00 • Doug & Cory Homan • River Falls $20.00 • Aaron Schmucker • Markesan $100.00 • Kraig Krueger • Maiden Rock $20.00 • Lonnie Kopp • Maiden Rock $20.00 • Trenn Holstein • Wisconsin Rapids $20.00 • Elaine Partridge • Merrill $20.00 • Teegan Nelson • Pardeeville $20.00 • Bryce Fransway • Colfax $20.00 • Nellie LaBlanc • Poynee $100.00 • Joe Harker • New Berlin $20.00 • James R Timm • Wisconsin Dells $20.00 • Karl Olm • Madison $20.00 • Linda Dunham • Eau Claire $20.00 • Sally Swenson • Wilson $20.00 • Preston Walther • Mondovi $20.00 • Sue Lardahl • Durand $100.00 • Josh Whitney • West Allis $20.00 • George Kinney • Blue River $20.00 • Allen Stai • Colfax $20.00 • Tony Giese • Sparta $20.00 • Michael Homan • Watertown $20.00 • Bonnie Comstock • Merrillan $20.00 • Shelly Dziekan • Mondovi $100.00 • Fredrick Outhouse • Oxford $20.00 • Ray Burrows • Coloma $150.00 • Jeremy Haun • Tomah25 YEARS OF SERVICE:50 YEARS OF SERVICE:55 YEARS OF SERVICE:65 YEARS OF SERVICE:Philip P AndersonJon A BarthelJames R BeerDonald E BergstromSco K BrainardAllen G CoenenMarshall H CoonLouis L ChicqueeJohn H DodgeHoward S HetzelWallace D HornerCharles B DeadmanEvere L EllingsonRW FellandGene S GrengsEugene R HelgoeWalter F Schar, JrGerald R WatsonKeith C CreuzigerRobert L EdwardsCurs E HarrisonJon D OaklandWillis A OstremRobert F WenrickWalter J OravezLarry W RyanThomas J WimayerLarry L ZimmermanDavid D HomanPeter J HomanDennis L JonesJohn C Van HollenMarko ZelichCharles E WhiteMARCH 2022 • Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 23Internaonal Associaon of Shrine Motor Corps602 Third Street, Suite 1Hudson, WI 54016Measurable Results.®SVAaccountants.comAUG 2023-AUG 2024USADISCOVER THE SVA DIFFERENCE

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Page 26 Zor Zephyr Magazine • 800) 972-9546No Job Too Big or Too SmallROBERTS • RIVER FALLSPete Gunderson& Matt Gundersonwww.fnbrf.comGo Mobile withCONSIDER ADVERTISING!Shriners! If you own a business your company should consider adversing in the Zor Zephyr. It reaches all Zor Shriners in the state and we can give you very aracve rates. If interested please contact Milt Helmer at 715-821-5002 or email at: miltonhelmer@gmail.comSmithfamily reunionJune 3, 2020Grand Park, WI800-533-1635 www.HelmerPrinting.comPROMOTIONAL ITEMS: • Pens • Koozies • Bags • Key Chains • Cups • Mugs • Raffle TicketsCUSTOM APPAREL: • T-Shirts • Hats • SweatshirtsWE ALSO DO: Business Cards, Banners/Signs, Flyers, Envelopes, Brochures, Raffle Tickets, Coupon Books, Local & National Direct Mail, and much more! Contact us today!WE’RE HERE for all your printing needs!MARCH 2022 • Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 27620 Deere DriveNew Richmond, WI 54017PHONE: (715) 246-2261TOLL FREE: (888) 674-6455FAX: (715) 246-7393www.johnsonmotorsales.com431 Perry StreetUnion Center, WI 53962H. MARK HEDING, President(608) 462-8441www.drive4heding.comEst. 1927Truck Service Inc.A NEW LOOKSVAaccountants.comDISCOVER THE SVA DIFFERENCETHE SAMECOMMITMENTTO DELIVERING MeasurableResults.Milt Helmer2012 Michael LaneRiver Falls, WI 54022(715) 821-5002miltonhelmer@gmail.comCalendar Rafe Winners!FEBRUARY 2022 WINNERS: $20.00 • Debbie Sie • Mondovi $20.00 • Tammi Hoesly • Monroe $20.00 • Doug & Cory Homan • River Falls $20.00 • Aaron Schmucker • Markesan $100.00 • Kraig Krueger • Maiden Rock $20.00 • Lonnie Kopp • Maiden Rock $20.00 • Trenn Holstein • Wisconsin Rapids $20.00 • Elaine Partridge • Merrill $20.00 • Teegan Nelson • Pardeeville $20.00 • Bryce Fransway • Colfax $20.00 • Nellie LaBlanc • Poynee $100.00 • Joe Harker • New Berlin $20.00 • James R Timm • Wisconsin Dells $20.00 • Karl Olm • Madison $20.00 • Linda Dunham • Eau Claire $20.00 • Sally Swenson • Wilson $20.00 • Preston Walther • Mondovi $20.00 • Sue Lardahl • Durand $100.00 • Josh Whitney • West Allis $20.00 • George Kinney • Blue River $20.00 • Allen Stai • Colfax $20.00 • Tony Giese • Sparta $20.00 • Michael Homan • Watertown $20.00 • Bonnie Comstock • Merrillan $20.00 • Shelly Dziekan • Mondovi $100.00 • Fredrick Outhouse • Oxford $20.00 • Ray Burrows • Coloma $150.00 • Jeremy Haun • Tomah25 YEARS OF SERVICE:50 YEARS OF SERVICE:55 YEARS OF SERVICE:65 YEARS OF SERVICE:Philip P AndersonJon A BarthelJames R BeerDonald E BergstromSco K BrainardAllen G CoenenMarshall H CoonLouis L ChicqueeJohn H DodgeHoward S HetzelWallace D HornerCharles B DeadmanEvere L EllingsonRW FellandGene S GrengsEugene R HelgoeWalter F Schar, JrGerald R WatsonKeith C CreuzigerRobert L EdwardsCurs E HarrisonJon D OaklandWillis A OstremRobert F WenrickWalter J OravezLarry W RyanThomas J WimayerLarry L ZimmermanDavid D HomanPeter J HomanDennis L JonesJohn C Van HollenMarko ZelichCharles E WhiteMARCH 2022 • Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 23Internaonal Associaon of Shrine Motor CorpsBrian 715-396-1395 | Linda 715-456-6284Brian 715-396-1395 | Linda 715-456-6284( 800) 972-9546No Job Too Big or Too SmallROBERTS • RIVER FALLSPete Gunderson& Matt Gundersonwww.fnbrf.comGo Mobile withCONSIDER ADVERTISING!Shriners! If you own a business your company should consider adversing in the Zor Zephyr. It reaches all Zor Shriners in the state and we can give you very aracve rates. If interested please contact Milt Helmer at 715-821-5002 or email at: miltonhelmer@gmail.comSmithfamily reunionJune 3, 2020Grand Park, WI800-533-1635 www.HelmerPrinting.comPROMOTIONAL ITEMS: • Pens • Koozies • Bags • Key Chains • Cups • Mugs • Raffle TicketsCUSTOM APPAREL: • T-Shirts • Hats • SweatshirtsWE ALSO DO: Business Cards, Banners/Signs, Flyers, Envelopes, Brochures, Raffle Tickets, Coupon Books, Local & National Direct Mail, and much more! Contact us today!WE’RE HERE for all your printing needs!MARCH 2022 • Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 27You can’t bethe best,if you’re onlythe same!Bob Gorsuch608.441.6000( 800) 972-9546No Job Too Big or Too SmallROBERTS • RIVER FALLSPete Gunderson& Matt Gundersonwww.fnbrf.comGo Mobile withCONSIDER ADVERTISING!Shriners! If you own a business your company should consider adversing in the Zor Zephyr. It reaches all Zor Shriners in the state and we can give you very aracve rates. If interested please contact Milt Helmer at 715-821-5002 or email at: miltonhelmer@gmail.comSmithfamily reunionJune 3, 2020Grand Park, WI800-533-1635 www.HelmerPrinting.comPROMOTIONAL ITEMS: • Pens • Koozies • Bags • Key Chains • Cups • Mugs • Raffle TicketsCUSTOM APPAREL: • T-Shirts • Hats • SweatshirtsWE ALSO DO: Business Cards, Banners/Signs, Flyers, Envelopes, Brochures, Raffle Tickets, Coupon Books, Local & National Direct Mail, and much more! Contact us today!WE’RE HERE for all your printing needs!MARCH 2022 • Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 27LOOKING FOR A FEW GOOD MEN!That is right, we are looking for a few good men to parcipate in a new short play at our May Ceremonial in Mauston. Potentate Rodney has asked that the “Knickerbocker Degree” be presented. This is something new to Zorland!The play is very short and will be presented just before the tradional Shrine Ritual on Saturday May 14th in Mauston. There are seven (7) speaking parts as well as some extras. NO part is very long and we can have some fun with this degree. It follows the beginning of the Shrine and then the hospital system and its eects on our community as well as the image of the Shrine.For those interested, I will be able to send you a copy of the script along with a presentaon video. The video will be for just those truly interested in being cast. I would like to set a meeng at least for a run through. This would be at some central locaon yet to be determined.I do believe this will be something that we can have some real fun with and sll present some history for those just coming into the Shrine. Also, it’s great when we engage the whole family and they learn what we are all about.I look forward to hearing of your interest.Please contact me with your interest or quesons. Email Dale Holmen at: holmendd13@a.net or call 608-241-4751. Hope to hear from any Shriners with fun in their heart.715-643-4211Steal & Seafood • Friday Fish FryNightly Specials • Carry-Out AvailableReservations AppreciatedLive Entertainment Friday & SaturdayPrivate Rooms AvailableRestaurant/Bar and Banquet FacilityRex’s Innkeeper• Open Every Night • Lunch Mon.-Fri. 11am-2pm608-849-5011301 N. Century Ave., Waunakee, WIwww.rexsinnkeeper.comPage 6 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comLOOKING FOR A FEW GOOD MEN!That is right, we are looking for a few good men to parcipate in a new short play at our May Ceremonial in Mauston. Potentate Rodney has asked that the “Knickerbocker Degree” be presented. This is something new to Zorland!The play is very short and will be presented just before the tradional Shrine Ritual on Saturday May 14th in Mauston. There are seven (7) speaking parts as well as some extras. NO part is very long and we can have some fun with this degree. It follows the beginning of the Shrine and then the hospital system and its eects on our community as well as the image of the Shrine.For those interested, I will be able to send you a copy of the script along with a presentaon video. The video will be for just those truly interested in being cast. I would like to set a meeng at least for a run through. This would be at some central locaon yet to be determined.I do believe this will be something that we can have some real fun with and sll present some history for those just coming into the Shrine. Also, it’s great when we engage the whole family and they learn what we are all about.I look forward to hearing of your interest.Please contact me with your interest or quesons. Email Dale Holmen at: holmendd13@a.net or call 608-241-4751. Hope to hear from any Shriners with fun in their heart.715-643-4211Steal & Seafood • Friday Fish FryNightly Specials • Carry-Out AvailableReservations AppreciatedLive Entertainment Friday & SaturdayPrivate Rooms AvailableRestaurant/Bar and Banquet FacilityRex’s Innkeeper• Open Every Night • Lunch Mon.-Fri. 11am-2pm608-849-5011301 N. Century Ave., Waunakee, WIwww.rexsinnkeeper.comPage 6 Zor Zephyr Magazine •• Open Every Night• Lunch Mon.-Fri.11am - 2pm301 N. Century Ave.,Waunakee, WIwww.rexsinnkeeper.comSteaks & Seafood • Friday Fish FryNightly Specials • Carry-Outs AvailableReservations AppreciatedLive Entertainment Friday & SaturdayPrivate Rooms Available608-849-5011Open Tuesday thru SaturdayServing Nightly at 4pmBanquet Facilities for Partiesand Special Events6010 Hwy 51, McFarland

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Page 27October 2024 • Zor Zephyr MagazineCreated with Word Search MakerZor Members Last NameCLARY GOFF PEIRSON BOEGEL MAYRY DURGIN DAVIG UNDERWOOD HOFFMAN DRECKTRAH LIND SCHNABEL JOHNSTON TRONNES BRADLEY LARSEN PARKYN HANSON VOSSETEIG OLSZEWSKI TOMSKI BRADLEY MILLER MASSEY OSTREM Name: B Q H P L V R O S G U M H G K P W L V D M D A L WS Y N S L S D S L N O S T X D M O S B W J J V F PP V I Y P C G T M I L L E R N T C F H T I P B K NQ Y G O X Q P R V J W O M Y S B P Y G S I F M C VS Y R O B N I E A P F V T M O C P L T N O S N A HY K U T I X K M C R E F P A N D A J X Z X N S B BP I D L Z Q S U K Z B D O H A C K Q U I A H O O NM U N G Y N M I N A X F H G M D N Y R A L C E U NP B W O P I O Y K D A O U P F H A M N N W R D Y TC O X S Q N T Q P F E U Q R F O Y W R H Q K O V LY E T C T V B D V F I R N B O K T L C Q D C O X BD G S M F Y S J R M L P W W H J L L E E Z A O A XY E Y U D M A S S E Y J E O X T W N Q Q V W V S RN L U W O X J E S C C F P I O W W U L F M G A I QA I J Y J L H H J C L K L J R D Z K G C D D W F GX E K R M F S E N Q G K T B K S W W D O N P T H IZ L I C R Q F Z D J K A R R L K O S U Y I E N W EH W S C H N A B E L M A H E A Z K N L T L H V P TT S W F Q H Z R R W D V Z P R H Y S Y D K V A V EX R Q L J A Z F C L S V P N S S G I L K T S B F SH G O X P B B Q E F N K P U E O Z P X X R K L N SJ B S N Q W W Y S U D K I N N T Q S Y R Y A M J OZ Z K O N P H O H L S H P S R K X R X H A O P S VC Z J X I E E U V Y E L D A R B F O E T E Y G L GQ K J O H N S T O N D B B L O D F D D K Y G X V EZOR IMAGINEERSZor Member Last NameWord ListKENNETH SPERRY 1977GERALD BRISTOL 1977GREGORY JOHNSON 1977JEFFREY SCHAEFER 1977ROBERT TEWES 1977SCHUYLER VANGORDEN JR. 1977ALLEN CHRISTOPHERSON 1977GARY LARSON 1977FREDERICK PIASECKI 1977JAMES SEDALL 1977WESLEY HURLBURT 1978WILLIAM KNOBLOCH 1978PHILIP KRAUSE 1978ROBERT MICKELSON 1978ALLEN TRAPP 1978GAYEL LARSEN 1978STEVEN LARSON 1978CURTIS ABENDROTH 1978WAYNE HUSTON 1978DENNIS SCHULTZ 1978DALE STEWART 1978RICHARD HANEL 1970AUSTIN TRONNES 1979JIMMY KIRKPATRICK 1970DWIGHT BUMP JR. 1979On the Lighter SideCreated with Word Search MakerSPERRY BRISTOL JOHNSON SCHAEFER TEWES VANGORDEN CHRISTOPHERSON LARSON PIASECKI SEDALL HURLBURT KNOBLOCH KRAUSE MICKELSON TRAPP LARSEN LARSON ABENDROTH HUSTON SCHULTZ STEWART HANEL TRONNES KIRKPATRICK BUMP Name: U D U J W W W L T X Q R I M G T I F I I F H V X PO H V O Q Z F B T S G Z N K C V V T Z F I S H N UP Q C A F H B C W R B J V X C I Q P Z Q U U Z N YV V C U N U E K L U U M R E O E S Y W L M J O O JY I S C W G F C G M M H V P N Q S A J Z E A A S NB J E Q H E O I N D P I J Q H X Z A H V G N D R IQ Y Y S Q I E R M X W W J R L L D J I W I L A E OT N Z I Z D M T D D Q R K T N B F X U P U A F H CE S E D A L L A O E O Y X K V V O D G G B R D P GW O R V V O U P U D N P H X J L Z K Z U Y S A O VE L V K A T C K W Y V P I B R I S T O L R O T T OS Z I F Q C V R T R B A A N M N R J L N J N Y S UN H X X C P O I R R R R B F O A B I K Q O X A I BK W E P J U E K U E W T W S W Q E H S G H F H R OV N A Z Y T C M B P I S R E S W T O C L N Z K H OZ G O Z J X G I L S P A T Y P O X I H N S Q N C CL G P B I V V B R X L S T T R Q Z S A E O D L I GW I K I L Q E S U A R K H D D T E G E V N Y G J SG O W C S O F H H F Z A N W L N L D F L C N F E AC M B F E N C P V L I E V U N W L B E Z Z E R S KX Z P D P E N H M P B L H O P V H F R E E S B G MY O P O X J X O I A R C R Q T Q P G W S C R Y O BW W O O W P X D G I S T A F N Q H O O L C A N K FS F M I C K E L S O N M O W U A M R D Y T L V L QK F B H G P P T L E O U S I W H U S T O N C X L HI“I’d like to start with the chimney jokes – I“I’d like to start with the chimney jokes – I’ve got a stack of them. I’ve got a stack of them. The first one is on the house.”The first one is on the house.”Why do we tell actors to ‘break a leg?’ Why do we tell actors to ‘break a leg?’ Because every play has a cast.Because every play has a cast.What do you call a dog What do you call a dog that does magic tricks? that does magic tricks? A labracadabrador.A labracadabrador.

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MOVING?COMPLETE THIS SECTION AND RETURN IT WITH THE CURRENT MAIL LABEL (BELOW) TO THE ZOR TEMPLE RECORDER 6510 GRAND TETON PLAZA, SUITE 204, MADISON, WI 53719PeriodicalsPostage PaidSparta, WIUSPS 017-572 Published monthly under the auspices ofZor Shriners of Shriners InternationalAddress: 6510 Grand Teton Plaza, Suite 204, Madison, WI 53719Electronic Subscription available on website.Periodicals Postage Paid - Madison, WI and additional mailing ofces.Postmaster: Send changes of address to Zor Zephyr6510 Grand Teton Plaza, Suite 204, Madison, WI 537192 0142 014Zor Roadrunners are award winning unit. Shown with the many awards presented to the Zor Roadrunners, Captain Jerry Wilkens shows one of the last 3 years’ rst place awards earned in themotorized division at the Winona parade.Lady’s Julie Thompson and Debbi Thorstadon the Potentates Trip to Branson.Shrine game parade grand marshal ready to lead the parade. Eleven-year-old Shrine Hospital patient Tori Butler of Wood-ville will lead the Annual Little East-West Shrine Parade as the Grand Marshal on Saturday, October 4th in River Falls.