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Zor Zephyr Feb 2025 Final

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Message Vol. LXXVII, No. 02 Vol. LXXVII, No. 02 FEBRUARYFEBRUARY, 2025, 2025

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Page 2 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comIusiou SiBRIAN DUNHAMFrom the desk ofHello ZOR Shriners!With this being my rst article as Potentate I thought you would like to know a bit about me. The legacy of Masonry runs deep in my family. On my father’s side, I am a 6th generation Mason, on my mother’s side I am a Legacy Shriner. Not only am I fortunate to have memories of, at a very young age, my grandfather, a member of Tangier Shrine, Omaha Nebraska, taking me to the Shrine Circus and meeting the elephants, but I am the rst-line signer for both my Father Tom and Brother Eric. I have a wonderful memory of taking my nephew to the circus in Madison and Eau Claire, and yes, Declan met the elephants. I am an active member of the Mehara Shrine Club and the Imagineers. When available I drive for the Tin Lizzies. I have ridden with the Mavericks at almost every MSA and Imperial Session that I can remember and yes, I have paid Dale Olson my $10 for Saraha Shrine Club membership. I am proud to represent ZOR Shriners and am grateful for the faith that has been put in me. Without the help, support, and encouragement of my Lady Linda, I would be unable to have made such a commitment. Linda, thank you. In 2024 I helped review and rewrite ZOR’s Mission Statement. “Our mission is to excel as a leading fraternal community, embracing men of integrity, and offering enriching, high-quality initiatives and amenities for our members, their loved ones, and their companions, all infused with a spirit of joyous camaraderie. We are dedicated to nurturing personal growth through leadership, education, the preservation of ethical principles, and active community engagement. Furthermore, we are committed to uplifting humanity through our philanthropic endeavor in supporting the invaluable cause of Shriners Children’s.I look forward to meeting these standards in 2025.2024 was an amazing year for ZOR Shrine. Illustrious Sir Roger and his leadership style were exactly what ZOR needed. He was forward and collaborative in his thinking allowing his leadership team to excel. ZOR will feel the impact of the growth we experienced as a collective Divan for many years. I truly appreciated his leadership style and the sacrices he was willing to make as our Potentate. I have large shoes to ll and will work hard to do so.As we are moving forward this year with a new leadership team I look forward to being the face of our fraternity. I am overwhelmed with a sense of responsibility, knowing that your trust has now been placed in me to ensure the safe keeping, growth, and development of our fraternity for the next year. I will strive to do my best by continuing to focus on membership growth, streamline and deliver effective communication, and make it a priority to add, in our ofce, a marketing and brand management position that will carry our fraternity’s vision forward ensuring our fun, fellowship, and philanthropy for years to come.Fraternally Yours,Brian Dunham, Potentate 2025

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Page 3February 2025 • Zor Zephyr MagazineVOL LXXVII No. 2 • February 2025 608-833-6343Zor Temple Ofce Hours of Operation:Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 9am-4pm • Closed Wed & Fri‘Charter as of July 12, 1933’HELP US SAVE PRINTING & MAILING COSTSSign up to get your ZEPHYR news magazine via e-mail!E-mail: zorsubmit@gmail.comBecome a Friend of the Zephyr. Send your donation to the Shrine Ofce: 6510 Grand Teton Plaza, Suite 204 • Madison, WI 53719All CLUBS AND UNITS SHOULD BE ZEPHYR SUPPORTERS.THIS IS YOUR ZEPHYR!Potentate Brian Dunhamand First Lady Linda Dunham2025 OFFICER INSTALLATIONPG 12-16ON THE COVERIN THIS ISSUE:PAGE 4 ........... 2025 ELECTED & APPOINTED OFFICERSPAGE 6 ........... FEBRUARY CALENDARPAGE 7 ........... RECORDER BOB’S CORNER PAGE 8-9 ........PATIENT STORYPAGE 10 ......... DAUGHTERS OF THE NILEPAGE 11 ......... CONTACTS & FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYSPAGE 12-16 .... 2025 OFFICER INSTALLATION & BANQUETPAGE 17 ......... A WORD FROM OUR 1ST LADYPAGE 18-19 .... DONATIONS, REPRESENTATIVES, HOSPITAL DADS, IN MEMORIAM, FRIENDS OF THE ZEPHYR & OTL CARTOONPAGE 20 .........WAUSAU POTENTATE PARTYPAGE 21 .........CALENDAR RAFFLE WINNERSPAGE 23 ......... ON THE LIGHTER SIDEBACK COVER... DECADES & SAVE THE DATE

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Steve Livernashand LadyKoralsteve.livernash@zorshriners.comChief RabbanBob Gorsuch, PPand LadyCarolrecorder@zorshriners.comMike Kastensand LadySusanmike.kastens@zorshriner.comScott Pedley, PGMand LadyRondascott.pedley@zorshriners.comRon Malcolmand LadyDawnron.malcolm@zorshriners.comLarry Hanson, PPand LadyJilltreasurer@zorshriners.comPage 4Zor Zephyr Magazine2025 ELECTED OFFICERSZOR SHRINERS2025 APPOINTED OFFICERS Thomas W. Stevensand 1st LadyLauratom.stevens@wimasons.orgBrian Dunhamand 1st LadyLindabrian.dunham@zorshriners.comPotentateMost Worshipful Grand MasterAssistant RabbanHigh Priest & ProphetOriental GuideRecorderTreasurerBrad Schultzand LadyMichellebrad.schultz@zorshriners.com1st Ceremonial MasterRoger Amundsonand LadyDianeroger.amundson@zorshriners.com2nd Ceremonial MasterMark Mayryand LadyCharmark.mayry@zorshriners.comMarshalKevin Reillyand LadyDawnkevin.reilly@zorshriners.comCaptain of the GuardH. Sean Shillingand LadyMarshasean.shilling@zorshriners.comOuter GuardKarl Gantchaplain@zorshriners.comChaplain- Southern RegionDan Smithburgand LadyKellydan.smithburg@zorshriners.comChaplain- Northern RegionRichard G. Burkeand 1st LadyJudyImperial Potentate

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Page 5February 2025 • Zor Zephyr MagazineZephyr Reminder!Be sure to email your stories by Monday, February 10, 2025for the Zephyr March 2025 issue.FEBRUARY 2025 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 282211 N. Oak Park Ave. Chicago, IL 60707SHRINERSCHICAGO.ORG2900 N. Rocky Point Dr.Tampa, FL 33607SHRINERSCHILDRENS.ORG ‘It’s the little things’Before the holidays, Aliza, who works in patient access at Shriners Children’s Chicago, received a message about a distressed mother of a patient. Her daughter, Lura, had left her stuffed animal, Rubble, in the lobby the day before. Despite a thorough search, Rubble was nowhere to be found.Aliza won an Amazon gift card during the employee holiday lunch and used it to order a replacement Rubble. She shipped it with a note “Sent with love from Shriners Children’s Chicago Patient Access.” The gesture brought comfort to Lura and is a reminder that Amazing Care includes the little things that make a difference in a patient’s life.Small gift makes big difference to Shriners Children’s Chicago patient2025 SUPPORT STAFFChief of Staff Al Coenen and Lady Lindaal.coenan@zorshriners.comMarketing/Communications Chris Peters and Lady Lindachris.peters@zorshriners.comMembership ChairAl Brueggen, PP and Lady

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Page 6 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comfebruary calendarfebruary calendarTue – Mar 4th Mehara Shrine Club Meeting - 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM Mehara Shrine Club, 2625 W Folsom St, Eau Claire, WIFri – Mar 7th Mehara Friends and Fam Oasis - 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM Mehara Shrine Club, 2625 W Folsom St, Eau Claire, WImarch calendarThu – Sun - Jan 30th - Feb 2nd East West Shrine Game - Open to all - Frisco, TXSat – Feb 1st Green County Pancake Breakfast - 6:00 AM - 12:00 PM Smith Masonic Lodge, 1613-1/2 10th Street, Monroe, WITue – Feb 4th Mehara Shrine Club Meeting - 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM Mehara Shrine Club, 2625 W Folsom St, Eau Claire, WIFri – Feb 7th Mehara Friends and Fam Oasis - 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM - Mehara Shrine Club, 2625 W Folsom St, Eau Claire, WIFri – Feb 14th Mehara Friends and Fam Oasis - 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM Mehara Shrine Club, 2625 W Folsom St, Eau Claire, WISat – Feb 15th Divan Meeting - 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Zor Shriners Ofce, 6510 Grand Teton Plaza UNIT 204, Madison, WISat – Feb 15th Clown Party - 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM Esquire Supper Club, 1025 N Sherman Ave, Madison, WIWed – Sat – Feb 19th - 22nd MSA 2025 - Moose Jaw, SK, CanadaThu – Feb 20th Lakeland S.C. - 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM Maple Tree Supper Club, 6010 US-51, McFarland, WIFri – Feb 21st Mehara Friends and Fam Oasis - 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM Mehara Shrine Club, 2625 W Folsom St, Eau Claire, WIWed – Feb 26th Sahara Shrine Club meeting - 5:00 pm Oasis - 6:00 pm Labors of the Feast - Rose Garden/Leonardo’s Italian Bistro 500 Bernard St, Watertown, WIWed – Feb 26th Mecca Shrine Club Meeting - 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Pizones, 202 Superior Ave, Tomah, WIThu – Feb 27th Mini Cars - 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM Winchester Restaurant, 568 Haugen Rd, Edgerton, WI Fri – Feb 28th Mehara Friends and Fam Oasis - 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM Mehara Shrine Club, 2625 W Folsom St, Eau Claire, WI114477141415151919202021212626272728284477

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Page 7February 2025 • Zor Zephyr Magazine• As of the end of 2024 the average age of our membership was 70 years old. This has been the average for the past 5 years. We have as many members over 72 years old as we do under 72. 283 or 31% of our membership is 80 years old or older.• Here’s how Zor’s membership is distributed by age:• Make your 2025 Friends of Zephyr Donation in the envelope enclosed in this edition of the Zephyr.RECORDER BOB’S CORNER Under 20 ...........................1 20’s ................................6 30’s ............................. 33 40’s ............................. 87 50’s ............................. 96 60’s ...........................150 70’s ...........................252 80’s ...........................209 90’s ............................. 73 100 ................................1 Total Members ........... 908FEZ CARD VIEWERAs most of us know, Shriners International no longer sends out Membership Cards, everything is electronic today. They now have an app for your phone that will display your current membership card. Below are the instructions to download the app for both the iPhone and the android phones, just follow the instructions (for Temple, you must type in Zor Shriners).Download My FezCard Viewer - iPhone 1. Open the App Store on your phone. 2. Search for “My FezCard Viewer” and click on the icon. 3. Clickthe“Install”buontoinstallMyFezCardViewer.Using My FezCard Viewer 1. Open My FezCard Viewer. Enter your Shrine ID and Last Name. Type your Temple Name and click on it to highlight it as below. Clickthe“REGISTER”buonattheboom.Youwillonlyneed toregistertherstmeyouopentheapp. 2. Attheboomofthescreen,youwillhavetwoopons:ShrineCard andQRCode.ThescreenshotbelowshowstheShrineCardopon. 3. Youcanclick“QRCode”attheboomorswipethescreentotheletoviewtheQRCodeforeasyscanningatTempleeventsandfuncons.Download My FezCard Viewer - Android 1. Open the Google Play Store on your phone. 2. Search for “My FezCard Viewer” and click on the icon. 3. Clickthe“Install”buontoinstallMyFezCardViewer.Using My FezCard Viewer 1. Open My FezCard Viewer. Enter your Shrine ID and Last Name. Type your Temple Name and click on it to highlight it as below. Clickthe“REGISTER”buonattheboom.Youwillonlyneed toregistertherstmeyouopentheapp. 2. Atthetopofthescreen,youwillhavetwoopons:ShrineCard andQRCode.ThescreenshotbelowshowstheShrineCardopon. 3. Youcanclick“QRCode”atthetoporswipethescreentotheletoviewtheQRCodeforeasyscanningatTempleeventsandfuncons.

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Page 8 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comPATIENT STORY COMES FULL CIRCLEWhen Dan and Julie walked through the doors of Shriners Children’s New England for an appointment with their son, Daniel, it was a full-circle moment 25 years in the making.Not only did they both receive care there, but it’s also where they had their rst date.Dan and Julie met as teenagers when they attended the Harvest Ball at Shriners Children’s New England in the fall of 1996. At that time, regular social events were held for patients of all ages. Dan and Julie spent most of the evening together and realized they only lived a short distance from one another. The smitten teens connected via telephone over the next few days and soon began dating.Julie became a patient at Shriners Children’s New England after being diagnosed with scoliosis when she was 12 years old. Julie’s younger brother had been treated there for clubfoot since infancy, and her family felt reassured knowing she would receive the same level of personalized care. She attended the scoliosis clinic and was treated with bracing, signicantly improving the curve in her spine over several years. Dan was a patient for a shorter time after he was diagnosed with a weak muscle condition in his shoulders. He was tted for a brace and underwent physical therapy, which successfully resolved his symptoms.The next time Dan and Julie attended the Harvest Ball, they went as a couple. By the time they married and had two sons, the story of how they met was a well-known and frequently told tale among family and friends. Dan and Julie kept ties to Shriners Children’s New England, bringing their sons to a fundraising walk there. “It was great to go back and participate in the walk,” said Dan. “If it wasn’t for Shriners Children’s, we wouldn’t have our family. We were happy to give back.”When their oldest son, Daniel, began experiencing back pain at the age of 12, it was recommended that he see a provider specializing in spine conditions. Luckily, Dan and Julie knew exactly where to turn. Entering Shriners Children’s New England, now as parents, felt familiar and comforting. “I remembered the exam rooms and the X-ray department well,” said Julie. “Since I had been treated for scoliosis, I could tell Daniel what to expect and wear to his appointment.”The ties with my work to healthcare, and our family’s history with Shriners Children’s, gave us a large support system. We had the utmost trust and condence in our care team, knowing Daniel was in the best hands.Dan, Daniel’s Father and Former Shriners Children’s New England PatientDaniel was diagnosed with kyphosis, a forward rounding of the back. This differs from scoliosis, which causes a sideways spinal curve. Daniel’s care team, including Adam Iwanski, PA-C, continued to monitor his condition as he grew. When he developed leg pain and had difculty running, it was discovered that he had a leg length discrepancy and malrotation of the lower extremities. As Daniel’s pain became worse, it prevented him from doing the things he enjoyed, especially rock climbing. A junior reghter and scout troop member, he is an active teen who loves the outdoors.

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Page 9February 2025 • Zor Zephyr MagazinePATIENT STORY CONTINUEDWISCONSIN SPRING CEREMONIALWisconsin Shrine2025 Ceremonial and BallAnnouncing a Wisconsin Statewide Shrine Ceremonial The newly installed Potentates of the Wisconsin Shrines; Beja, Tripoli and Zor; are excited to announce a statewide ceremonial to occur May 17th at the Holiday Inn Stevens Point Convention Center.Potentates Scott Maxon - Beja, Alan Soriano - Tripoli, and Brian Dunham – Zor promises an exciting event. As planning is now underway, we want you to save the dates for the weekend of May 16th – 18th . Watch for the March issue of the Beja Bugler, Tripoli Tattler and Zor Zephyr for complete information including hotel reservation, banquet information and an agenda for the weekend.Daniel and his parents began to discuss the option of surgery with Adam and Lael Luedtke, M.D., orthopedic surgeon and medical director at Shriners Children’s New England. With her child, now a patient, Julie had a new appreciation for what her parents experienced. “It was overwhelming being in the parent’s shoes. I didn’t know what my own parents went through until we went through it with Daniel,” she said.As Dan and Julie helped Daniel weigh the pros and cons of surgery, they were grateful for his care team’s patient-centered approach. “The whole team was great at making sure he was included, and the information was directed at him,” said Dan. That summer, Dr. Luedtke performed femoral and tibial de-rotation osteotomies with tibial shortening on Daniel’s left leg to improve his overall alignment and function.Dan’s training as a paramedic in the local medical community helped to prepare him for what his son’s surgery and recovery would be like. Julie’s dad was also a source of support for them after navigating many years of care for Julie and her brother. “The ties with my work to healthcare, and our family’s history with Shriners Children’s, gave us a large support system,” said Dan. “We had the utmost trust and condence in our care team, knowing Daniel was in the best hands.”With his post-operative physical therapy complete, Daniel, now 15, is preparing for surgery on his right leg. The comprehensive treatment he has received is one of many reasons Dan and Julie are grateful for Shriners Children’s New England. “We all have more knowledge going into this surgery, and it is comforting knowing how well he has been taken care of,” said Dan. “Our experience has always given us condence that he is in the right place.”

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Page 10 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comJen (Schaefe) Verni, QueeJen (Schaefe) Verni, QueeQueen of Antioch Temple No. 113Daughters of the Nile, Madison, WIProud to be a Daughter of the Nile, Queen (Jenn Schaefer) VernigDAUGHTERS o e NILE2025 is off and running.While Antioch does not meet in January, some of the ladies from Southern Wisconsin went out to serve at Culver’s Newville January 8th to support our hospitals. As a lot of people do, I’ve reected on 2024 and thought about what’s going to come for 2025.2024 brought so much fun with my role as Queen for Daughters of the Nile, much to do with our now Past Potentate Roger and his Lady Tammy. The work they put into their leadership of Zor was tireless and it’s clear how passionate they are about our Shriner’s Children’s. Having Gioia on their journey this year was part of that testament.At the 2023 fall ceremonial before Roger was installed, he went out of his way to have a chat with me about how he was excited to partner with Antioch and he made good on that. Roger and Tammy made sure I was invited to represent Daughters of the Nile to many dinners, parades, picnics, etc. and even though they had a packed schedule for the day, they stopped at my golf outing to show their support! It has been such an honor and SO MUCH FUN to be part of their 2024 journey. They made it important to have Daughters of the Nile present, knowing Zor and Antioch have the same mission, taking care of our kids. The partnership gave my passion for our mission an extra kick, as well as warmed my heart.Representing Antioch at the 2025 Zor Annual Meeting started the year. It was busy, exciting, beautiful and emotional. Paying tribute to Past Potentate Roger, Lady Tammy and Gioia brought lots of laughs and some tears. The installation of Illustrious Sir Brian and Lady Linda was exciting and emotional too.The presentations during the day of installation brought reminders of what the support of Shriners Children’s really means. The number of children helped, the equipment supplied to children that would not have been had these kids not been at a Shriners Hospital, the miles families drive, for care with our healthcare system, etc., again reminds us that our mission is amazing!At First Lady Linda’s luncheon, we had a paint project of a starsh. During installation, she revealed her project of “just one”. That even if we throw just one starsh that washed up on the beach back into the sea, we will make a difference for that one. Even just one kid that gets the 7 back braces she needs during her 2 years of scoliosis treatment or the prosthetic limbs for even one growing child, or the wheelchairs tted over and over for another, it matters!Keep up all the great work!Quee Jen (Schaefe) Vernig

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Page 11February 2025 • Zor Zephyr MagazineFLAMBEAU LANDRobert Grunseth • 715-532-7311GLACIER RIDGE HILLBILLY CLAN 183Larry Hanson • 608-778-0802GREEN COUNTYNicholas Baker • 608-293-0796HAYWARD MUSKYRobert Odell • 715-671-8585HEART OF WISCONSINBob Calverley • 715-421-3705INDIANHEADHarlan Dodge • 715-296-0485LACROSSEKevin Greeno • 608-780-2498LAKELANDJim Stelsel Jr. • 608-770-5204MECCAMontie Kramer • 715-459-3332MEHARAKeith Foulk • 309-224-7870MOUNDVIEWKarl Gant • 608-523-4714PINE RIVER VALLEYCole Downey • 608-604-4491SAHARADale Olson • 262-203-0641SOUTHWESTERN WILowell Ahrens • 608-412-2143ST. CROIX VALLEYTy Behr • 612-581-4667TIMBERRichard Dennis • 612-210-3007VACATIONLANDLeonard Pickett • 608-963-0860YOSHIRon Malcolm • 608-387-9421 ZOR Shrine ClubsZOR Shrine UnitsCAMEL PATROLJim Stelsel, Jr. • 608-770-5204MADISON CLOWNSPaul McCallum • 608-931-0849DIRECTORS STAFFBob Ott • 608-415-2536FIREHOUSE JESTERSKevin Greeno • 608-780-2498FLAMBEAU CLOWNSJesse Tihlarik • 715-820-3385FUNSTERSRandy Webb • 715-572-3807IMAGINEERSChris Peters • 715-630-9143MAVERICKSJacob LaBlanc • 608-617-9776MIDGETSAl Coenen • 608-387-6868MINI CARSMiles Bradley • 608-289-1628MISFITZMontie Kramer • 715-459-3332MUSKY CYCLE PATROLChuck Stene • 715-791-8240ROAD RUNNERSMike Kastens • 715-497-7527SAWDUSTERSMike Hayden • 715-495-0258TIN LIZZIESRod Schultz • 414-378-1553VETERANS PATROLRay Burrows • 715-228-2631WAUSAUKEN SHRINERSStephen Britton • 203-258-6987Rick Schnabel • 715-432-3152YOUR CONTACTSFebruary 2025 BirthdaysFeb 1: Dale R StewartFeb 2: Frank R Olszewski; Roger D Reas; Paul D WhartonFeb 3: Joseph E RobertsFeb 4: Phillip F Krause; James A Jewell, Chris WilliamsFeb 6: John L Senty; Daryl G Wells; Howard T Rogers; John RoelliFeb 7: Edward M Mahlum; Chris D Kreul; David L GriepFeb 8: Daniel J LinehanFeb 9: David ChavezFeb 10: Arlie R Fahrney; Robert C Everson; Charles D Calhoun; Modukpe A HoundeglaFeb 11: John G EnglundFeb 12: James J Williams; Allen G CoenenFeb 14: Thomas H ChoseFeb 15: Richard L Dwinal; James L RoxFeb 16: Larry J Riemenschneider PP; John H Dodge; Feb 17: Merlin J Isaacson; James H Olson, PGM; Michael D Fordney; James R Cox; Kenneth K Olm; Christopher H Tashjlan; Daniel C BryllaFeb 18: John W Miller; Rodney L JohnsonFeb 19: J.B. Van Hollen, PGMFeb 20: John D Parkyn; David C DullFeb 21: Wayne L Hamler; Lee W Zabka; Steven W Livingston; James L Stelsel JrFeb 22: Thomas A Punsel; Felix E Geissler; Ric A EngebretsonFeb 23: James A Devoe; Eugene R Helgoe; Bryan L Strommen; Timothy D MolepskeFeb 24: Gerald A Jordan PP; Kenneth F Olson; Lee C Hoppe; Edward R Michels; Phillip J Gullickson; Ronald Z Chamberlain; James M Swan JrFeb 25: Larry W DrangstveltFeb 26: Laverne C Clifton; Roger W BarthelFeb 27: Virgil C Nylander; Robert I CalverleyFeb 28: Gary K DurginFeb 29: Joseph R Keller***Disclaimer***If this contact information for your unit/club is not correct, please contact the ZOR of-ce to update the information. Also, please ensure that you provide a copy of your updated ofcers to the ofce as soon as you are able!

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Page 12 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comZOR SHRINERSBy: Noble Chris PetersOn January 11, 2025, Zor Shriners gathered in Eau Claire, WI. To hold their annual installation of Oicers. Ill. Sir Gary Cuskey, PP and the Shrine Dad to the newly elected Brian Dunham as Zor’s 2025 Potentate was the installing Oicer. He was assisted by Imp. Sir Jim Smith as the installing Marshall and Ill. Sir Joe Thompson, PP as the installing Chaplin. The Bible was presented by Brian’s Shrine Granddad and Ill. Sir Gary Cuskey’s Shrine Dad. Ill. Sir Larry Riemenschneider, PP. Despite all the snow, the event was well attended by Noble’s, Ladies, family, and friends. We were also honored by the attendance of our distinguished guests including Imp. Sir Jim Smith, (Past Imperial Potentate) and Lady Alice, Imp. Sir Matt Sturlaugson (Imperial Oriental Guide) and Lady Mandii, MW Thomas W. Stevens, Grand Master of Masons in Wisconsin, and Lady Laura, Daughter of the Nile Queen Jenn (Schaefer) Vernig and her husband Bob, and the newly installed Potentate from Beja Shriners, Ill. Sir Scott Maxon.Once the installation was complete and the gavel was turned over to the, now, Ill. Sir Brian Dunham, Potentate, our newest Past Potentate, Ill. Sir Roger Keller and Lady Tammy were escorted to the stage. Ill. Sir Roger was presented his Past Potentate Fez and Jewell and congratulated for a wonderful and successful year. They were both presented with their gifts.

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Page 13February 2025 • Zor Zephyr Magazine2025 OFFICER INSTALLATION

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Page 14 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comZOR SHRINERSAs the evening continued to the Fez Party, a few cocktails were drank, lots of pictures were taken, and good food was enjoyed by all. Ill. Sir Brian and 1st Lady Linda introduced their family and toasted the new leadership for Zor Shriners. 1st Lady Linda talked about her project for the #JUSTONE raising money for the Shriners Children’s burn centers. She told us the Starfish story of how a woman walking down the beach and picking up Starfish and throwing them back in the water, when questioned that there were too many to make a dierence, as she threw another one in the water, she said it made a dierence for this one.Thank you to the Dawson Redenius Septet for the wonderful music and entertainment that evening.All in all, what a great day. We want to wish our new Potentate and Divan a wonderful and successful year.Page 14Roger being Fezzed by GioiaRogers new Fez

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Page 15February 2025 • Zor Zephyr Magazine2025 OFFICER INSTALLATIONFront Row L to R: Noble Steve Livernash, Ill. Sir Brian Dunham, Potentate, Noble Ron MalcolmBack: Noble’s Dan Smithburg, Ill. Sir Bob Gorsuch, PP, Scott Pedley, PGM, Al Coenen, Mark Mayry, Brad Schultz, Karl Gant, H. Sean Shilling, Mike Kastens, Roger Amundson, and Ill. Sir Larry Hanson, PPIn Memoriam. Charles Voris, Tangier (Grandfather), Ryan Culligan, Osman Counterpart, Doug Lundholm First Line Signer (ZOR) and the Apron for George Dunham PM Southern Lakes #12 (Grandfather)Front Row L to R: Lady Koral Livernash, 1st Lady Linda Dunham, Lady Dawn MalcolmBack Row: Lady’s Linda Thomas, Michelle Schultz, Char Mayry, Diane Amundson, Marsha Shilling, Kelly Smithburg, Lill Hanson, and Susan KastensImp. Sir Jim Smith and Lady AliceImp. Sir Matt Sturlaugson and Lady Mandii

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Page 16 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.com2025 OFFICER INSTALLATIONWineTasting03.27.255:30 pm2 Roots Art and Wine GalleryEau Claire WIFor Ticket Purchase and Event Info Please scan$45A unique fundraising experience!All proceeds are used to support#JUSTONE

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Page 17February 2025 • Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 17Page 17A WORD FROM OUR 1ST LADYI’d like to introduce myself.I am Linda Dunham, and I am HONORED to be a part of my husband, Illustrious Sir Brian Dunham’s year of Potentate for Zor Shriners!First and foremost, I am a mother of 4 grown children: Morgan, Channing, Mason and Leighton, the true joys of my life. Brian and I took on the role of grandparents to Morgan’s beautiful daughter, Edie, in December. She is just perfect.I spend my days as a full time Realtor in Chippewa Valley. For the past 22 years, I have helped countless people buy and sell their homes.In my free time (ha ha), I enjoy writing, running, doing yoga, baking, and traveling. I am also a huge fan of live music and ice shing.I look forward to all the amazing events this year has in store, along with meeting fellow Shriners and their ladies.My role as First Lady is to create awareness as to what we do as Shriners. It truly is the greatest philanthropy! After visiting some of the hospitals, my heart prompted me to also raise awareness and educate what Shriners Children’s is doing to treat burn patients.This year, my project is #JUSTONE.We will be selling Starsh keychains with all proceeds going to the Dayton, Ohio hospital.The research and care that only Shriners Children’s can offer is INCREDIBLE! Did you know Shriners Children’s treats ALL types of Burns? Including Scalds, Electrical, Chemical and Flame! They have hospitals in Boston, Texas, Northern California and Ohio.Burn tragedies happen every day and through more awareness and education, I BELIEVE WITH ALL MY HEART, we can help a child…even JUST ONE!Thank you for your support! All my best,Lady LindaLove is Alive in ‘25!!!

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Page 18 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comDRIVER RIDERKevin Fischer ............Jennifer FischerAl Coenen .................Linda ThomasDora Johnston .........Mary VilsDora Johnston .........Mary VilsSteve Peterson .........Mary Ellen PetersonSchelley Schoville ....Jean SchovilleAndy Willett .............. John TorpyRod LaBlancRod LaBlancSchelley Schoville ....Monte SteiberSchelley Schoville ....Will LangSchelley SchovilleDora Johnston .........Mary VilsDora Johnston .........Mary VilsDora JohnstonDRIVER RIDERDora Johnston .........Mary VilsSchelley Schoville ....Monte SteiberDora JohnstonSteve Peterson .........Mary Ellen PetersonDale AndersonAndy Willett .............. Dale AndersonSchelley Schoville ....Monte SteiberSchelley Schoville ....Monte SteiberMonte Steiber ..........Lowell AhrenAndy Willett .............. John TorpyAl Coenen .................Linda ThomasAl Coenen .................Linda ThomasAl Coenen .................Linda ThomasAl Coenen .................Linda ThomasDONATIONSIN HONOR OF: DONOR:Shriners Children’s ChicagoKristine Beebe Dale & Ruth AndersonSusan & Gregory Manseld Dale & Ruth AndersonLady Alice & Jim Smith,PP Sahara SCRobert Salisbury Barbara KaiserDONATIONSDONATIONSShriners Hospitalsfor Children®ChicagoSHC-ChicagoIn Memory of: Donor:Dawn Beedy Todd & Jae WerndliNorma Jenkins Nancy Peckham Donaons: Breakfast with Santa Fundraiser Wausaukan Shriners Cookie Sales Izzy Henze Donaon Arlie Fahrney SHC-Twin Cies In Memory Of: Donor:Dale Viney Carl & Brenda Caulke Larry & Annell NelsonDon LeMay Christopher Libbey Dean LeMayLori Ann Langer Karen LangerGordon Behling Evelyn McGeeDonaon:Breakfast with Santa Fundraiser Wausaukan Shriners Hospital Transportaon In Memory of: Donor:Nancy Nelson Miles & Candy BradleyDonaon:Breakfast with Santa Fundraiser Wausaukan ShrinersUWW Football Fundraiser Sahara SCDonaon Jacob Beiler DONORS Robert GorsuchGary ShealyDarrell SchultzRay & Barb BurrowsJerry E WilkensJim & Allice SmithJohn & Debbi ThorstadLarry NelsonJohn SentyRobert KeeneBrent & Nancy ClausiusAl & Anne BeckerDave StolenMarn CallawayLyle FoxTom Nelson in memory of Nancy NelsonJames & Judy FossE Donald FennieJerry Balschun, PP & DianeAl & Penny BreuggenRick ColesFRIENDS OF THE ZOR ZEPHYRFRIENDS OF THE ZOR ZEPHYRMEMORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS¡ Zor Shriners Membership Fund ¡ Shriners Children’s® – Chicago¡ Zor Shriners Endowment Fund ¡ Shriners Children’s® – Twin Cities¡ Zor General Fund ¡ Shriners Children’s® – Ohio¡ Friends of the Zephyr Fund ¡ Zor Hospital Patient Transportation Fund MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE AS MARKED ABOVE AND MAIL TO:Zor Shriners, 6510 Grand Teton Plaza, Suite 204, Madison, WI 53719In Memory/Honor Of ______________________________________________________¡ Please acknowledge gift to the familyName __________________________________________________________________Address ________________________________________________________________City ____________________________________ State ________ Zip______________¡ Please acknowledge gift to the Donor¡ Via Email ____________________________________________________________Name __________________________________________________________________Address ________________________________________________________________City ___________________________________ State ________ Zip ______________GIVE PARADE TO GLORY CREDIT TO CLUB OR UNIT:DRIVER Monte SteiberDora JohnstonDora JohnstonDora JohnstonAl CoenenDora JohnstonAl CoenenSteve PetersonBob CalverleyBob CalverleyBob CalverleyBob CalverleyDuane HarveySco BrainardDora JohnstonJacob LaBlancDora JohnstonDora JohnstonDora JohnstonKevin SorensonWally TroutenJohn TorpyRIDERKen MeyerNadine SchuhJim DeVoeNadine SchuhJim DeVoeMary Ellen PetersonSandy CalverleySandy CalverleyMone KramerSandy CalverleyRichard DennisKessa LaBlancNadine SchuhDebbie LongeldNadine SchuhRichard JarvisAndrew WilleHOSPITAL DADSHOSPITAL DADSJames Schultz • 10.24.21 • Ladysmith, WIFrank Hallada • 01.14.22 • Dodgeville, WIIN MEMORIAMIN MEMORIAMMark B. HazelbakerAttorney at Law599 D’Onofrio Drive, Suite 222 Madison, WI 53719Direct Line (608) 662-2300 Fax (608) 662-9977 Cell (608) 220-7271Email Website www.kasieta.comMay 14th , 2022Summer Ceremonial and Potentate’s BallMARCH 2022 • Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 19Shriners Children’s Twin CitiesIN MEMORY OF: DONOR:Vernon Kressin Ray’s Metal WorksOren & Harriet White Thomas & Julie WhiteDonations: PTG Zor Festival of Trees-Midgets PTG Flambeau Land Shrine ClubDonation Mark Kopp Jon & Joann BussHospital Transportation Donor:In Memory Of:Ramon Erickson Penny & Larry KraussDonation:PTG Director Staff Zor Festival of Trees Pine River SC Wausaken Shriners Musky Cycle Patrol HMDC Donor:In Honor Of:Jack Walker Ronald JenkinsGeneral Fund: Donor:PTG Wausauken Shriners Pine River Valley SC Mehara SCDonation Ray BrownHOSPITAL DADS

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Page 19February 2025 • Zor Zephyr MagazineDONORS:Imp. Sir Jim Smith & AliceJoe Harker, PGM & Mary A Brueggen, PP & PennyJohn & Gale HendricksonBob & Amy HeringBob Gorsuch, PP & Carol Gary Cuskey, PP & JudyLarry NelsonBrent & Nancy ClausiusLOOKING FOR A FEW GOOD MEN!That is right, we are looking for a few good men to parcipate in a new short play at our May Ceremonial in Mauston. Potentate Rodney has asked that the “Knickerbocker Degree” be presented. This is something new to Zorland!The play is very short and will be presented just before the tradional Shrine Ritual on Saturday May 14th in Mauston. There are seven (7) speaking parts as well as some extras. NO part is very long and we can have some fun with this degree. It follows the beginning of the Shrine and then the hospital system and its eects on our community as well as the image of the Shrine.For those interested, I will be able to send you a copy of the script along with a presentaon video. The video will be for just those truly interested in being cast. I would like to set a meeng at least for a run through. This would be at some central locaon yet to be determined.I do believe this will be something that we can have some real fun with and sll present some history for those just coming into the Shrine. Also, it’s great when we engage the whole family and they learn what we are all about.I look forward to hearing of your interest.Please contact me with your interest or quesons. Email Dale Holmen at: holmendd13@a.net or call 608-241-4751. Hope to hear from any Shriners with fun in their heart.715-643-4211Steal & Seafood • Friday Fish FryNightly Specials • Carry-Out AvailableReservations AppreciatedLive Entertainment Friday & SaturdayPrivate Rooms AvailableRestaurant/Bar and Banquet FacilityRex’s Innkeeper• Open Every Night • Lunch Mon.-Fri. 11am-2pm608-849-5011301 N. Century Ave., Waunakee, WIwww.rexsinnkeeper.comPage 6 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comAthletes with either condion can usually return to sports aer several months of rest and physical therapy. Paents may need to wear a back brace as part of their recovery, which will be custom-made for them in our orthocs department. In rare situaons, if a vertebra is severely out of alignment or if a child remains in pain aer other forms of treatment, spinal fusion surgery may be needed from one of our skilled, experienced physicians.RehabilitaonOur team of physical and occupaonal therapists are highly trained in addressing a multude of dierent diagnoses. With regard to non-operave and post-operave management of injuries, we are able to tailor our treatment strategies to the paent and their needs–whether it be using crutches to get around at school or progressing back to playing a high-level sport.We use the most current evidenced-based pracce when ulizing modalies and strengthening techniques following injury or surgery and work closely with the medical providers to make sure the paent is making progress and meeng their goals as expected.Specializing in treang pediatrics also gives us a clear lens of how treang a young athlete diers from treang a high school athlete and the importance of using high-level training when appropriate. Our therapists have addional experience treang athletes who may use a wheelchair to play basketball, a sled to play hockey or a prosthesis to go snowboarding. It is crucial to consider all aspects of an athlete’s life and not just their performance on the court or the ice, but how their rehab will aect their ability to engage in their everyday acviesIn conclusionUnfortunately, it is impossible to eradicate all risks our Minnesota winters or winter sports pose. However, ensuring proper protecon during sports is one way to reduce the risk of injury to athletes. Wearing a helmet to ski or snowboard or full pads to play a hockey game is important to provide the maximum protecon to our athletes. Wearing good winter are and using a broad-based stance to walk on the ice and snow can help to reduce the risks of falls when out and about on slippery sidewalks and driveways.Shriners Children’s is one of the world’s greatest philanthropies and has evolved into an internaonal health care system for children, able to treat many health care issues including orthopedic condions, spinal cord injuries, burns and cle lip and palate. All children receive care regardless of the families’ ability to pay. Our centers vary regionally in terms of the range of condions they treat.Shriners Children’s Twin Cies is a specialty clinic focused on the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric orthopedic impairments and injuries. Inially we served a six-state region providing care for some of the most dicult congenital deformity cases, such as children born with their feet facing the wrong way. Some of our paents required over a dozen major surgeries before they were 18. As me went on, we have expanded the range of services we oer to include common injuries. We recently relocated to a new facility in Woodbury where, under one roof, we have a skilled and knowledgeable medical team consisng of orthopedic surgeons and physician assistants, physical and occupaonal therapists, prosthec and orthoc providers, radiology technicians, child life specialists and licensed social workers. This collaborave approach allows us to treat a wide spectrum of paents with diagnoses ranging from cerebral palsy to ankle sprains. Please think of us as a resource and partner when you have paents who may benet from these services and skills.Allyce Fisk, PA-C, MMS, is an orthopedic physician assistant at Shriners Children’s in Woodbury.Rebecca Rouse, PT, DPT, is a physical therapist at Shriners Children’s in Woodbury.Connued on next pageConnued from previous page+-!('-SVVYPUN33*0 DUDWKRQ)ORRULQJQHW3LQH6W_0DUDWKRQ:,2L]PU:VYLUZVU5(6,'(17,$/&200(5&,$/Comstock Tire2413 S. Park St.Madison, WI 53713(608) 257-1004Your One Stop Shop for Tires & Auto Service! www.comstocktire.comOpen 7 Days A WeekServing Nightly at 4pm Sunday Mornings 8:30am-1pmBanquet Facilities for Parties and Special Events6010 Hwy 51, McFarland608-838-5888Supper ClubMARCH 2022 • Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 17Friends of the ZephyrJames Soderholm, PP & JoanGerald BergChad & Andrea FonsecaIn Loving Memory of Martin CallawayCharles E. WhiteArlen & Gloria ChristensenDave StolenJerry Balschun, PP & DianeJohn & Marilyn SentyRobert SalisburyJack & Diane JensenMiles & Candy BradleySahara Shrine ClubSteve & Koral LivernashRon & Dawn MalcolmGary ShealyMini CarsLarry SeversonPatricia GieslerAl Heinkel & Roxana JacksonBob EversonTom Nelson, PPRoger & Diane AmundsonBill BoamanRoger ReasWendell J OlsoonIn Memory of Otis E LarsonGary & Nancy DurginJohn Thorstad, PP & DebbiMark & Charlene MayryLind B Knudson • 02.13.24 • Rice Lake, WIRamon S Erickson • 12.17.24 • Coon Valley, WILaverne A “Bub” Severson • 12.27.24 • Edgerton, WI620 Deere DriveNew Richmond, WI 54017PHONE: (715) 246-2261TOLL FREE: (888) 674-6455FAX: (715) 246-7393www.johnsonmotorsales.com431 Perry StreetUnion Center, WI 53962H. MARK HEDING, President(608) 462-8441www.drive4heding.comEst. 1927Truck Service Inc.A NEW LOOKSVAaccountants.comDISCOVER THE SVA DIFFERENCETHE SAMECOMMITMENTTO DELIVERING MeasurableResults.Milt Helmer2012 Michael LaneRiver Falls, WI 54022(715) 821-5002miltonhelmer@gmail.comCalendar Rafe Winners!FEBRUARY 2022 WINNERS: $20.00 • Debbie Sie • Mondovi $20.00 • Tammi Hoesly • Monroe $20.00 • Doug & Cory Homan • River Falls $20.00 • Aaron Schmucker • Markesan $100.00 • Kraig Krueger • Maiden Rock $20.00 • Lonnie Kopp • Maiden Rock $20.00 • Trenn Holstein • Wisconsin Rapids $20.00 • Elaine Partridge • Merrill $20.00 • Teegan Nelson • Pardeeville $20.00 • Bryce Fransway • Colfax $20.00 • Nellie LaBlanc • Poynee $100.00 • Joe Harker • New Berlin $20.00 • James R Timm • Wisconsin Dells $20.00 • Karl Olm • Madison $20.00 • Linda Dunham • Eau Claire $20.00 • Sally Swenson • Wilson $20.00 • Preston Walther • Mondovi $20.00 • Sue Lardahl • Durand $100.00 • Josh Whitney • West Allis $20.00 • George Kinney • Blue River $20.00 • Allen Stai • Colfax $20.00 • Tony Giese • Sparta $20.00 • Michael Homan • Watertown $20.00 • Bonnie Comstock • Merrillan $20.00 • Shelly Dziekan • Mondovi $100.00 • Fredrick Outhouse • Oxford $20.00 • Ray Burrows • Coloma $150.00 • Jeremy Haun • Tomah25 YEARS OF SERVICE:50 YEARS OF SERVICE:55 YEARS OF SERVICE:65 YEARS OF SERVICE:Philip P AndersonJon A BarthelJames R BeerDonald E BergstromSco K BrainardAllen G CoenenMarshall H CoonLouis L ChicqueeJohn H DodgeHoward S HetzelWallace D HornerCharles B DeadmanEvere L EllingsonRW FellandGene S GrengsEugene R HelgoeWalter F Schar, JrGerald R WatsonKeith C CreuzigerRobert L EdwardsCurs E HarrisonJon D OaklandWillis A OstremRobert F WenrickWalter J OravezLarry W RyanThomas J WimayerLarry L ZimmermanDavid D HomanPeter J HomanDennis L JonesJohn C Van HollenMarko ZelichCharles E WhiteMARCH 2022 • Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 23Internaonal Associaon of Shrine Motor Corps

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Page 20 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comWAUSAU POTENTATE PARTY 2025Zor Shriners Quarterly Meeting& Potentate PartySaturday, April 12, 2025The Wausauken Shriners and their ladies are sponsoring the Wausau Potentate party to Honor Ill Sir Brian Dunham and Lady Linda.This year’s meeting and party will be held at the Wausau Elks Lodge, 414 Scott Street, Wausau, WI. We plan to have a cold sands followed by a Quarterly Meeting starting at 1:00 pm. Following the day’s activities, we will have dinner with entertainment and our traditional rafe with our beautiful geraniums.For those going to lunch on their own, some local favorites nearby are: • Jalapeno’s Mexican, 300 N 3rd Street. • Malarkey’s Pub & Grill, 408 N 3rd Street. • The Mint Cafe, 422 N 3rd Street. • Erbert’s and Gerberts, 329 N 4th St. • Red Eye Brewing Co., 612 Washington St, Wausau, WI 54403On Saturday at 11:00 am we will be meeting at the Timekeepers Distillery, 720 Grant St, for a pizza lunch and all the spirits you wish to partake in.A block of rooms is reserved at the Jefferson Street Inn, 210 Jefferson Street, Wausau, WI. Rooms are $139 plus tax for a queen or king room. Please call the hotel to make your room reservations at 715-845-6500 option 1. The block of rooms is reserved until March 11, 2025. To view the hotel, please go to www.jeffersonstreetinn.comAdditional details and the full schedule will be provided in the March edition of the Zephyr.“Love is Alive” in Wausau 2025!

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Page 21February 2025 • Zor Zephyr Magazine$ 200.00 • Ray Johnston • Mondovi$ 20.00 • Michael Hoffman • Watertown$ 20.00 • Jessica Bemowski • Plover$ 100.00 • Daren Larson • Trego$ 20.00 • Jennifer Vernig • Sun Prairie$ 20.00 • Laura Sindilar • Friendship$ 20.00 • Paul Tourville • Mukwonago$ 20.00 • Mike Collins • Port Charlotte FL$ 20.00 • Doug Sherman • Edgerton$ 20.00 • Dorothy Coenen • Tomah$ 100.00 • Kendall Reagan • Decorah, IA$ 20.00 • Brad Pederson • Shell Lake$ 20.00 • Lori Olson • Mondovi$ 20.00 • Bob Gorsuch • Fitchburg$ 20.00 • Emma Olson • Watertown$ 20.00 • Marilyn Olson • Spooner$ 20.00 • William Odell • Ellsworth$ 100.00 • Chris Oliver • Bangor$ 20.00 • Gil Roth • Madison$ 20.00 • Darrell Komro • Durand$ 20.00 • Gayle Trouten • Cresco, IA$ 20.00 • Jay Erickson • Grand Forks, ND$ 20.00 • John Hendricks • Sparta$ 20.00 • Mark Udovich • La Crosse$ 100.00 • Andy Bautz • Madison$ 20.00 • Linda Schulfer • Plover$ 20.00 • Katrina Seavers • Junction City$ 20.00 • Tyler Steiber • Prairie Du Chien$ 20.00 • Brenda Craig • Muscoda$ 20.00 • Libby Iserloth • Belleville$ 150.00 • Scott Brown • Knapp$ 1,250.00 • Total PrizesJeffrey A. RedmonJeffrey A. RedmonYour Business Counselor in the St. Croix Valley 715-386-0100715-386-0100175 Second Street South, Suite #300Hudson WI 54016MARCH 2022 • Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 21Imperial Session 2022 - ParadeDAVE EMERY PARADE MARSHAL 929 111th Ave. NW Coon Rapids, Minnesota 55448-4339 E-mail : January 4, 2022 Nobles, We are excited to have the 2022 IMPERIAL SHRINE SESSION back in Minneapolis. Imperial Sir Bill and Lady Debby look forward to hosng you, your Divan, your Nobility, and your Ladies in our 150th YEAR as a FRATERNITY and our 100th YEAR of supporng SHRINERS CHILDREN’S. IMPORTANT INFORMATION Parade – Tuesday July 5, 2022 Now is the me to get your Nobility excited and join us for a FUN FILLED IMPERIAL SESSION IN MINNEAPOLIS. We are happy to answer any quesons you might have. Rooms are sll available. Jerry B. Oliver, PP Director General 2022 Imperial Shrine Session (763)-639-8813 If your temple plans on parcipang in the parade at the 2022 Imperial Session of Shriners Internaonal in Minneapolis, please contact the Zor Shrine oce for more informaon.Jeffrey A. RedmonJeffrey A. RedmonYour Business Counselor in the St. Croix Valley 715-386-0100715-386-0100175 Second Street South, Suite #300Hudson WI 54016MARCH 2022 • Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 21Imperial Session 2022 - ParadeDAVE EMERY PARADE MARSHAL 929 111th Ave. NW Coon Rapids, Minnesota 55448-4339 E-mail : January 4, 2022 Nobles, We are excited to have the 2022 IMPERIAL SHRINE SESSION back in Minneapolis. Imperial Sir Bill and Lady Debby look forward to hosng you, your Divan, your Nobility, and your Ladies in our 150th YEAR as a FRATERNITY and our 100th YEAR of supporng SHRINERS CHILDREN’S. IMPORTANT INFORMATION Parade – Tuesday July 5, 2022 Now is the me to get your Nobility excited and join us for a FUN FILLED IMPERIAL SESSION IN MINNEAPOLIS. We are happy to answer any quesons you might have. Rooms are sll available. Jerry B. Oliver, PP Director General 2022 Imperial Shrine Session (763)-639-8813 If your temple plans on parcipang in the parade at the 2022 Imperial Session of Shriners Internaonal in Minneapolis, please contact the Zor Shrine oce for more informaon.602 Third Street, Suite 1Hudson, WI 54016Measurable Results.®SVAaccountants.comAUG 2023-AUG 2024USADISCOVER THE SVA DIFFERENCECalendar Raffle WinnersJANUARY 2025

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Page 22 Zor Zephyr Magazine • 800) 972-9546No Job Too Big or Too SmallROBERTS • RIVER FALLSPete Gunderson& Matt Gundersonwww.fnbrf.comGo Mobile withCONSIDER ADVERTISING!Shriners! If you own a business your company should consider adversing in the Zor Zephyr. It reaches all Zor Shriners in the state and we can give you very aracve rates. If interested please contact Milt Helmer at 715-821-5002 or email at: miltonhelmer@gmail.comSmithfamily reunionJune 3, 2020Grand Park, WI800-533-1635 www.HelmerPrinting.comPROMOTIONAL ITEMS: • Pens • Koozies • Bags • Key Chains • Cups • Mugs • Raffle TicketsCUSTOM APPAREL: • T-Shirts • Hats • SweatshirtsWE ALSO DO: Business Cards, Banners/Signs, Flyers, Envelopes, Brochures, Raffle Tickets, Coupon Books, Local & National Direct Mail, and much more! Contact us today!WE’RE HERE for all your printing needs!MARCH 2022 • Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 27620 Deere DriveNew Richmond, WI 54017PHONE: (715) 246-2261TOLL FREE: (888) 674-6455FAX: (715) 246-7393www.johnsonmotorsales.com431 Perry StreetUnion Center, WI 53962H. MARK HEDING, President(608) 462-8441www.drive4heding.comEst. 1927Truck Service Inc.A NEW LOOKSVAaccountants.comDISCOVER THE SVA DIFFERENCETHE SAMECOMMITMENTTO DELIVERING MeasurableResults.Milt Helmer2012 Michael LaneRiver Falls, WI 54022(715) 821-5002miltonhelmer@gmail.comCalendar Rafe Winners!FEBRUARY 2022 WINNERS: $20.00 • Debbie Sie • Mondovi $20.00 • Tammi Hoesly • Monroe $20.00 • Doug & Cory Homan • River Falls $20.00 • Aaron Schmucker • Markesan $100.00 • Kraig Krueger • Maiden Rock $20.00 • Lonnie Kopp • Maiden Rock $20.00 • Trenn Holstein • Wisconsin Rapids $20.00 • Elaine Partridge • Merrill $20.00 • Teegan Nelson • Pardeeville $20.00 • Bryce Fransway • Colfax $20.00 • Nellie LaBlanc • Poynee $100.00 • Joe Harker • New Berlin $20.00 • James R Timm • Wisconsin Dells $20.00 • Karl Olm • Madison $20.00 • Linda Dunham • Eau Claire $20.00 • Sally Swenson • Wilson $20.00 • Preston Walther • Mondovi $20.00 • Sue Lardahl • Durand $100.00 • Josh Whitney • West Allis $20.00 • George Kinney • Blue River $20.00 • Allen Stai • Colfax $20.00 • Tony Giese • Sparta $20.00 • Michael Homan • Watertown $20.00 • Bonnie Comstock • Merrillan $20.00 • Shelly Dziekan • Mondovi $100.00 • Fredrick Outhouse • Oxford $20.00 • Ray Burrows • Coloma $150.00 • Jeremy Haun • Tomah25 YEARS OF SERVICE:50 YEARS OF SERVICE:55 YEARS OF SERVICE:65 YEARS OF SERVICE:Philip P AndersonJon A BarthelJames R BeerDonald E BergstromSco K BrainardAllen G CoenenMarshall H CoonLouis L ChicqueeJohn H DodgeHoward S HetzelWallace D HornerCharles B DeadmanEvere L EllingsonRW FellandGene S GrengsEugene R HelgoeWalter F Schar, JrGerald R WatsonKeith C CreuzigerRobert L EdwardsCurs E HarrisonJon D OaklandWillis A OstremRobert F WenrickWalter J OravezLarry W RyanThomas J WimayerLarry L ZimmermanDavid D HomanPeter J HomanDennis L JonesJohn C Van HollenMarko ZelichCharles E WhiteMARCH 2022 • Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 23Internaonal Associaon of Shrine Motor CorpsBrian 715-396-1395 | Linda 715-456-6284Brian 715-396-1395 | Linda 715-456-6284( 800) 972-9546No Job Too Big or Too SmallROBERTS • RIVER FALLSPete Gunderson& Matt Gundersonwww.fnbrf.comGo Mobile withCONSIDER ADVERTISING!Shriners! If you own a business your company should consider adversing in the Zor Zephyr. It reaches all Zor Shriners in the state and we can give you very aracve rates. If interested please contact Milt Helmer at 715-821-5002 or email at: miltonhelmer@gmail.comSmithfamily reunionJune 3, 2020Grand Park, WI800-533-1635 www.HelmerPrinting.comPROMOTIONAL ITEMS: • Pens • Koozies • Bags • Key Chains • Cups • Mugs • Raffle TicketsCUSTOM APPAREL: • T-Shirts • Hats • SweatshirtsWE ALSO DO: Business Cards, Banners/Signs, Flyers, Envelopes, Brochures, Raffle Tickets, Coupon Books, Local & National Direct Mail, and much more! Contact us today!WE’RE HERE for all your printing needs!MARCH 2022 • Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 27You can’t bethe best,if you’re onlythe same!Bob Gorsuch608.441.6000( 800) 972-9546No Job Too Big or Too SmallROBERTS • RIVER FALLSPete Gunderson& Matt Gundersonwww.fnbrf.comGo Mobile withCONSIDER ADVERTISING!Shriners! If you own a business your company should consider adversing in the Zor Zephyr. It reaches all Zor Shriners in the state and we can give you very aracve rates. If interested please contact Milt Helmer at 715-821-5002 or email at: miltonhelmer@gmail.comSmithfamily reunionJune 3, 2020Grand Park, WI800-533-1635 www.HelmerPrinting.comPROMOTIONAL ITEMS: • Pens • Koozies • Bags • Key Chains • Cups • Mugs • Raffle TicketsCUSTOM APPAREL: • T-Shirts • Hats • SweatshirtsWE ALSO DO: Business Cards, Banners/Signs, Flyers, Envelopes, Brochures, Raffle Tickets, Coupon Books, Local & National Direct Mail, and much more! Contact us today!WE’RE HERE for all your printing needs!MARCH 2022 • Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 27• Open Every Night •• Lunch Mon.-Fri. •11am - 2pm301 N. Century Ave.,Waunakee, WIwww.rexsinnkeeper.comSteaks & Seafood • Friday Fish FryNightly SpecialsCarry-Outs AvailableReservations AppreciatedLive Entertainment Friday & SaturdayPrivate Rooms AvailableLOOKING FOR A FEW GOOD MEN!That is right, we are looking for a few good men to parcipate in a new short play at our May Ceremonial in Mauston. Potentate Rodney has asked that the “Knickerbocker Degree” be presented. This is something new to Zorland!The play is very short and will be presented just before the tradional Shrine Ritual on Saturday May 14th in Mauston. There are seven (7) speaking parts as well as some extras. NO part is very long and we can have some fun with this degree. It follows the beginning of the Shrine and then the hospital system and its eects on our community as well as the image of the Shrine.For those interested, I will be able to send you a copy of the script along with a presentaon video. The video will be for just those truly interested in being cast. I would like to set a meeng at least for a run through. This would be at some central locaon yet to be determined.I do believe this will be something that we can have some real fun with and sll present some history for those just coming into the Shrine. Also, it’s great when we engage the whole family and they learn what we are all about.I look forward to hearing of your interest.Please contact me with your interest or quesons. Email Dale Holmen at: holmendd13@a.net or call 608-241-4751. Hope to hear from any Shriners with fun in their heart.715-643-4211Steal & Seafood • Friday Fish FryNightly Specials • Carry-Out AvailableReservations AppreciatedLive Entertainment Friday & SaturdayPrivate Rooms AvailableRestaurant/Bar and Banquet FacilityRex’s Innkeeper• Open Every Night • Lunch Mon.-Fri. 11am-2pm608-849-5011301 N. Century Ave., Waunakee, WIwww.rexsinnkeeper.comPage 6 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comOpen Tuesday thru SaturdayServing Nightly at 4pmBanquet Facilities for Partiesand Special Events6010 Hwy 51, McFarlandRex’s InnkeeperRestaurant/Barand Banquet Facility608-849-5011608-838-5888

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Page 23February 2025 • Zor Zephyr MagazineCreated with Word Search MakerZor Members Last NameCLARY GOFF PEIRSON BOEGEL MAYRY DURGIN DAVIG UNDERWOOD HOFFMAN DRECKTRAH LIND SCHNABEL JOHNSTON TRONNES BRADLEY LARSEN PARKYN HANSON VOSSETEIG OLSZEWSKI TOMSKI BRADLEY MILLER MASSEY OSTREM Name: B Q H P L V R O S G U M H G K P W L V D M D A L WS Y N S L S D S L N O S T X D M O S B W J J V F PP V I Y P C G T M I L L E R N T C F H T I P B K NQ Y G O X Q P R V J W O M Y S B P Y G S I F M C VS Y R O B N I E A P F V T M O C P L T N O S N A HY K U T I X K M C R E F P A N D A J X Z X N S B BP I D L Z Q S U K Z B D O H A C K Q U I A H O O NM U N G Y N M I N A X F H G M D N Y R A L C E U NP B W O P I O Y K D A O U P F H A M N N W R D Y TC O X S Q N T Q P F E U Q R F O Y W R H Q K O V LY E T C T V B D V F I R N B O K T L C Q D C O X BD G S M F Y S J R M L P W W H J L L E E Z A O A XY E Y U D M A S S E Y J E O X T W N Q Q V W V S RN L U W O X J E S C C F P I O W W U L F M G A I QA I J Y J L H H J C L K L J R D Z K G C D D W F GX E K R M F S E N Q G K T B K S W W D O N P T H IZ L I C R Q F Z D J K A R R L K O S U Y I E N W EH W S C H N A B E L M A H E A Z K N L T L H V P TT S W F Q H Z R R W D V Z P R H Y S Y D K V A V EX R Q L J A Z F C L S V P N S S G I L K T S B F SH G O X P B B Q E F N K P U E O Z P X X R K L N SJ B S N Q W W Y S U D K I N N T Q S Y R Y A M J OZ Z K O N P H O H L S H P S R K X R X H A O P S VC Z J X I E E U V Y E L D A R B F O E T E Y G L GQ K J O H N S T O N D B B L O D F D D K Y G X V EZOR IMAGINEERSOn the Lighter SideZor Member Last NameWord ListE. DONALD FENNIE 1984MICHAEL GOODMAN 1984RICHARD SAMPSON 1984MICHAEL SAWYER 1984ROY SCHMIDT 1984KENT ENGLUND 1984JOSEPH HARKER, PGM 1984CHARLES PORTER JR 1984JOHN THORSTAD 1984 PP 2004GERALD THURS 1984JON GRINDE 1984ROBERT RUSH 1983DONALD PREISLER 1978THOMAS BOE 1985ALLEN HEINKEL 1985BART HOEKSTRA 1985VERNON JELLE 1985WILLIAM RASMUSSEN 1985JEREMY SMART 1985JOHN THOMAS 1985DAVID BARTLETT MD 1985RONALD SEMPF 1985JOHN CAMPBELL 1986FRANK LAUNDRIE 1986RALPH MADDEN 1986Created with Word Search MakerFENNIE GOODMAN SAMPSON SAWYER SCHMIDT ENGLUND HARKER PORTER THORSTAD THURS GRINDE RUSH PREISLER BOE HEINKEL HOEKSTRA JELLE RASMUSSEN SMART THOMAS BARTLETT SEMPF CAMPBELL LAUNDRIE MADDEN Name: V L L E B P M A C C E E D W T M C O S T V X E V SF F O F W H R N J F M I B Z P F S S Y V X T P L LU V G J J U L J X C A S W T F V G M J G T I Y R PD M F Q F D W S E J C R E Y W A S A V E S T A O IJ O W P G Z M I R L B J E B H I E R L H O J F W SD L M T Q T X F U M L I N F D O E T N Y H V P S ZR E M O A D H W N H N E N E B U R F C J W S D D JS F R G D S V P U N N Z M U D A N U K E T Z P U WD Z D E C P W T E I V R Y G B D L I Y Y G H S U RJ Z A M K K K F E R H R R O K N A M D O O G U I OW R C C Y R S A G X J T V V K F B M P O R T E R JV B N W W G A T C P G C I H H E R D Z U I S U L SI I V R C F X H N G R J H N M H K A U I H T C A HU M R F C J U O S N O E L E K N I E H O D V L U ZY D L A W G N M A C S A I S Q F X X F Z M V U T OR X E Z Q W O A M S T T K S Y A I R M J J Q I H RL X H N K D D S P B Y P O U L Y I D Z C U U N O YI Y C I G M Z Q S H R W Q M J E L F N C K P W R FE Z M I P L O A O W T Q S S N I R S O C K R X S NG R D U F W U P N L D W F A G R I N D E J Z W T LI V W H T I J N Y C I Q A R I D M E B A K W O A LM A Q E C Y N H D V M I M G K N V Z F M D G B D JP S F V R K E F C X H Y K G E U Z F E N Z L G N XU Y P T U E F K N V C Z E C P A R Z Q E H P E E FA M G E L H X A R T S K E O H L W J A H S A D Z MWhat do you call What do you call an army of baby Cupids? an army of baby Cupids? An infantry.An infantry.I heard a joke about chocolate I heard a joke about chocolate candy bars. It wasn’t very funny. candy bars. It wasn’t very funny. But I still Snickered.But I still Snickered.What do olives say to each other What do olives say to each other on Valentine’s Day? on Valentine’s Day? Olive you.Olive you.

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MOVING?COMPLETE THIS SECTION AND RETURN IT WITH THE CURRENT MAIL LABEL (BELOW) TO THE ZOR TEMPLE RECORDER 6510 GRAND TETON PLAZA, SUITE 204, MADISON, WI 53719PeriodicalsPostage PaidSparta, WIUSPS 017-572 Published monthly under the auspices ofZor Shriners of Shriners InternationalAddress: 6510 Grand Teton Plaza, Suite 204, Madison, WI 53719Electronic Subscription available on website.Periodicals Postage Paid - Madison, WI and additional mailing ofces.Postmaster: Send changes of address to Zor Zephyr6510 Grand Teton Plaza, Suite 204, Madison, WI 537192 0152 015Ill. Sir Monte Steiber and Lady AnnDirectors Staff presenting the Flags.