Page 2 Zor Zephyr Magazine • ZOR Shriners and our families keep “Scootin’ Thru ‘22” in large numbers! It is truly a pleasure for Lady Mary and I to continue to have great participation in the Shrine events this year! Lady Mary and I were able to attend the Annual Mini Car Picnic and Potentate Party in late July. It was a privilege and honor to be able to stand on the “famous pier” prior to taking a quick swim in the pond. Thank you to Noble Austin Tronnes and his Lady Connie for hosting another fantastic Party on the Pond. We attended the Kwahamot Water Ski Show in Tomahawk the last Saturday in July. We had the largest contingent of Shriners and families in attendance in many years! It was a great show and we were able to raise over $1,000 for our Twin Cities Clinic. We were also able to present Noble Jim Builer his 60-year certicate of being a Shriner! August 6th, we attended the LaCrosse Shrine Club Potentate Party at Jansky’s Eagles Nest in LaCrescent, MN. We had 6 visitors from Osman Shrine and a good time was had by all. We were also gifted a beautiful Bald Eagle statue from the Shrine Club. I had the pleasure of spending the next 5 days in the Sturgis, South Dakota area, where I attended the Legends Ride as a guest of Naja Potentate Rick Holloway and Lady Diana. The Naja Hospital Transportation fund is a beneciary of that ride. August 13th saw the Mavericks parading in Lodi for the rst time as guests of the Lodi Valley Masonic Lodge. On August 14th, the Unit paraded in Kiel and then traveled to Appleton to enjoy a Timber Rattlers game in cooperation with Tripoli and Beja Shriners. August 15th was the Heart of Wisconsin picnic and Potentate Party in Arkdale. Another excellent turn out with great food and fellowship! Lady Mary and I received a model semi-truck with logos and stickers designed by Noble Steve Livernash. Thank you, Heart of Wisconsin Shrine Club! Lady Mary and I were on the road again August 17th through August 20th as we attended our Midwest Shrine Association (MSA) summer session in Green Bay. MSA summer session was hosted by Beja Shrine. We were able to have 110 Nobles, Ladies and families attend the event, and numerous motorized units and clowns competed in their respective categories. ZOR came back with many 1st place awards and all had a great time! Coming up, Lady Mary and I have a trip to Texas planned for the arrival of our rst of 2 new granddaughters. On September 10th, we will be attending the Hayward Musky Shrine Club 4-wheeler ride by Spooner. I encourage you to attend if you haven’t in past years. September 17th is the Osman Potentate Ball in St. Paul and a few more parades for the Mavericks. October 1st is the River Falls Shrine Football game and Potentate Party hosted by the Saint Croix Valley Shrine Club. October 3rd through October 9th is the Shriners Golf Open in Las Vegas. Don’t forget that Lady Mary and I invite you to join us on our Fall Potentate Tour as we head to the East from October 19th through October 26th.~Please continue to join Lady Mary and myself as we Scoot thru ’22!Iusiou SiFrom Behind the WheelFrom the desk ofRodney LaBlancSeptemberS M T W T F S1 2 34 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 1718 19 20 21 22 23 2425 26 27 28 29 30Zephyr Reminder!!September 2022Be sure to email your stories by Saturday, September 10TH. Include information for the month of October 2022October 2022Deadline: September10THZOR SHRINE OFFICEMail Address: 6510 Grand Teton Plaza, Suite 204, Madison, WI 53719 Pat - accounng@zorshriners.comAmy - website: www.zorshriners.comUSPS 017-572 Published monthly under the auspices of Zor Shriners of Shriners Internaonal Address: 6510 Grand Teton Plaza, Suite 204, Madison, WI 53719 Electronic Subscripon available on website.Periodicals Postage Paid - Madison, WI and addional mailing oces.Postmaster: Send changes of address to Zor Zephyr 6510 Grand Teton Plaza, Suite 204, Madison, WI 53719 For Adversing, call Milt Helmer (715) 821-5002Winner of ten First Place Dromedary Awards for Shrine Newspapers and seven Honorable Menons.VOL. LXXIV NO. 02 • MARCH 2022Zor Editor: Zor ImagineersCorrespondent: Milt HelmerDeadline for Submission, 10th of the month priorE-mail submissions to: Zor Temple Oce Hours of Operaon: Monday-Thursday, 9am-4pm • Closed Fridays***ZEPHYR REMINDER******ZEPHYR REMINDER***Be sure to email your stories by Thursday, March 10th. Include informaon for the month of April 2022.Greengs Brothers, Ladies, Family and Friends, I gave my Monthly arcles the heading that I did because as many of you know, my lovely Lady Mary and I do a lot of traveling for Shrine and Masonic events all over the state and across the country! The long drives give us lots of me to think, plan and discuss. Our travels lately have taken us to Houston, Texas to see our son and his family, as well as aend the Inaugural Ball for the new Arabia Potentate, Ralph “Corky” Bynum and his Lady RuthAnn as we have goen to be good friends with them over the last few years. From Houston, we ew to Las Vegas to aend the East/West Shrine Bowl and its various events, and spent a couple extra days hanging out with 14 other ZOR Divan and Past Potentates and their Ladies who also journeyed out for the game. Aer being in Las Vegas, we ew back to Houston for a couple more days with family and aended a chili cooko at Arabia Shrine that was sponsored by the Arabia Alchemist Unit. We had an unevenul drive back home aer 12 days on the road, which allowed us to reect on the events we had just aended.In the next few weeks we’ll be ‘Behind the Wheel’ as we travel to the Clown Party, Shrine/Mason Day in Tomah, and a number of Club and Unit meengs.I would also like to explain my Potentates Pin design that I have chosen for this year to represent me. The red scooter represents the ZOR Mavericks unit that I have been a member of for the past 30 years. The scooter, as well as the uniform being worn by the rider is a close representaon of our scooter and present uniform. The Mavericks started in 1984 and were named the Mascoun Mavericks as many members were part of the Mascoun Shrine Club that is based out of Waushara, Marquee, Green Lake, and Winnebago Counes. Someme in the 1990’s, the name was changed to ZOR Mavericks. We ride 1986 Honda Spree Mopeds, and parcipate in about 25 parades a summer. We used to parcipate in 35 parades each summer, but needed to cut back as members aged out. Some of the founding and long-me members of the unit are Harvey Reilly and the late Paul Handa, Bill Reier, Bill Downie, Bill Seaman, and Irv Heller. Other long-me members include: Bill Drecktrah; Jon Barthel; Roger Barthel; Jacob LaBlanc; Bill Schmitz; John Ambrose; Larry Severson; Al Hia; Dick Jarvis; Darrell Smith; myself, plus a few new Nobles who help to keep the group funconing well.We have lots of events planned for the year, so we hope to see you as we “Scoot Thru ’22.”Rodney LaBlanc Montello, WI • rmlablanc85@gmail.comA MESSAGE FROM YOUR ZOR POTENTATEHELP US SAVE PRINTING AND MAILING COSTSSign up to get your ZEPHYR news magazine via e-mail: E-mail: zorsubmit@gmail.comBecome a Friends of Zephyr. Send your donaon to the Shrine Oce: 6510 Grand Teton Plaza, Suite 204, Madison, WI 53719ALL CLUBS AND UNITS SHOULD BE ZEPHYR SUPPORTERS. THIS IS YOUR ZEPHYR!April 2022 Deadline: March 10thThoughts From Behind the Steering WheelPage 2 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comHELP US SAVE PRINTING & MAILING COSTSSign up to get your ZEPHYR news magazine via e-mail!E-mail: zorsubmit@gmail.comBecome a Friends of the Zephyr. Send your donation to the Shrine Ofce: 6510 Grand Teton Plaza, Suite 204Madison, WI 53719All CLUBS AND UNITS SHOULD BE ZEPHYR SUPPORTERS. THIS IS YOUR ZEPHYR!
Page 3September 2022 • Zor Zephyr MagazinecontentsSEPTEMBER 2022ZOR SHRINE OFFICEMail Address: 6510 Grand Teton Plaza, Suite 204, Madison, WI 53719 Pat - accounng@zorshriners.comAmy - website: www.zorshriners.comUSPS 017-572 Published monthly under the auspices of Zor Shriners of Shriners Internaonal Address: 6510 Grand Teton Plaza, Suite 204, Madison, WI 53719 Electronic Subscripon available on website.Periodicals Postage Paid - Madison, WI and addional mailing oces.Postmaster: Send changes of address to Zor Zephyr 6510 Grand Teton Plaza, Suite 204, Madison, WI 53719 For Adversing, call Milt Helmer (715) 821-5002Winner of ten First Place Dromedary Awards for Shrine Newspapers and seven Honorable Menons.VOL. LXXIV NO. 02 • MARCH 2022Zor Editor: Zor ImagineersCorrespondent: Milt HelmerDeadline for Submission, 10th of the month priorE-mail submissions to: Zor Temple Oce Hours of Operaon: Monday-Thursday, 9am-4pm • Closed Fridays***ZEPHYR REMINDER******ZEPHYR REMINDER***Be sure to email your stories by Thursday, March 10th. Include informaon for the month of April 2022.Greengs Brothers, Ladies, Family and Friends, I gave my Monthly arcles the heading that I did because as many of you know, my lovely Lady Mary and I do a lot of traveling for Shrine and Masonic events all over the state and across the country! The long drives give us lots of me to think, plan and discuss. Our travels lately have taken us to Houston, Texas to see our son and his family, as well as aend the Inaugural Ball for the new Arabia Potentate, Ralph “Corky” Bynum and his Lady RuthAnn as we have goen to be good friends with them over the last few years. From Houston, we ew to Las Vegas to aend the East/West Shrine Bowl and its various events, and spent a couple extra days hanging out with 14 other ZOR Divan and Past Potentates and their Ladies who also journeyed out for the game. Aer being in Las Vegas, we ew back to Houston for a couple more days with family and aended a chili cooko at Arabia Shrine that was sponsored by the Arabia Alchemist Unit. We had an unevenul drive back home aer 12 days on the road, which allowed us to reect on the events we had just aended.In the next few weeks we’ll be ‘Behind the Wheel’ as we travel to the Clown Party, Shrine/Mason Day in Tomah, and a number of Club and Unit meengs.I would also like to explain my Potentates Pin design that I have chosen for this year to represent me. The red scooter represents the ZOR Mavericks unit that I have been a member of for the past 30 years. The scooter, as well as the uniform being worn by the rider is a close representaon of our scooter and present uniform. The Mavericks started in 1984 and were named the Mascoun Mavericks as many members were part of the Mascoun Shrine Club that is based out of Waushara, Marquee, Green Lake, and Winnebago Counes. Someme in the 1990’s, the name was changed to ZOR Mavericks. We ride 1986 Honda Spree Mopeds, and parcipate in about 25 parades a summer. We used to parcipate in 35 parades each summer, but needed to cut back as members aged out. Some of the founding and long-me members of the unit are Harvey Reilly and the late Paul Handa, Bill Reier, Bill Downie, Bill Seaman, and Irv Heller. Other long-me members include: Bill Drecktrah; Jon Barthel; Roger Barthel; Jacob LaBlanc; Bill Schmitz; John Ambrose; Larry Severson; Al Hia; Dick Jarvis; Darrell Smith; myself, plus a few new Nobles who help to keep the group funconing well.We have lots of events planned for the year, so we hope to see you as we “Scoot Thru ’22.”Rodney LaBlanc Montello, WI • rmlablanc85@gmail.comA MESSAGE FROM YOUR ZOR POTENTATEHELP US SAVE PRINTING AND MAILING COSTSSign up to get your ZEPHYR news magazine via e-mail: E-mail: zorsubmit@gmail.comBecome a Friends of Zephyr. Send your donaon to the Shrine Oce: 6510 Grand Teton Plaza, Suite 204, Madison, WI 53719ALL CLUBS AND UNITS SHOULD BE ZEPHYR SUPPORTERS. THIS IS YOUR ZEPHYR!April 2022 Deadline: March 10thThoughts From Behind the Steering WheelPage 2 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comVOL LXXIV No. 08 • September 2022 PAGE 8 ............. CalendarPAGE 10 ........... Janskys Potentate & Shriners Scooted @ TomahawkPAGE 11 .......... Heart of Wisconsin Shrine Club, St. Croix Valley Shrine Club, & Lodi ParadePAGE 12 ........... Daughters of the Nile, Indian head Shrine Club, & Mac AttackPAGE 12 ........... MSA Summer SessionPAGE 15 ........... Motor Corp AwardsPAGE 16 ........... Clown Competition Awards, Park Falls ParadePAGE 17 ........... MSA Parade, Timber Rattlers 3 Potes, & Melby HonoredPAGE 18 ........... Shrine Patients FishingPAGE 19 ........... Sahara SC Brat BoilPG. 20..In Memorium, Hospital Dads & DonationsPAGE 22 ........... Zor Membership MusingsPAGE 23 ........... Imperial Potentate Kenny CravenPAGE 25 ........... On the Lighter SideBACK COVER .... Decade Memories608-833-6343GET TO KNOW YOUR DIVANPG. 5IN THIS ISSUE:LOOKING FOR A FEW GOOD MEN!That is right, we are looking for a few good men to parcipate in a new short play at our May Ceremonial in Mauston. Potentate Rodney has asked that the “Knickerbocker Degree” be presented. This is something new to Zorland!The play is very short and will be presented just before the tradional Shrine Ritual on Saturday May 14th in Mauston. There are seven (7) speaking parts as well as some extras. NO part is very long and we can have some fun with this degree. It follows the beginning of the Shrine and then the hospital system and its eects on our community as well as the image of the Shrine.For those interested, I will be able to send you a copy of the script along with a presentaon video. The video will be for just those truly interested in being cast. I would like to set a meeng at least for a run through. This would be at some central locaon yet to be determined.I do believe this will be something that we can have some real fun with and sll present some history for those just coming into the Shrine. Also, it’s great when we engage the whole family and they learn what we are all about.I look forward to hearing of your interest.Please contact me with your interest or quesons. Email Dale Holmen at: or call 608-241-4751. Hope to hear from any Shriners with fun in their heart.715-643-4211Steal & Seafood • Friday Fish FryNightly Specials • Carry-Out AvailableReservations AppreciatedLive Entertainment Friday & SaturdayPrivate Rooms AvailableRestaurant/Bar and Banquet FacilityRex’s Innkeeper• Open Every Night • Lunch Mon.-Fri. 11am-2pm608-849-5011301 N. Century Ave., Waunakee, WIwww.rexsinnkeeper.comPage 6 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comSteaks & Seafood • Friday Fish FryOn the cover: Wisconsin Shrine LegacyFrom Left: Gerry Arnholt (Tripoli, Asst. Rabban), Brayden Arnholt (Tripoli),Jacob LaBlanc (ZOR, 1st Ceremonial Master), Illustrious Sir Rodney LaBlanc (ZOR), Eugene Reece, III (Beja, 1st Ceremonial Master), Gene Reece, Jr. (Beja, PP/Recorder)Athletes with either condion can usually return to sports aer several months of rest and physical therapy. Paents may need to wear a back brace as part of their recovery, which will be custom-made for them in our orthocs department. In rare situaons, if a vertebra is severely out of alignment or if a child remains in pain aer other forms of treatment, spinal fusion surgery may be needed from one of our skilled, experienced physicians.RehabilitaonOur team of physical and occupaonal therapists are highly trained in addressing a multude of dierent diagnoses. With regard to non-operave and post-operave management of injuries, we are able to tailor our treatment strategies to the paent and their needs–whether it be using crutches to get around at school or progressing back to playing a high-level sport.We use the most current evidenced-based pracce when ulizing modalies and strengthening techniques following injury or surgery and work closely with the medical providers to make sure the paent is making progress and meeng their goals as expected.Specializing in treang pediatrics also gives us a clear lens of how treang a young athlete diers from treang a high school athlete and the importance of using high-level training when appropriate. Our therapists have addional experience treang athletes who may use a wheelchair to play basketball, a sled to play hockey or a prosthesis to go snowboarding. It is crucial to consider all aspects of an athlete’s life and not just their performance on the court or the ice, but how their rehab will aect their ability to engage in their everyday acviesIn conclusionUnfortunately, it is impossible to eradicate all risks our Minnesota winters or winter sports pose. However, ensuring proper protecon during sports is one way to reduce the risk of injury to athletes. Wearing a helmet to ski or snowboard or full pads to play a hockey game is important to provide the maximum protecon to our athletes. Wearing good winter are and using a broad-based stance to walk on the ice and snow can help to reduce the risks of falls when out and about on slippery sidewalks and driveways.Shriners Children’s is one of the world’s greatest philanthropies and has evolved into an internaonal health care system for children, able to treat many health care issues including orthopedic condions, spinal cord injuries, burns and cle lip and palate. All children receive care regardless of the families’ ability to pay. Our centers vary regionally in terms of the range of condions they treat.Shriners Children’s Twin Cies is a specialty clinic focused on the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric orthopedic impairments and injuries. Inially we served a six-state region providing care for some of the most dicult congenital deformity cases, such as children born with their feet facing the wrong way. Some of our paents required over a dozen major surgeries before they were 18. As me went on, we have expanded the range of services we oer to include common injuries. We recently relocated to a new facility in Woodbury where, under one roof, we have a skilled and knowledgeable medical team consisng of orthopedic surgeons and physician assistants, physical and occupaonal therapists, prosthec and orthoc providers, radiology technicians, child life specialists and licensed social workers. This collaborave approach allows us to treat a wide spectrum of paents with diagnoses ranging from cerebral palsy to ankle sprains. Please think of us as a resource and partner when you have paents who may benet from these services and skills.Allyce Fisk, PA-C, MMS, is an orthopedic physician assistant at Shriners Children’s in Woodbury.Rebecca Rouse, PT, DPT, is a physical therapist at Shriners Children’s in Woodbury.Connued on next pageConnued from previous page+-!('-SVVYPUN33*0 DUDWKRQ)ORRULQJQHW3LQH6W_0DUDWKRQ:,2L]PU:VYLUZVU5(6,'(17,$/&200(5&,$/Comstock Tire2413 S. Park St.Madison, WI 53713(608) 257-1004Your One Stop Shop for Tires & Auto Service! www.comstocktire.comOpen 7 Days A WeekServing Nightly at 4pm Sunday Mornings 8:30am-1pmBanquet Facilities for Parties and Special Events6010 Hwy 51, McFarland608-838-5888Supper ClubMARCH 2022 • Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 17LOOKING FOR A FEW GOOD MEN!That is right, we are looking for a few good men to parcipate in a new short play at our May Ceremonial in Mauston. Potentate Rodney has asked that the “Knickerbocker Degree” be presented. This is something new to Zorland!The play is very short and will be presented just before the tradional Shrine Ritual on Saturday May 14th in Mauston. There are seven (7) speaking parts as well as some extras. NO part is very long and we can have some fun with this degree. It follows the beginning of the Shrine and then the hospital system and its eects on our community as well as the image of the Shrine.For those interested, I will be able to send you a copy of the script along with a presentaon video. The video will be for just those truly interested in being cast. I would like to set a meeng at least for a run through. This would be at some central locaon yet to be determined.I do believe this will be something that we can have some real fun with and sll present some history for those just coming into the Shrine. Also, it’s great when we engage the whole family and they learn what we are all about.I look forward to hearing of your interest.Please contact me with your interest or quesons. Email Dale Holmen at: or call 608-241-4751. Hope to hear from any Shriners with fun in their heart.715-643-4211Steal & Seafood • Friday Fish FryNightly Specials • Carry-Out AvailableReservations AppreciatedLive Entertainment Friday & SaturdayPrivate Rooms AvailableRestaurant/Bar and Banquet FacilityRex’s Innkeeper• Open Every Night • Lunch Mon.-Fri. 11am-2pm608-849-5011301 N. Century Ave., Waunakee, WIwww.rexsinnkeeper.comPage 6 Zor Zephyr Magazine •
Chief RabbanAl Brueggenand LadyPennySparta, WIbrueggenal@gmail.com1st Ceremonial MasterJacob LaBlancand LadyKessaPoynette, WIjklablanc@gmail.comMarshallKevin Reillyand LadyDawnWautoma, WIzor22divan@yahoo.comCaptain of the GuardMike Kastensand LadySusanNew Richmond, WImrkastens@gmail.comRecorderBob Gorsuch, PPand LadyCarolFitchburg, WIrgorsuch@oak.bankHigh Priest & ProphetBrian Dunhamand LadyLindaEau Claire, WIgetbrianandlinda@gmail.comPotentateRodney LaBlancand 1st LadyMaryMontello, WIrmlablanc85@gmail.comImperial PotentateKenny Cravenand 1st LadyJennifer “JJ” Summerville, NCOriental GuideSteve Livernashand LadyKoralWisconsin Rapids, WIprosticker@solarus.netAssistant RabbanRoger Kellerand LadyTammyNew Richmond, WIrogerkeller2012@gmail.comTreasurerLarry Hanson, PPand LadyJillAlbany, WIhanso@tds.netMost Worshipful Grand Master Paul T. Tourvilleand 1st LadyKelliMukwonago, WIpaul.tourville@wimasons.orgPage 4Zor Zephyr MagazineOuter GuardLeonard Pickettand LadyJenniferBaraboo, WILeonardpickett14@yahoo.com2nd Ceremonial MasterRon Malcolmand LadyDawnEau Claire , WIrpmalcolm6546@gmail.comChaplainKarl GantBlanchardville, WIkgyellowstone62@gmail.com2022 ELECTED OFFICERSZOR SHRINERS2022 APPOINTED OFFICERS
Page 5September 2022 • Zor Zephyr Magazine Steve and Lady Koral have known each other since grade school. They have been together since 2012 and married each other on August 12th, 2017. They live in the wilderness near Wisconsin Rapids. They both enjoy coffee on the deck, nature’s sound, and seeing creatures from bears to albino deer. Steve grew up in the country near Rudolph, WI. The caboose with ve older siblings. Enjoyed farm work & sports in his childhood. Became a state cham-pion wrestler in both Freestyle and Roman Greco. Adulthood, earned All-State honors by the American Softball Association. Known as the ‘Crusher’ hit over 1,000 home runs and 13 RBI’s in a single game. Steve was hired in 1985 by COA sign company right out of high school. Learning the art of hand brush lettering, pinstriping and airbrushing. Artistic Sign was formed by Steve in 1990 & won many national art competitions. It has now evolved into the digital print and CNC world. He and Koral own A decal factory that designs and manufactures eet markings and sells their decal art worldwide on eBay, Amazon, and Amazon Prime. Charities include Dick Trickle Memorial, Shriners, Cruise for a Cause cancer research, and The Acacia Foundation. Steve began his Masonic journey in 2009. Raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason under the quality degree team of Wisconsin Rapids Lodge No.128. Intrigued by the Zor Funsters, became a Shriner in 2010. A Valley of Eau Claire 32nd degree Scottish Rite mason. Past president of the Heart of Wisconsin Shrine club and enjoys parading as Batman with the Zor Funsters. Hobbies include land-scaping, metal detecting, Shriner activities, petting animals and car shows. A backyard landscape includes a 52 foot discrete horizontal compass and square, which is true to direction. Steve currently serves the Zor nobility in the elected position of Oriental Guide. He also served as Public Relations director in 2018 and resurrected the defunct Zor Zephyr and formed the Zor Imagineers unit. Also, currently serves on Imperial Marketing, Membership, Fun & Fellowship executive commit-tees. Region 15 Shriners International marketing director, serving 11 Temples in 7 countries. Steve was a recipient of the Imperial Potentates medallion in 2020. Also, he serves Masons on the Wisconsin Grand lodge Marketing & Membership team. Proudly serves as a trustee on the Acacia foundation of Central Wisconsin which supports the Wood County Sheriff’s departments Canine unit. Steve is also a Wisconsin Licensed Private Investigator. He donates his time and talent to DCI and other departments as a CSI metal detector technician on crime scenes. Steve’s old copper complex metal detector nds and research are published in Archaeological journals. He found common & unique copper tools and weapons from 5,000 to 7,000 B.C. Considered by many as an expert in the eld of prehistoric copper implement typology and reestablishing Archaic trails. Koral grew up near Vesper, WI. Youngest of three sisters. Her love of horses started early on. Getting her rst horse at the age of eleven. If you needed to nd her just needed to check the barn. From sunup to sundown that is where she would be. Koral found the joy of competition at the age of thirteen. Started com-peting with her quarter horse. Earring state champion in 4H, earning year end awards in the quarter horse association as state champion. Finally earning her place as sixth in the world at the World Quarter Horse Show. An unfortunate event happened after that world show. Her barn was struck by lightning during the night, and everything ended. This changed the course of her life. Koral was attending UW Stevens Point with a chemistry major at the time of the re, but she immediately knew she needed to help animals. She graduated from Madison college with a degree in Veterinary Technology. Started her career in veterinary hospitals and eventually went into the Veterinary Laboratory with the Marsheld Clinic. Worked there 20 years before the closure of the laboratory. Koral is a member of Antioch Temple No.113, Daughters of the Nile. Steve and Koral’s most loved person is their daughter Myia. Myia graduated from Northern Mich-igan University with a degree as a Clinical Laboratory Scientist. She now is a traveling medical technologist having worked in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Alaska. She has taken a ve month hiatus to pursue a dream of hers which is to hike the 2,650 mile PCT trail starting from the border of Mexico to the border of Canada. The trail is very physically and mentally chal-lenging. As of this writing she has 2,100 miles on foot behind her. Ahead is the Bridge of the Gods, A bridge connecting Oregon to Washington. They both are incredibly proud of everything she has accomplished and the person she has become. Koral and Steve both have a strong love for faith, fami-ly, friends & animals. Some people call their serenity place “The Livernash Sanctuary”. They live with two dogs, Huey and Beaners, two cats Wheezy and Moochie (rescue), and of course a horse named Louie.Get to know your Get to know your DIVANDIVANDIVANDIVANSTEVE LIVERNASHOriental Guide
Page 6 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comTravel to Shipshewana, IN Amish Country Dinner and Show (Dear Soldier Boy) at Blue Gate TheaterDayDay 1: Wednesday Oc 19 Day 4: Saturday Oc 22 nBreakfast included at hotelEverything Chocolate Tour at Hershey World, Trolley Ride around Hershey to learn about the history of Chocolate lunch on your own at the Hershey World Food Court & some shopping time. Travel to Lancaster and Bird In Hand, PA. View lm on Jacob’s Choice, Countryside Tour with Step-on Guide & Dinner in an Amish Home with time to visit with the family.Tour Includes:Seven Breakfasts, Two Dinners, One Lunch, Lodging for Seven Nights, Motorcoach Transportation*Driver gratuity is not includedPrice per Adult (40 - 50): Quad - $1,045.00, Triple - $1130.00, Double - $1,295.00, Single - $1,790.00Price per Adult (32 - 38): Quad - $1,095.00, Triple - $1180.00, Double - $1,345.00, Single - $1,840.00Optional Trip Insurance Available – Please call our ofce at 715-659-4391Breakfast included at hotelTravel to Niagara Falls with a stop at the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, OHDayDay 2: Thursday Oc 20 Day 6: Day 6: MondMonday ay Oc 24 Oc 24 Day 7: Day 7: TuesdTuesday ay Oc 25 Oc 25 DayDay 3 : Fiday Oc 21 sBreakfast included at hotelSightseeing in Niagara Falls, Buffalo Botanical Gardens and travel to Hershey, PAOCTOBER 19th– 26th, 2022
Page 7September 2022 • Zor Zephyr MagazineDayDay 1: Wednesday Oc 19 211085 State Hwy 13 • Spencer, WI 54479www.progressivetravel.orgDay 8: Wednesday Oc 26 Tour Includes:Seven Breakfasts, Two Dinners, One Lunch, Lodging for Seven Nights, Motorcoach Transportation*Driver gratuity is not includedPrice per Adult (40 - 50): Quad - $1,045.00, Triple - $1130.00, Double - $1,295.00, Single - $1,790.00Price per Adult (32 - 38): Quad - $1,095.00, Triple - $1180.00, Double - $1,345.00, Single - $1,840.00Optional Trip Insurance Available – Please call our ofce at 715-659-4391Registration and 1st payment of $500 is due by August 10th. Final payment is due by Sept. 4th. For more information or any questions, please contact Rodney at 608-617-6602 or Mary at 608-617-6776. Make checks payable to Zor ShrinersBreakfast included at hotel. Travel to Strasburg, PA to enjoy a ride on the Strasburg Railroad through Lancaster County followed by an included lunch at Casey Jone’s Restaurant that happens to be in a railroad car. After lunch we will travel to Gettys-burg. Depending on our arrival time we may do the Gettysburg National Military Park Museum which includes a Film and Cyclorama late this afternoon.Breakfast included at hotelGettysburg Battleeld tour with a Step-on Guide. Travel to the Flight 93 Memorial in Stoystown, PA. on our way to Canton, OH.Breakfast included at hotelVisit the Football Hall of Fame and travel to Cincinnati. For our last evening together, enjoy a Captain’s Dinner Cruise onboard the BB Riverboat in Newport, KY.Breakfast included at hotel Travel day heading back home to Madison, WIDayDay 2: Thursday Oc 20 Day 5: Sunday Oc 23 r Day 6: Day 6: MondMonday ay Oc 24 Oc 24 Day 7: Day 7: TuesdTuesday ay Oc 25 Oc 25 DayDay 3 : Fiday Oc 21 sMail to: Rodney & Mary LaBlanc N3795 Cty Hwy F Montello, WI 53949
Page 8 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comCome join Potentate Rodney LaBlanc and Lady Mary to honor our Zor Shrine Widows on Tuesday, October 18th, 2022. The luncheon will be held at the Maple Tree Supper Club 6010 US-51 McFarland.All Honored Ladies are guests of ZOR. We would love to have everyone join us. Everyone is invited to bring a favorite quilt or a quilt that tells a story. Happy Hour at 11:00am and the luncheon at 12:00pm. The luncheon will be family style of broasted chicken, pot roast, mashed potatoes, corn, coleslaw and dessert. All for the price of $20.00 per person. Program of Fun Facts and Quilting Bingo. Reservations are due NO LATER THAN OCTOBER 6th, 2022 to the Zor Shrine ofceTuesday, October 18th, 2022 at The Maple Tree Supper Club in McFarlandHappy Hour 11:00am Luncheon 12:00pm***Please make checks payable to Zor Shriners and send to*** Zor Shriners • 6510 Grand Teton Plaza Suite 204 Madison, Wisconsin 53719NamePhoneEmailNumber attending $20/per person$ Total (Honored Ladies are Complimentary)EVENTSCHEDULESEPTEMBER 2022Ridgeland Parade •Tin Lizzies Leave at 11AM • Parade 1 PM - 2 PM Ridgeland, WI05 MONHeart of Wisconsin S.C. 5 PM - 7:30 PM Crabby Daves, 501 S Central AveMarsheld, WI19 MONATV/UTV Ride and Fundraiser8:30 AM - 7 PM Wolf Point Bar & Grill4186 Co Hwy F, Springbrook, WI10 SATDivan Meeting 2PM - 4 PM - TBD23 SATColfax Parade • Tin LizziesLeave at 10:30 AM • Parade 12 PM - 1 PMColfax, WI10 SATTC Clinic Tour/Open House9AM - 12 PMShriners Children’s Twin Cities215 Radio Dr • Woodbury, MN24 SATGranton Parade • Tin LizziesLeave at 10:30 AM • Parade 1 PM - 2 PMGranton, WI11 SUNWarrens Parade - Tin Lizzies Leave at 10:15 AM – Parade 1 PM - 2 PM Warrens, WI25 SUNBlair Parade • Tin LizziesLeave at 10:45 AM • Parade 1PM - 2PMBlair, WI18 SUNSt. Croix SC Potentate Dinner6 PM - 9:30 PMJunior’s Restaurant & Tap House414 S Main St, River Falls, WI30 SUNLakeland S.C. Ladies Dinner 4 PM Social - 5:30 PM DinnerMaple Tree Supper Club, 6010 US-51McFarland, WI18 SUNOasis / Shrine Parade / Shrine Game 8 AM - 6 PM River Falls, WI01SATOCTOBER
Page 9September 2022 • Zor Zephyr MagazineZOR’S Fall CeremonialDecember 3, 2022 at the Radisson HotelFall Ceremonial • Radisson Hotel, La Crosse, WI • Saturday, Dec. 3, 2022Noble Name: Lady/Guest: Phone Number: E-mail Address:Mens Lunch : Ham Sandwich No. ____ @ $25 = $________ -OR- Shaved Turkey Sandwich No. ____ @ $25 = $________Ladies Lunch: Ham Sandwich No. ____ @ $25 = $________ -OR- Lunch Grilled Chicken Wrap No. ____ @ $25 = $_______Dinner: Grilled Chicken Breast No. ____ @ $35 = $________ -OR- Focaccia Crusted Walleye No. ____ @ $35 = $________Kids: Lunch Grilled Cheese Sandwich No. ____@ $15 = $______ /Dinner Crispy Chicken Tenders No. ____ @ $15 = $_______Late fee: No. ____ @ $20 = $_________ (per person for meal reservations made after November 11th )Total Due: $__________Meal Reservation Deadline: November 11, 2022 • Make checks Payable to: Zor Shriners Mail meal reservations to: Monte Steiber • 60991 Ward Rd. • Prairie du Chien, WI 53821Special Dietary Needs: Contact Monte Steiber at or 608-326-4640Illustrious Sir Rodney LaBlanc and Lady Mary have announced that the Annual Fall Ceremonial and Parade to Glory will again be held in La Crosse, Wisconsin at the Radisson Hotel on Saturday, December 3rd. We have invited an Imperial Ofcer to attend and the Grand Master of Wisconsin or his representative.All ZOR Shriners and their Ladies are encouraged to attend this annual event. This is a perfect opportunity to top line sign for a Brother from your Lodge to become a Zor Shriner. He and his family will then begin to experience all the benets of being a Shriner, more especial-ly a ZOR Shriner. He will then be able to join a Club and/or Unit. His Lady may join Daughters of the Nile or Zor’s Ladies Auxiliary. If you are not sponsoring a candidate this year, you and your Lady are still encouraged to attend and join in all the fun activities of the Ceremo-nial Day. If for no other reason than to meet the new Nobles, visit with old acquaintances and to make some new Shrine friends.In addition to the Ceremonial/Parade to Glory, there will be Men’s & Ladies Luncheon, Service Awards, and the evening Banquet with entertainment. A marketplace will feature Vet’s Patrol Masonic Items, Daughters of the Nile cookie walk, Auxiliary Rafe, etc. Clubs, Units, or other groups wishing to have a table(s) in the marketplace must email their request to Monte Steiber at Please include the number of tables and chairs your group will need. We will do our best, but space is limited.The meal coupon must be completed and submitted to Monte Steiber for your meals. Deadline for meal reservations is 11 Novem-ber 2022. All late meal will reservations will require a $20 late fee per person. Deadline for hotel reservations is Friday, 11 November 2022, and ask the hotel for the Zor Shrine Rate which will be $119 per night plus taxes. Past Potentates, Divan and support staff will make their hotel reservations via the Zor Ofce. General Nobility and Candidates can make their reservations using one of the following methods:Call the Radisson Hotel directly Mon.-Fri. 9am-5pm CST at 608-784-6680 and ask for the Zor Shriner Ceremonial Rate when making your reservation. On-line at using promo code ZORW22.Please Reserve the following Meals:Name tags will be made from the names you provide Heart of Wisconsin S.C. 5 PM - 7:30 PM Crabby Daves, 501 S Central AveMarsheld, WIDivan Meeting 2PM - 4 PM - TBDTC Clinic Tour/Open House9AM - 12 PMShriners Children’s Twin Cities215 Radio Dr • Woodbury, MNSt. Croix SC Potentate Dinner6 PM - 9:30 PMJunior’s Restaurant & Tap House414 S Main St, River Falls, WIOasis / Shrine Parade / Shrine Game 8 AM - 6 PM River Falls, WIAuction and Dinner Friday November 4th @ Ready Randy's • 492 131st St • New Richmond, WISocial at 5pm • Dinner at 6pm • Auction at 6:30 pmEntree options: Steak or Champagne Chickenincludes: baby red potatoes, mixed vegetables and a Spring salad. Cost is $30. RSVP to Pearle Christensen at 715-246-6897 Christmas bag sewing get togetherSaturday September 24 • 10am - ? Hancock Lodge in Ellsworth 400 High Point Dr. A Light lunch will be providedNo RSVP needed, just show up ready to sew.ST. Croix Valley Womens AuxilleryST. Croix Valley Womens Auxillery
Page 10 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comJANSKY’S POTENTATE PARTYJANSKY’S POTENTATE PARTY The Timber Shrine Club had a successful fundraiser at the Kwahamot Water Ski Show in Tomahawk on Saturday, July 30th. Illustrious Sir Rod LaBlanc and Lady Mary plus thirteen additional Nobles, Ladies and families came out to support this event. PP Steve Peterson introduced Illustrious Sir Rod LaBlanc & Bob Hering (Member of the Board of Governors) who shared updated information on the sport injuries program at Shriners Children’s - Twin Cities. Bob Hering provided mini ice packs that Nobles handed out while receiving donations from attendees. A special Thank You to Nobles Bob Calverley and Ken Olm for making balloon art for the children. During Intermission, the Shriners passed the red buckets and collected over $1000 for Shriners Childrens’ - Twin Cities. This was the 53rd year the Kwahamot Water Ski team has worked with and promoted the Timber Shrine Club fundraiser. Illustrious Sir Rodney presented Noble James Builer his 60 year Certicate for being a member of ZOR Shrine. Congratulations James! A big “Thank You” to all who attended. It was a great evening of Fun and fellowship. See you next year, the last Saturday in July. Shriners Scooted to Tomahawk
Page 11September 2022 • Zor Zephyr Magazine...met on August 15th for their annual Potentates Party and Steak Fry. The event was well attended with 34 Noble’s, Ladies, and guests present. Thanks to everyone for bringing a plate to pass, and the great steaks from our grill master, Noble Bob Calverley, the meal was exceptional. Noble Steve Livernash presented Ill. Sir Rodney and 1st Lady Mary with their present, a semi truck and trailer decorated with his pin, picture of them and Shrine information. A fun time and fellowship was had by all that attended.Lodi ParadeSt Croix Valley Shrine Club packs em in at Annual Picnic. The Shriners and their ladies turned out on a pleasant day at Freedom Park in Prescott. The annual event, catered by Ptaceks Foods in Prescott was very well attended.The Heart of Wisconsin Shrine Club...The Heart of Wisconsin Shrine Club...
Page 12 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comAntioch Temple No. 113Daughters of the Nile85 S. Stoughton RdMadison, WISupreme Queen Vickie and Queen Mitch with the Supreme Appointees: L to R: Stacy McMillin, PQ Membership and Public Relations from El Sihah Temple No. 29, East St. Louis, Illinois. Barb Englund, PQ, Antioch Temple No 113, escort to the Brazilian Flag. Supreme Queen Vickie, Queen Mitch, Beth Schaefer, PQ Antioch Temple No.113, escort to the American ag and Kate Smillie, PQ, Goodwill Ambassador for Central Area. The Supreme Queen visits every Temple. Our date, to welcome her, was Friday July 8. 2022. We had a great Ceremo-nial and Initiated Kacy Crawford into our Temple. I am very proud of the work the ofcers and Pro-tem’s did. Everyone enjoyed a sandwich buffet (provided by Gaylords catering) and delicious desserts! Maria Boyer-Jensen, Shelomoth Temple No. 106 Milwaukee, a member of the DON Foundation Board of Directors gave an informative presentation.Queen Mitch Behlke, New Princess Kacy Crawford, and Supreme Queen, Vickie Tabor Hill.Maria Boyer-Jensen giving DON Foundation Presentation.Ellie and Doreen held a fundraiser for Shriners children. The event, called Mac Attack, is held the rst weekend in August. They presented a check to the Indian Head Shrine Club in the amount of $2,000.00 dollars.Left to right: Elli Mizer, representing Poor Folks Saloon / Shadey Rest Campground, Harlan Dodge president Indian Head Shrine Club and Doreen Crotteau representing Mac Construction.Indianhead Shrine Club gathered for a wonderful meal and meeting at Lehman’s Supper Club in Rice Lake Wisconsin on Aug 11 2022. Several members and their ladies were in attendance with Larry Riemenschneider PP as acting Club president for the evening.Mac Attack
Page 13September 2022 • Zor Zephyr Magazine***Disclaimer***If this contact information for your unit/club is not correct, please contact the ZOR ofce to update the information. Also, please ensure that you provide a copy of your updated ofcers to the ofce as soon as you are able!FLAMBEAURobert Grunseth • 715-532-7311GREEN COUNTYNicholas Baker • 608-293-0796HAYWARD MUSKYPaul Wharton • 715-634-1320HEADWATERSRoger Reas • 715-661-1185HEART OF WISCONSINJeff Schaefer • 715-459-5440INDIANHEADHarlan Dodge • 715-296-0485LACROSSEKevin Greeno • 608-780-2498LAKELANDRon Jenkins • 608-835-3588MADISONDale Holmen • 608-513-2570MASCOUTINKevin Reilly • 920-765-4333MECCARobert Keene • 608-343-0075MEHARARandy Johnston • 715-210-0500MOUNDVIEWKarl Gant • 608-523-4714PINE RIVER VALLEYJon Rossing • 608-604-6117ROCK COUNTY Jeff Lichtfuss • 608-752-2811SAHARARodney Johnson • 920-941-0235SOUTHWESTERN WIDaniel Sedgwick • 608-778-1878ST. CROIX VALLEYCarl Gaulke • 715-425-6698TIMBERRichard Dennis • 612-210-3007VACATIONLANDLeonard Pickett • 608-963-0860YOSHIRon Malcolm • 608-387-9421 ZOR Shrine ClubsZOR Shrine UnitsCAMEL PATROLJim Stelsel, Jr. • 608-770-5204MADISON CLOWNSPaul McCallum • 608-931-0849DIRECTORS STAFFMark Severson • 608-628-2688FIREHOUSE JESTERSJim Kielley • 608-788-2594FUNSTERSRandy Webb • 715-572-3807IMAGINEERSChris Peters • 715-630-9143MAVERICKSJacob LaBlanc • 608-617-9776MIDGETSTyson Swan • 608-697-7629MINI CARSMiles Bradley • 608-289-1628MUSKY CYCLE PATROLChuck Stene • 715-791-8240PIPES AND DRUMSDaniel Stormont • 608-426-4788ROAD RUNNERSMike Kastens • 715-497-7527SAWDUSTERSMike Hayden • 715-495-0258TIN LIZZIESEdward Michels • 715-877-3104VETERANS PATROLRay Burrows • 715-228-2631WAUSAUKEN SHRINERSKevin Sorenson • 715-581-0553WRANGLERSDaniel Elmer • 608-669-2618September 2022 Birthdays Michael Glowacki, John Wilke, Howard Anunson Jr, William Payne, Joseph Thompson P.P., Kevin Reilly, Stephen Britton, Marko Zelich, Rick Teppen, Ryan Rands, Ronald Wirth, Harold Smith, Steven Larson, David Wright, James Burke, Timothy Gould, Ronald Jenkins, Gerald Schroeder, Glen Boeck, Joseph Fisher, Michael Karas, Benjamin Schulte, Austin Tronnes, Edward Grabow, Gregory Chille, Joel Arnold, Joseph Aronson, Frank Laundrie, James Giese, Bruce Kilburn, Charles Brigson, Jesse Tihlarik, Roger Lee, Roger Hancock, Mark Charbonneau, Torry Holmen, David Skavlen, James Szydel, Dennis Clinard, William Swannack, D Peter Hulke, Steven Uphoff, Matthias Statz, Michael Hunter, Lance Severson, Harry Gordee, William Glass, Philip Anderson, Myron Wilcox Jr, Bruce Harvey, Kevin LeQue, Ray Gustafson, George Jordan, Ronald Brown, Sean Dean, David Melby Jr, Charles May, Dennis Marinelli, Ronald Leibl, Roger Sedgwick, Russ Hunt, Gary Buehler, Gregory Jeska, Timothy Hartzel, Clifford Culver Jr, James Swan Sr, Eugene Tremelling, Robert Olsen, Robert Hoffman, Jason Welch, George Anderson, Mark Mayry, Daniel Stormont, Gregory Heineck, Randy Erickson, Bruce Fransway, James Bilskey, Kenneth Sperry, Richard Olson, Ernest Johnson, Michael Reilly, Marshall Coon, Steven French,Jeremy Smart, Andrew Willert, Robert Grunseth, Matthew Hughey, Jacob LaBlanc, Randal Senn, Ronald Sedgwick, Scott Giesler, Jason Hayden, James Sedall, Albert TejcekYOUR CONTACTSMac Attack
Page 14 Zor Zephyr MagazineZor Zephyr Magazine • Illustrious Sir Rod LaBlanc led a caravan of Nobles, Ladies and Chil-dren of Zor Shriners to attend the Annual Midwest Shrine Association Summer Session in Green Bay 17-20 August 2022. The session kicked off with a Celebration of 150 years of Shrinedom on Wednesday evening. Thursday was an orga-nized motorcycle ride, golf outing, & pistol shoot plus opportunities to visit Green Bay including shopping at the Packer Pro Shop. Thursday late afternoon a big All Shrine parade was produced for the spec-tators in Seymour, WI followed by a tailgate party at the Outagamie County Fairgrounds. Friday morning saw several Zor Clowns and Zor Motorized units entering the competition from which several 1st, 2nd and 3rd places were achieved. Fri-day afternoon there were many optional events to attend including association awards luncheons, PP & ROJ receptions and a well-attended MoonShine tasting put on by the Packerland Hillbilly Clan #181. Friday evening a big celebration was held in honor of 100 Years of Shrine Health Care for Children with pizza and several Birthday cakes to be enjoyed by all attend-ees. Saturday morning the session concluded with another big parade near the Beja Shrine Temple where we had grab-n-go box lunch for our ride home. Of Course! Throughout the 3 days, the large hospitality suite was extremely popular to all. Thanks to Zor hosts Randy, Jeff, and Bob who were joined by Beja chief host Charlie and Osman chief host Roger for all the hard work and effort. Sir Rod and Lady Mary want to thank all of Zor’s nobility for the excellent support of this year's MSA summer session and congratula-tions to the award winners.MidWest Shrine Association Summer Session
Page 15September 2022 • Zor Zephyr MagazineMotor Corps Pictures:1. Ill. Sir Rodney LaBlanc running the obstacle course. 2: Noble Jacob LaBlanc getting ready to go. 3 & 4: Imperial Sir Ron DeVoll, Imperial Outer Guard receives his nal instructions from Unit President Jacob LaBlanc and running through the course. 5: Road Runners getting ready to compete. 6: The LaBlanc girls watching Dad and Bumpa run the course. 7: Noble Roger Keller, Asst. Rabban, running the course. 8: Noble Carl Gaulke 9: Barry Ausen, PP 10 & 11: Zor Mini Cars competeing.Relaxing and having fun at the MSA Hospitality RoomL to R: Tom Nelson, P.P. (2008), Al Brueggem, Chief Rabban, and Jim Soderholm, P.P. (1998)1527631094118 Illustrious Sir Rod LaBlanc and Noble Al Hiatt - 1st place combined slow ride ZOR Mavericks - 1st place Drill Field 1st Ceremonial Master Jacob LaBlanc and Noble Al Hiatt - 1st combined Obstacle Course Nobles from the Road Runners and Nobles from the Mini Cars participated in the Obstacle Course event. Lady Kessa LaBlanc took 1st place in the First Annual MSA Diva Derby and Lady Lexie LaBlanc took 3rd place in the Diva Derby. The Diva Derby is a short-ened obstacle course set up for the Ladies to participate in using a go-kart.Motor Corps Awards Midwest Motor Corps Association (MSMCA)
Page 16 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comCONGRATULATIONSMadison Clowns Larry Hanson aka Billy - 1st senior makeup1st in parade-ability 2nd in multiple balloons 3rd in 1 man skitBrad Andrews aka Shutterbug - 2nd in whitefaceSawdustersRandy Johnston aka Clifford - 3rd in augusteMike Hayden aka Putz -1st in single balloons 1st in multiple balloons 2022 AWARDSSeveral clowns from various shrines that were entered in the Clown competition during the 2022 Midwest Shrine Association Summer session in Green Bay 17-20 August. 2nd from left Billy aka Larry Hanson Zor Madison Clowns. 3rd from left Putz aka Mike Hayden Zor Sawdusters. 2nd from Rt Divot aka Barry Hersh from Tripoli. 3rd from Rt Candy aka Gerold Hers, Divot’s father, 90 years young from TripoliMadison Clowns, Brad ( Shutterbug ) Andrew and Larry ( Billy ) Hanson won awards in the clown competition at the MSA in Green bayL to R: Mike (Putz) Hayden, Brad (Shutterbug) Andrew, Larry (Billy) Hanson PP, and Randy (Clifford) Johnston.Scooting through the Park Falls Parade August 7th. Musky Cycle Patrol, Tin Liz-zies and the Funsters. Doing our best for Shriners children and having fun.
Page 17September 2022 • Zor Zephyr MagazineMSA ParadesNoble Dean Melby of Ellsworth is shown with Jack Thomas of the St. Croix Valley Shrine Club at the Shrine Club's annual picnic in Prescott recently. Jack presented Dean with a plaque noting his 50 years of membership in the Shrine Club. Melby has always been active in the Shrine serv-ing with the Road Runners parade unit and actively raising funds for the Shriners Twin Cities.The wall calendars replace the original pocket calendar and are lled with great pictures of Clubs and Units along with providing Zor event dates and a rafe. Daily cash prizes are $20.00 per day with larger drawings on certain days. Calendars are $20.00 each and make great gifts for friends and family. Pictured is Terry Loper, member of the La Crosse Shrine Club and Chief Rabban Al Brueggen. Terry purchased the rst 2023 Calendar that was sold. Calendars are available from Divan Reps or Club and Unit leadership.Melby honored for 50 years in ShrinePhoto by Milt HelmerZOR Wall Calendars NOW AVAILABLE! Timber Rattlers Timber Rattlers 33 Potes Potes
Page 18 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comNineteen patients of Shriners Children’s -Twin Cities truly enjoyed a special day of shing at the lush ponds of the Star Prairie Trout Farm in Star Prairie, Wisconsin on Wednesday, July 20th. The event, which is held every year, is one of the highlights of the kids special events program. It is held each year in the park on the edge of downtown Star Prairie on the banks of scenic Apple River.Shriners of Zuhrah Shrine in Minneapolis and Zor Shrine in Madison eagerly await this fun event. The kids, who are all being treated at Shriner’s are paired with an adult who assists them with shing for the day. On this one day, all of their problems take a back seat to the joy of landing a large trout in one of three crystal clear ponds. The helpers who work with them are overjoyed to be able to participate, because for one day they can live it up in this St. Croix County nature's wonderland.This year, even the administrator of Shriners, David Voller and his staff, joined the kids in their fun day of shing. The event also featured the appearance of Zor Shrine Potentate Noble Rod LaBlanc of Montello, Chief Rabban Al Brueggen of Sparta and Asst Rabban Roger Keller of New Rich-mond along with dignitaries from Zuhrah, all present to lend a hand. Each year the Shriners of Zurah and Zor join forces to give the children this fun time in Western Wisconsin.The event also featured a pizza party and special birthday cupcakes for one of the children who was celebrating her 10th birthday. She ended her day by catching 10 large trout. One of each of her birthdays.1. Bob Hering, member of the Shrine Board of Governors, helps a young man with his sh.2. She caught her 10th sh on her 10th birthday.3.Sometimes the sh is almost as big as the angler!4. Happiness is landing a prize trout.5. Zor Potentate Rodney LaBlanc joins in helping this young angler with his catch6. David Voller recorded a catch for a patient’s photo album.7. Shriner-Twin Cities administrator David Voller and his staff enjoyed the outing with their kids. 8. Fishing with no hands! No problem!!9. This young lady took turns with artist Sketch Gustafson drawing in her memories book. Sketch is also the Hospital rep for Zor Shrine.Photos by Sketch Gustafson and Milt HelmerSHRINE PATIENTS HAVE A BLAST FISHINGby Sketch Gustafson and Milt HelmerJeffrey A. RedmonJeffrey A. RedmonYour Business Counselor in the St. Croix Valley 715-386-0100715-386-0100175 Second Street South, Suite #300Hudson WI 54016MARCH 2022 • Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 21Imperial Session 2022 - ParadeDAVE EMERY PARADE MARSHAL 929 111th Ave. NW Coon Rapids, Minnesota 55448-4339 E-mail : January 4, 2022 Nobles, We are excited to have the 2022 IMPERIAL SHRINE SESSION back in Minneapolis. Imperial Sir Bill and Lady Debby look forward to hosng you, your Divan, your Nobility, and your Ladies in our 150th YEAR as a FRATERNITY and our 100th YEAR of supporng SHRINERS CHILDREN’S. IMPORTANT INFORMATION Parade – Tuesday July 5, 2022 Now is the me to get your Nobility excited and join us for a FUN FILLED IMPERIAL SESSION IN MINNEAPOLIS. We are happy to answer any quesons you might have. Rooms are sll available. Jerry B. Oliver, PP Director General 2022 Imperial Shrine Session (763)-639-8813 If your temple plans on parcipang in the parade at the 2022 Imperial Session of Shriners Internaonal in Minneapolis, please contact the Zor Shrine oce for more informaon.Athletes with either condion can usually return to sports aer several months of rest and physical therapy. Paents may need to wear a back brace as part of their recovery, which will be custom-made for them in our orthocs department. In rare situaons, if a vertebra is severely out of alignment or if a child remains in pain aer other forms of treatment, spinal fusion surgery may be needed from one of our skilled, experienced physicians.RehabilitaonOur team of physical and occupaonal therapists are highly trained in addressing a multude of dierent diagnoses. With regard to non-operave and post-operave management of injuries, we are able to tailor our treatment strategies to the paent and their needs–whether it be using crutches to get around at school or progressing back to playing a high-level sport.We use the most current evidenced-based pracce when ulizing modalies and strengthening techniques following injury or surgery and work closely with the medical providers to make sure the paent is making progress and meeng their goals as expected.Specializing in treang pediatrics also gives us a clear lens of how treang a young athlete diers from treang a high school athlete and the importance of using high-level training when appropriate. Our therapists have addional experience treang athletes who may use a wheelchair to play basketball, a sled to play hockey or a prosthesis to go snowboarding. It is crucial to consider all aspects of an athlete’s life and not just their performance on the court or the ice, but how their rehab will aect their ability to engage in their everyday acviesIn conclusionUnfortunately, it is impossible to eradicate all risks our Minnesota winters or winter sports pose. However, ensuring proper protecon during sports is one way to reduce the risk of injury to athletes. Wearing a helmet to ski or snowboard or full pads to play a hockey game is important to provide the maximum protecon to our athletes. Wearing good winter are and using a broad-based stance to walk on the ice and snow can help to reduce the risks of falls when out and about on slippery sidewalks and driveways.Shriners Children’s is one of the world’s greatest philanthropies and has evolved into an internaonal health care system for children, able to treat many health care issues including orthopedic condions, spinal cord injuries, burns and cle lip and palate. All children receive care regardless of the families’ ability to pay. Our centers vary regionally in terms of the range of condions they treat.Shriners Children’s Twin Cies is a specialty clinic focused on the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric orthopedic impairments and injuries. Inially we served a six-state region providing care for some of the most dicult congenital deformity cases, such as children born with their feet facing the wrong way. Some of our paents required over a dozen major surgeries before they were 18. As me went on, we have expanded the range of services we oer to include common injuries. We recently relocated to a new facility in Woodbury where, under one roof, we have a skilled and knowledgeable medical team consisng of orthopedic surgeons and physician assistants, physical and occupaonal therapists, prosthec and orthoc providers, radiology technicians, child life specialists and licensed social workers. This collaborave approach allows us to treat a wide spectrum of paents with diagnoses ranging from cerebral palsy to ankle sprains. Please think of us as a resource and partner when you have paents who may benet from these services and skills.Allyce Fisk, PA-C, MMS, is an orthopedic physician assistant at Shriners Children’s in Woodbury.Rebecca Rouse, PT, DPT, is a physical therapist at Shriners Children’s in Woodbury.Connued on next pageConnued from previous page+-!('-SVVYPUN33*0 DUDWKRQ)ORRULQJQHW3LQH6W_0DUDWKRQ:,2L]PU:VYLUZVU5(6,'(17,$/&200(5&,$/Comstock Tire2413 S. Park St.Madison, WI 53713(608) 257-1004Your One Stop Shop for Tires & Auto Service! www.comstocktire.comOpen 7 Days A WeekServing Nightly at 4pm Sunday Mornings 8:30am-1pmBanquet Facilities for Parties and Special Events6010 Hwy 51, McFarland608-838-5888Supper ClubMARCH 2022 • Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 17Jeffrey A. RedmonJeffrey A. RedmonYour Business Counselor in the St. Croix Valley 715-386-0100715-386-0100175 Second Street South, Suite #300Hudson WI 54016MARCH 2022 • Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 21Imperial Session 2022 - ParadeDAVE EMERY PARADE MARSHAL 929 111th Ave. NW Coon Rapids, Minnesota 55448-4339 E-mail : January 4, 2022 Nobles, We are excited to have the 2022 IMPERIAL SHRINE SESSION back in Minneapolis. Imperial Sir Bill and Lady Debby look forward to hosng you, your Divan, your Nobility, and your Ladies in our 150th YEAR as a FRATERNITY and our 100th YEAR of supporng SHRINERS CHILDREN’S. IMPORTANT INFORMATION Parade – Tuesday July 5, 2022 Now is the me to get your Nobility excited and join us for a FUN FILLED IMPERIAL SESSION IN MINNEAPOLIS. We are happy to answer any quesons you might have. Rooms are sll available. Jerry B. Oliver, PP Director General 2022 Imperial Shrine Session (763)-639-8813 If your temple plans on parcipang in the parade at the 2022 Imperial Session of Shriners Internaonal in Minneapolis, please contact the Zor Shrine oce for more informaon.1 2 3 456 789
September 2022 • Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 19• Captain Steve Livingston introduces the Potentate Rod LaBlanc and Lady Mary on the famous pier• Former Mini Car drivers Steve French and Bob Bradley reminisce about the years past• The picnic lunch was enjoyed by all, brats, hot dogs, hamburgers and corn on the cob• Our host's for this annual event Austin and Connie TronnesPhotos by Sketch Gustafson and Milt HelmerAnyone going on the Potentate's trip in October and are looking for a place to park your car, you may park on the lot of Zimbrick Buick - east lot on Wayne Terrace. Sahara SC held their annual Brat & Corn Boil on July 27th and the VFW in Fort Atkinson. Beautiful weather made dining on the deck very enjoyable. (sorry for any confusion with notice in Zephyr that it was to be at the American Legion)Homecoming Parade Oct. 1st line up at 9am • Step off at 10am. All Zor Shrine Units are invited and needed to participate. Oasis prior to parade at the American Legion in River Falls opening at 8am. Homecoming game starts at 1pm. at Ramer Field UW River Falls vs. UW Stevens Point
Page 20 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comSteven “Steve” P Yoose • 07.06.22 • Lancaster, WIRichard H Swiler • 02.04.22 • St Paul, MNWilliam F “Bill” Newton • 07.16.22 • Oregon, WIMaurice A Trask • 12.22.20 • Menomonie, WIRobert E Stein • 12.27.19 • Minnetonka, MNLarry R Hahn • 03.22.22 • Poynette, WIGary J Krause • 07.30.22 • Viroqua, WIJames L Saylor, Sr. • 07.26.22 • Wisconsin Rapids, WIRobert “Bob” Kaschel • 08.20.22 • North Freedom, WIDONATIONSFRIENDS OF THE ZOR ZEPHYRShriners Children’s ChicagoShriners Children’s Twin CitiesDONORS:Robert Gorsuch, PPGary ShealyDarrell SchultzRay & Barb BurrowsJerry E WilkensImp. Sir Jim Smith & Lady AliceJohn Thorstad,PP & DebbiLarry NelsonJohn SentyRobert KeeneBrent & Nancy ClausiusAl & Anne BeckerDave StolenMartin CallawayLyle FoxTom Nelson,PP in memory of Nancy NelsonJames & Judy FossE Donald FennieJerry Balschun, PP & DianeAl & Penny BrueggenRick ColesThomas & Julie WhiteMiles & Candy BradleyChet GabrisGary Cuskey,PP & Judy Barbara Homann in memory of PP Homer HomannRon ThompsonAllen HeinkelShirley Sigafus in memory of John SigafusArlen & Gloria ChristensenBob & Amy HeringDiane PriceWilliam NewtonDonationJohn & Debbi ThorstadStar Valley HealthDorothy & Bill GantKatherine HolmBetsy DrysenDebra HolmPhyllis FassArlen & Gloria ChristensenJerry NelsonJerry HauschildtRobert GoodladSuzanne BratholDavid BratholWarren PetersonGlen NewbyArden ThorsbakkenIn Honor of:St. Croix Valley Shrine ClubDonations:Pearl ChristensenThomas & Julie WhiteSt Croix Valley Shrine ClubDale & Joan BratholDale & Joan BratholLarry & Annel NelsonThomas & Julie WhiteLarry & Annel NelsonDean & Myrna MelbyPearley CunninghamKaren JensenGENERAL DONATION IN MEMORY OF:William NewtonDONOR: Perry & Lynne OuthouseDRIVER RIDER DRIVER RIDERDONATIONSDONATIONSShriners Hospitalsfor Children®ChicagoSHC-ChicagoIn Memory of: Donor:Dawn Beedy Todd & Jae WerndliNorma Jenkins Nancy Peckham Donaons: Breakfast with Santa Fundraiser Wausaukan Shriners Cookie Sales Izzy Henze Donaon Arlie Fahrney SHC-Twin Cies In Memory Of: Donor:Dale Viney Carl & Brenda Caulke Larry & Annell NelsonDon LeMay Christopher Libbey Dean LeMayLori Ann Langer Karen LangerGordon Behling Evelyn McGeeDonaon:Breakfast with Santa Fundraiser Wausaukan Shriners Hospital Transportaon In Memory of: Donor:Nancy Nelson Miles & Candy BradleyDonaon:Breakfast with Santa Fundraiser Wausaukan ShrinersUWW Football Fundraiser Sahara SCDonaon Jacob Beiler DONORS Robert GorsuchGary ShealyDarrell SchultzRay & Barb BurrowsJerry E WilkensJim & Allice SmithJohn & Debbi ThorstadLarry NelsonJohn SentyRobert KeeneBrent & Nancy ClausiusAl & Anne BeckerDave StolenMarn CallawayLyle FoxTom Nelson in memory of Nancy NelsonJames & Judy FossE Donald FennieJerry Balschun, PP & DianeAl & Penny BreuggenRick ColesFRIENDS OF THE ZOR ZEPHYRFRIENDS OF THE ZOR ZEPHYRMEMORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS¡ Zor Shriners Membership Fund ¡ Shriners Children’s® – Chicago¡ Zor Shriners Endowment Fund ¡ Shriners Children’s® – Twin Cities¡ Zor General Fund ¡ Shriners Children’s® – Ohio¡ Friends of the Zephyr Fund ¡ Zor Hospital Patient Transportation Fund MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE AS MARKED ABOVE AND MAIL TO:Zor Shriners, 6510 Grand Teton Plaza, Suite 204, Madison, WI 53719In Memory/Honor Of ______________________________________________________¡ Please acknowledge gift to the familyName __________________________________________________________________Address ________________________________________________________________City ____________________________________ State ________ Zip______________¡ Please acknowledge gift to the Donor¡ Via Email ____________________________________________________________Name __________________________________________________________________Address ________________________________________________________________City ___________________________________ State ________ Zip ______________GIVE PARADE TO GLORY CREDIT TO CLUB OR UNIT:DRIVER Monte SteiberDora JohnstonDora JohnstonDora JohnstonAl CoenenDora JohnstonAl CoenenSteve PetersonBob CalverleyBob CalverleyBob CalverleyBob CalverleyDuane HarveySco BrainardDora JohnstonJacob LaBlancDora JohnstonDora JohnstonDora JohnstonKevin SorensonWally TroutenJohn TorpyRIDERKen MeyerNadine SchuhJim DeVoeNadine SchuhJim DeVoeMary Ellen PetersonSandy CalverleySandy CalverleyMone KramerSandy CalverleyRichard DennisKessa LaBlancNadine SchuhDebbie LongeldNadine SchuhRichard JarvisAndrew WilleHOSPITAL DADSHOSPITAL DADSJames Schultz • 10.24.21 • Ladysmith, WIFrank Hallada • 01.14.22 • Dodgeville, WIIN MEMORIAMIN MEMORIAMMark B. HazelbakerAttorney at Law599 D’Onofrio Drive, Suite 222 Madison, WI 53719Direct Line (608) 662-2300 Fax (608) 662-9977 Cell (608) 220-7271Email Website www.kasieta.comMay 14th , 2022Summer Ceremonial and Potentate’s BallMARCH 2022 • Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 19HOSPITAL DADSHOSPITAL REPSDONATIONSDONATIONSShriners Hospitalsfor Children®ChicagoSHC-ChicagoIn Memory of: Donor:Dawn Beedy Todd & Jae WerndliNorma Jenkins Nancy Peckham Donaons: Breakfast with Santa Fundraiser Wausaukan Shriners Cookie Sales Izzy Henze Donaon Arlie Fahrney SHC-Twin Cies In Memory Of: Donor:Dale Viney Carl & Brenda Caulke Larry & Annell NelsonDon LeMay Christopher Libbey Dean LeMayLori Ann Langer Karen LangerGordon Behling Evelyn McGeeDonaon:Breakfast with Santa Fundraiser Wausaukan Shriners Hospital Transportaon In Memory of: Donor:Nancy Nelson Miles & Candy BradleyDonaon:Breakfast with Santa Fundraiser Wausaukan ShrinersUWW Football Fundraiser Sahara SCDonaon Jacob Beiler DONORS Robert GorsuchGary ShealyDarrell SchultzRay & Barb BurrowsJerry E WilkensJim & Allice SmithJohn & Debbi ThorstadLarry NelsonJohn SentyRobert KeeneBrent & Nancy ClausiusAl & Anne BeckerDave StolenMarn CallawayLyle FoxTom Nelson in memory of Nancy NelsonJames & Judy FossE Donald FennieJerry Balschun, PP & DianeAl & Penny BreuggenRick ColesFRIENDS OF THE ZOR ZEPHYRFRIENDS OF THE ZOR ZEPHYRMEMORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS¡ Zor Shriners Membership Fund ¡ Shriners Children’s® – Chicago¡ Zor Shriners Endowment Fund ¡ Shriners Children’s® – Twin Cities¡ Zor General Fund ¡ Shriners Children’s® – Ohio¡ Friends of the Zephyr Fund ¡ Zor Hospital Patient Transportation Fund MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE AS MARKED ABOVE AND MAIL TO:Zor Shriners, 6510 Grand Teton Plaza, Suite 204, Madison, WI 53719In Memory/Honor Of ______________________________________________________¡ Please acknowledge gift to the familyName __________________________________________________________________Address ________________________________________________________________City ____________________________________ State ________ Zip______________¡ Please acknowledge gift to the Donor¡ Via Email ____________________________________________________________Name __________________________________________________________________Address ________________________________________________________________City ___________________________________ State ________ Zip ______________GIVE PARADE TO GLORY CREDIT TO CLUB OR UNIT:DRIVER Monte SteiberDora JohnstonDora JohnstonDora JohnstonAl CoenenDora JohnstonAl CoenenSteve PetersonBob CalverleyBob CalverleyBob CalverleyBob CalverleyDuane HarveySco BrainardDora JohnstonJacob LaBlancDora JohnstonDora JohnstonDora JohnstonKevin SorensonWally TroutenJohn TorpyRIDERKen MeyerNadine SchuhJim DeVoeNadine SchuhJim DeVoeMary Ellen PetersonSandy CalverleySandy CalverleyMone KramerSandy CalverleyRichard DennisKessa LaBlancNadine SchuhDebbie LongeldNadine SchuhRichard JarvisAndrew WilleHOSPITAL DADSHOSPITAL DADSJames Schultz • 10.24.21 • Ladysmith, WIFrank Hallada • 01.14.22 • Dodgeville, WIIN MEMORIAMIN MEMORIAMMark B. HazelbakerAttorney at Law599 D’Onofrio Drive, Suite 222 Madison, WI 53719Direct Line (608) 662-2300 Fax (608) 662-9977 Cell (608) 220-7271Email Website www.kasieta.comMay 14th , 2022Summer Ceremonial and Potentate’s BallMARCH 2022 • Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 19IN MEMORY OF: DONOR:IN MEMORY OF: DONOR:Bob CalverleyBob CalverleyDora JohnstonDora JohnstonDora JohnstonAndy WillettDale AndersonSteve Peterson Steve PetersonSteve PetersonSteve PetersonDora JohnstonDora JohnstonKen OlmSandy CalverleySandy WayneSandy WayneSandy WayneArthur WillettRichard JarvisRichard JarvisScott BrainardScott BrainardRandy JohnstonSandy WayneDale Anderson 608-490-0158Board of GovernorsShriners Children’s-Chicago 773-385-5400Matt Hughey 202-251-6913Associate Board Member Shriners Children’s-Chicago 773-385-5400Robert Hering 715-760-2372Board of Governors Shriners Children’s-Twin Cities 612-596-6100Dale Anderson Matt Hughey Robert Hering
Page 21September 2022 • Zor Zephyr Magazine620 Deere DriveNew Richmond, WI 54017PHONE: (715) 246-2261TOLL FREE: (888) 674-6455FAX: (715) 246-7393www.johnsonmotorsales.com431 Perry StreetUnion Center, WI 53962H. MARK HEDING, President(608) 462-8441www.drive4heding.comEst. 1927Truck Service Inc.A NEW LOOKSVAaccountants.comDISCOVER THE SVA DIFFERENCETHE SAMECOMMITMENTTO DELIVERING MeasurableResults.Milt Helmer2012 Michael LaneRiver Falls, WI 54022(715) 821-5002miltonhelmer@gmail.comCalendar Rafe Winners!FEBRUARY 2022 WINNERS: $20.00 • Debbie Sie • Mondovi $20.00 • Tammi Hoesly • Monroe $20.00 • Doug & Cory Homan • River Falls $20.00 • Aaron Schmucker • Markesan $100.00 • Kraig Krueger • Maiden Rock $20.00 • Lonnie Kopp • Maiden Rock $20.00 • Trenn Holstein • Wisconsin Rapids $20.00 • Elaine Partridge • Merrill $20.00 • Teegan Nelson • Pardeeville $20.00 • Bryce Fransway • Colfax $20.00 • Nellie LaBlanc • Poynee $100.00 • Joe Harker • New Berlin $20.00 • James R Timm • Wisconsin Dells $20.00 • Karl Olm • Madison $20.00 • Linda Dunham • Eau Claire $20.00 • Sally Swenson • Wilson $20.00 • Preston Walther • Mondovi $20.00 • Sue Lardahl • Durand $100.00 • Josh Whitney • West Allis $20.00 • George Kinney • Blue River $20.00 • Allen Stai • Colfax $20.00 • Tony Giese • Sparta $20.00 • Michael Homan • Watertown $20.00 • Bonnie Comstock • Merrillan $20.00 • Shelly Dziekan • Mondovi $100.00 • Fredrick Outhouse • Oxford $20.00 • Ray Burrows • Coloma $150.00 • Jeremy Haun • Tomah25 YEARS OF SERVICE:50 YEARS OF SERVICE:55 YEARS OF SERVICE:65 YEARS OF SERVICE:Philip P AndersonJon A BarthelJames R BeerDonald E BergstromSco K BrainardAllen G CoenenMarshall H CoonLouis L ChicqueeJohn H DodgeHoward S HetzelWallace D HornerCharles B DeadmanEvere L EllingsonRW FellandGene S GrengsEugene R HelgoeWalter F Schar, JrGerald R WatsonKeith C CreuzigerRobert L EdwardsCurs E HarrisonJon D OaklandWillis A OstremRobert F WenrickWalter J OravezLarry W RyanThomas J WimayerLarry L ZimmermanDavid D HomanPeter J HomanDennis L JonesJohn C Van HollenMarko ZelichCharles E WhiteMARCH 2022 • Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 23Internaonal Associaon of Shrine Motor CorpsFRIENDS OF THE ZOR ZEPHYRChet GabrisGary Cuskey,PP & Judy Barbara Homann in memory of PP Homer HomannRon ThompsonAllen HeinkelShirley Sigafus in memory of John SigafusArlen & Gloria ChristensenBob & Amy Hering $20.00 • Ed Stuart • Colfax 54730 $20.00 • Bob Gorsuch • Fitchburg, 53711 $20.00 • Zoey Zrostlik • Long Grove IA 52756 $20.00 • Sammie Brantner• Mondovi 54755 $20.00 • Randy Olson • Lone Rock 53556 $100.00 • Carrie Busch • Spooner 54801 $20.00 • Willa LaBlanc • Poynette 53955 $20.00 • Pat Munger • Morristown TN 37814 $20.00 • Lexie LaBlanc • Montello 53949 $20.00 • Donna Reynolds • Spooner 54801 $20.00 • Mark Aide • Richland Center 53581 $20.00 • Rita Hayden • Mondovi 54755 $100.00 • Christopher Decorah • Sparta 54656 $20.00 • Simon F Herschberger • Pardeeville 53954 $20.00 • Stacie Roen • Blue River 53518 $20.00 • Robert Savan • Sparta 54656 $20.00 • John Hendrickson • West Allis 53227 $20.00 • Pat Munger • Morristown TN 37814 $20.00 • Colleen Grovesteen • Tomah 54660 $100.00 • Trudy Stelsel • Madison 53704 $20.00 • Val Irwin • Baldwin 54002 $20.00 • Janet Pllock • Guttenberg IA 52052 $20.00 • Darek Kalish • Richland Center 53581 $20.00 • Jerome Hericks • Tomah 54660 $20.00 • Mike Hedrick • Watertown 53098 $20.00 • Nicole Upright • Fort Benning GA 31905 $100.00 • Larry Wegner • Menomonee Falls 53051 $20.00 • Dustin Roatch • River Falls 54022 $20.00 • Jim Cushman • Whitewater 53190 $20.00 • Nicole Cattanach • Wisconsin Rapids 54494 $150.00 • Lynn Collins • Port Charlott, FL 33948 $1,070.00 Total PrizesCalendar Rafe WinnersAugust 2022Greengs Nobles and Ladies,As we start the month of March, the clubs and units start their parades and other fundraising events to support ZOR. Please remember if you have not paid your dues for 2022, you can not parcipate in any Shrine acvies: this includes parades, vong at your club meengs or any special temple meengs. The reason for such strict rules for paying your dues on me is the insurance provided by ZOR for clubs and unit acvies does not cover anyone who has not paid their respecve dues.As of this wring there are 174 Nobles of ZOR who have not paid their dues for 2022. If you are one of these Nobles, please get your dues paid as soon as possible as your respecve clubs and units need you!This represents 17.09% of our total membership who have a balance and are considered by Imperial to be in arrears. The total dollar amount of Nobles with a balance is $14,455.00. Just think what we could be doing with the funds if all our membership wiped out that $14,455.00!I will have aended the Winter session of the Midwest Shrine Associaon that was held in Green Bay in the middle of February. I met with my counterparts from dierent temples on membership and we all agreed that we need to make a concerted eort to increase our membership in 2022. I will provide more informaon in future arcles. If we all don’t do our part to increase our membership ranks in both the Blue Lodge and the Shrine, we will cease to exist in the year 2035. Membership is not a one person operaon, but it takes all of us to recruit, retain, restore, build relaonships for our great fraternity to survive.If you are a rst line signer for a Noble, no maer how long he has been a member of ZOR, reach out to those Nobles and see how they are doing. If they have not aended a club meeng or funcon, see why, and invite them to the next meeng. Just the same, if the Noble has not paid their respecve dues, nd out if they are experiencing a nancial hardship or other reason. We are here to assist our worthy brothers in their me of need. There are numerous ways we can all assist those Nobles who are experiencing dicult mes and it can be done anonymously.Upcoming major membership event is the Summer Ceremonial and Potentate’s Ball to be held on May 14, 2022 at The Lodge of Mauston in Mauston Wisconsin. So, if you have any Master Masons who are interested in becoming a Shriner this is a great opportunity for the candidates. Another upcoming event is the Shrine/Mason Fun Day on March 12, 2022 at the Masonic Temple in Tomah, Wisconsin. So, there are going to be fun and fellowship events upcoming where we can build our membership!Mike Kastens, New RichmondMEMBERSHIP MUSINGS 0718-0177274127-v4 A1695Wells Fargo Advisors is a trade name used by Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, Member SIPC, a registered broker-dealer and non-bank aliate of Wells Fargo & Company. © 2011, 2013, 2016 Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC. All rights reserved.Steve Schumacher, CFP®Managing Director – Branch ManagerDirect: (608) 758-5330steve.schumacher@wellsfargoadvisors.comIll. Sir Rod and First Lady Mary are working to make 2022 a fun and memorable year for all Shriner’s in ZOR.The informaon below is the monthly breakdown of the ZOR membership.Beginning Membership as of February 7, 2022 1,021 Total membership (1,021 Regular + 12 Associates) Creaons .............................. 0Aliaons ............................ 0Restoraons ......................... 0Associates ............................. 0Assoc Dropped ..................... 0Demits .................................. 0Deaths .................................-2Expulsion .............................. 0Resignaons ......................... 0Suspensions .......................... 0Change in membership .......-2Ending Membership as of February 7, 2022 .....1,031Beginning Membership January 1, 2022 1,021 Regular + 12 Associates = 1.033 Total The informaon above was current as of February 7, 2022 when I wrote my arcle, and it could have changed some in a posive way! In the future, the membership informaon will be as current as possible. In closing let’s all of use go out and search for those Master Masons who are looking for a fun and excing group to join! Also, remember each day that you should be extremely proud to be a Shriner and part of the world’s greatest fraternity!Fraternally yours,Mike Kastens2022 Membership ChairPage 8 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comGreengs Nobles and Ladies,As we start the month of March, the clubs and units start their parades and other fundraising events to support ZOR. Please remember if you have not paid your dues for 2022, you can not parcipate in any Shrine acvies: this includes parades, vong at your club meengs or any special temple meengs. The reason for such strict rules for paying your dues on me is the insurance provided by ZOR for clubs and unit acvies does not cover anyone who has not paid their respecve dues.As of this wring there are 174 Nobles of ZOR who have not paid their dues for 2022. If you are one of these Nobles, please get your dues paid as soon as possible as your respecve clubs and units need you!This represents 17.09% of our total membership who have a balance and are considered by Imperial to be in arrears. The total dollar amount of Nobles with a balance is $14,455.00. Just think what we could be doing with the funds if all our membership wiped out that $14,455.00!I will have aended the Winter session of the Midwest Shrine Associaon that was held in Green Bay in the middle of February. I met with my counterparts from dierent temples on membership and we all agreed that we need to make a concerted eort to increase our membership in 2022. I will provide more informaon in future arcles. If we all don’t do our part to increase our membership ranks in both the Blue Lodge and the Shrine, we will cease to exist in the year 2035. Membership is not a one person operaon, but it takes all of us to recruit, retain, restore, build relaonships for our great fraternity to survive.If you are a rst line signer for a Noble, no maer how long he has been a member of ZOR, reach out to those Nobles and see how they are doing. If they have not aended a club meeng or funcon, see why, and invite them to the next meeng. Just the same, if the Noble has not paid their respecve dues, nd out if they are experiencing a nancial hardship or other reason. We are here to assist our worthy brothers in their me of need. There are numerous ways we can all assist those Nobles who are experiencing dicult mes and it can be done anonymously.Upcoming major membership event is the Summer Ceremonial and Potentate’s Ball to be held on May 14, 2022 at The Lodge of Mauston in Mauston Wisconsin. So, if you have any Master Masons who are interested in becoming a Shriner this is a great opportunity for the candidates. Another upcoming event is the Shrine/Mason Fun Day on March 12, 2022 at the Masonic Temple in Tomah, Wisconsin. So, there are going to be fun and fellowship events upcoming where we can build our membership!Mike Kastens, New RichmondMEMBERSHIP MUSINGS 0718-0177274127-v4 A1695Wells Fargo Advisors is a trade name used by Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, Member SIPC, a registered broker-dealer and non-bank aliate of Wells Fargo & Company. © 2011, 2013, 2016 Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC. All rights reserved.Steve Schumacher, CFP®Managing Director – Branch ManagerDirect: (608) 758-5330steve.schumacher@wellsfargoadvisors.comIll. Sir Rod and First Lady Mary are working to make 2022 a fun and memorable year for all Shriner’s in ZOR.The informaon below is the monthly breakdown of the ZOR membership.Beginning Membership as of February 7, 2022 1,021 Total membership (1,021 Regular + 12 Associates) Creaons .............................. 0Aliaons ............................ 0Restoraons ......................... 0Associates ............................. 0Assoc Dropped ..................... 0Demits .................................. 0Deaths .................................-2Expulsion .............................. 0Resignaons ......................... 0Suspensions .......................... 0Change in membership .......-2Ending Membership as of February 7, 2022 .....1,031Beginning Membership January 1, 2022 1,021 Regular + 12 Associates = 1.033 Total The informaon above was current as of February 7, 2022 when I wrote my arcle, and it could have changed some in a posive way! In the future, the membership informaon will be as current as possible. In closing let’s all of use go out and search for those Master Masons who are looking for a fun and excing group to join! Also, remember each day that you should be extremely proud to be a Shriner and part of the world’s greatest fraternity!Fraternally yours,Mike Kastens2022 Membership ChairPage 8 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comAttention All Club & Unit OfficersIt is that me of year again where the Zor Oce needs the update on all Clubs and Units Ocers. The current list can be found on the Zor Website under the Forms tab, hps:// Please go to your list and verify your Ocers and then inform Pat at the Oce, at 608-833-6343 or, if they are correct or what changes need to be made. This needs to be done as-soon-as-possible.Thank you.NoticeZor 2022 Dues are now past due, if you have not paid them yet, Please send them into the Zor Oce at 6510 Grand Teton Plaza, Suite 204, Madison, WI 53719Noce to All Nobles Regarding Fundraising for Charitable Purposes:General Order No. 1:No Noble (in his capacity as a Shriner), club, unit, organizaon of Nobles or aliated or appendant corporaons shall engage in any charitable fundraising acvity other than for Shriners Hospitals for Children.Also from General Order No. 1:No Noble (in his capacity as a Shriner), club, unit, organizaon of Nobles or aliated or appendant corporaons, shall engage in any fundraising acvity without the express wrien consent of the Potentate of the temple having jurisdicon thereof. There can be no representaon, express or implied, that the proceeds will be for the benet of Shriners Hospitals for Children. The name “Shriners Hospitals for Children” or reference to the Hospitals in connecon with any fundraising acvity by a temple or Noble without the express wrien consent of the Imperial Potentate and the chairman of the board of trustees has been rst obtained.OmhOlt & FOrsythe, s.C.WillsProbateCorporationsPersonal InjuryLLC’sBusinessReal EstatePower of AttorneysMANAWA920.596.2060IOLA715.445.2511ATTORNEYDAVID L. FORSYTHEAttorneys at LawEst. 1939Noble Kevin Reilly is the 2022 ZOR Marshal. Kevin was raised a Master Mason in December of 1997. Kevin is the Past Master of Wautoma Lodge #148. In addion to Blue Lodge, Kevin is the Past High Priest of the Wautoma Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, PTIM of Oshkosh Council, and Past Commander of Oshkosh Commandery. Kevin is also a member of York Rite College of Oshkosh and a member of Scosh Rite of Green Bay.Aer becoming a Master Mason, Kevin joined ZOR Shrine in 2001. Kevin served as the President of Mascoun Shrine Club for several years and is also a member of the Green Bay Court of ROJ. In addion, Kevin is also an associate member of Beja Shrine out of Green Bay.Kevin spent 35 years in the automove industry, starng at age 8 as a janitor at Reilly Motors in Wautoma, WI. Kevin eventually worked his way up the ladder to become owner of Reilly Motors before leaving the industry. For the last 5 years, Kevin has spent his days as a rural mail carrier and drives a school bus in his free me. Along with staying busy with work, Kevin has served as President of the Waushara Area Chamber of Commerce.Kevin and his Lady Dawn enjoy outdoor acvies, such as motorcycling, bicycling, kayaking and hiking with their dogs, Graysun and Carsun. Between Kevin and Dawn, they have 4 daughters – Megan, Carissa, Alyssa, and Karlie. Dawn has been in the hair industry for 37 years and is the owner/operator of her hair salon, Creang Looks, in Wautoma, WI. Dawn also enjoys photography and traveling.Get To Know Your Divan - Noble Kevin ReillyPage 4 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comDale Anderson 608-490-0158Board of GovernorsShriners Children’s-Chicago 773-385-5400
Page 22 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comGreetings Nobles and Ladies, A major announcement is that on Saturday No-vember 12, 2022 the Grand Lodge will be holding a Day of Light in three locations in Wisconsin, Zor Shriners location will be at the LaCrosse Masonic Center for those individuals interested in becom-ing a Master Mason. Along with the Day of Light, there will be an opportunity for those newly made Master Masons to become Shriners! This is a great opportunity for both fraternities to work together to offer the Tenets of Freemasonry with the ability to join the Fun, Fellowship and philanthropy of the Shrine.Nobles, if you know of anyone who is interested in becoming a Master Mason and Shriner, please ensure that the potential candidate has completed a petition and submitted to the Lodge he wishes to join for proper processing prior to the Day of Light. To get the petition needed, do one of the following:• Go to your local lodge secretary (Lodge contact person listed in the Masonic Journal).• Click on the following link (for electronic users).• Go to the Zor Website at and select the forms button on the menu and download and print the Wisconsin Freemasonry Petition.ZOR MEMBERSHIP MUSINGSMIKE KASTENS NEW RICHMONDImperial has implemented a new app for your smartphone, the My FezCard Viewer. This is the app where you can load your membership card onto your smartphone and have it with you all the time. With the app installed and your card scanned into the app, your dues status will be updated, and it will also show if you are an associated member of any other temples. On the back of your current dues card is a QR code where the information is stored and updated as needed by Imperial. The hope of using this technology will cut on the costs of printing dues cards, dues reminder notices and the stickers. For the members who do not have a smart-phone, stickers will still be furnished to the Temples for you to use on your card. Directions on how to download the app onto your smart-phone for both Apple and Android phones is provided on this page. I wish you and your family a safe and enjoyable fall!Fraternally yours, Mike Kastens • 2022 Membership Chairman Cell: 715-497-7527 mrkastens@gmail.com2. Search for “My FezCard Viewer” and click on the icon.3. Click the “Install” button to install My FezCard Viewer.1. Open My FezCard Viewer. Enter your Shrine ID and Last Name. Type your Temple Name and click on it to highlight it as below. Click the “REGISTER” button at the bottom. You will only need to register the rst time you open the app.2. At the bottom of the screen, you will have two options: Shrine Card and QR Code. The screenshot below shows the Shrine Card option.How to Download and Use my FezCard ViewerDownload My FezCard Viewer Using My FezCard Viewer Android 1. Open the Google Play Store on your phone.iPhone 1. Open the App Store on your phone.3. You can click “QR Code” at the bottom or swipe the screen to the left to view the QR Code for easy scanning at Temple events and functions.
Page 23September 2022 • Zor Zephyr MagazineHow to Download and Use my FezCard Viewer “A winning effort begins with preparation” — Coach Joe Gibbs While these words have guided Kenny Craven throughout his life, he never dreamed he would become the #1 Shriner in the world, Imperial Potentate, and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Shriners Children’s. A lifelong resident of Summerville, Kenny will be the rst person from South Carolina to hold this esteemed position, and he extends his gratitude and humility to you for such an honor and opportunity. He and JJ thank you and pledge their unwavering efforts to serve you and our philanthropy in this historic year celebrating the 150th anniversary of our fraternity and the 100th anniversary of our hospitals. Kenny has combined a successful professional career, a lifelong passion for all sports, and a commitment of service to the Shrine. From his rst job at Coca-Cola to his many years working in the automotive industry, where he joined his brother, Dennis, to manage the dealerships and to handle eet accounts, he has become an accomplished businessman and leader. Kenny has been involved in all aspects of Shrine sports over the years, rising to chairman of the East-West Shrine Bowl, College Classic, and Imperial Sports Committees. Additionally, he has been involved with the NASCAR program, Shriners Children’s Open, and our newest ESPN college basketball tournament – Shriners Children’s Charleston Classic. A tireless marketer for Shrine and hospital projects, Kenny was the driving force behind establishing an afliation with the Medical University of South Carolina to bring our trademark burn care expertise there. He has served on the Board of Directors of the Greater Charleston Restaurant Association, which now recognizes Shriners Children’s as one of its ofcial charities. He actively supports the Joe Gibbs Game Plan for Life ministry and hosts prayer breakfasts with Coach Gibbs at Shriners International temples. He is a Past Master of Summerville Masonic Lodge #234, and has been a member of Omar Shriners since 1988, where he held numerous positions before becoming Potentate in 2012. He has a long list of accomplish-ments and honors, but it is his dedication to these organizations which denes him. Kenny and JJ have been together for 22 years. They enjoy the Lowcoun-try lifestyle of being on and around the water — the outdoors, hunting, and golf. Kenny’s loyalty to his favorite teams, the Washington Redskins and South Carolina Gamecocks, is only surpassed by his love of all things John Deere. They enjoy the love and support of their families, including daughter Stacey. But the most important person without question — Poppy’s biggest fan — is sweet little granddaughter, Ella Grace Thank you!GETTING TO KNOW IMPERIAL POTENTATE KENNY CRAVENPart of our mission is to improve orthopedic care for children everywhere. Recently four staff members traveled to South America on a medical mission trip. Pediatric anesthesiologist Katherine Ovsevitz, MD, shared photos from the experience in Columbia. The group, organized by Chicago’s Silver Service Children’s Foundation, was able to provide 130 orthopedic appointments and perform surgery on nearly 30 children from medically underserved areas. Shriners Chicago orthopedic surgeon Peter Smith leads the Foundation, an orthopedic charity organization. Surgical nurse Rayo Carona, along with pediatric orthopedic surgeon Kelsey Davidson, MD, also made the trip and provided care. Thanks for your service!Meet Olivia! She's an extremely thoughtful 8 year old who has been support-ing us with her Olivia Rose Blessing Bags for the past 5 years! She has lemonade stands throughout the year and uses the funds to make these awesome drawstring bags lled with treats for patients! She is also currently Royalty Miss International! You are awesome, Olivia! Thank you!SHRINERS CHILDREN’S TWIN CITIESSHRINERS CHILDREN’S CHICAGO
Page 25September 2022 • Zor Zephyr MagazineOn the Lighter SideCreated with Word Search MakerZor Members Last NameSWAN OTT LOKKEN THOMPSON STOKER BRACH KRAUSE RIEMENSCHNEIDER STORMONT ARNOLD MIELKE HAZELBAKER HUNT FILKINS KUNKEL TRASK REMINGTON TRICKEL BUEHLER STATZ WILKE STRUBLE HAGER WEAVER DAY Name: U T W H L N Y I U C Q B S I O E W T U M S P T I UM R E I A V I E R O R R F X D O L T R A G C N D EX Z U S Z M V W F Q E P S I T T Z F E M T A R V IE Y H I M P V U L G M O X L W T I H I A A I T L JJ K J Z F J J D A X I S X D D S T O P W E F Q E MQ N H T E K Q H L R N M J Y Z U G L W M L G A K TJ R E O I G I V C R G G D D E F U U E M J H C N ZL F V K X P R V E B T U J C T R Q N I K R S D U DI J C A K O J L V Z O G C C H X S E P H C S A K EX Y S E E O H R C T N L X T H C L O O N J I F X GL L S B L E L R B W P O S V H K J X R B T O R R CU G U U U D A Y U N I C C N E H X A F N H Z F T HK L O B R S K V O N M W E A V E R H U S C T B N RR M S R U W P A Y X T I C N X L Q H A X A I X Z EA C K K S A R T F K D H O L E L H B Q M R D T V KU Q F T F N F X J E N B O K A L W U J O B N R H AS T P S O X X Z R I Z R L M J L B V C R O T B A BE D V M L U F V P B P I Q N P C B U Y M D T C C LZ L R F I L K I N S W J J N A S N U R Z B W K U EK O N G X L R E X S U D O X T I O O F T G V L S ZB N Y X H Z U I B P N N M O T F T N Q A S Z X R AS R S S P Y R B D W Z F K N U S E X D T H K X W HC A S C G I F T C C P E L J D X J C Y S R G Q L DO E L H Z B E R P U R A A T Z J G M C L F P T R AB Q T V R B Q M A V C X V Q Q Q F Z L V O X A V VCreated with Word Search MakerZor Members Last NameCLARY GOFF PEIRSON BOEGEL MAYRY DURGIN DAVIG UNDERWOOD HOFFMAN DRECKTRAH LIND SCHNABEL JOHNSTON TRONNES BRADLEY LARSEN PARKYN HANSON VOSSETEIG OLSZEWSKI TOMSKI BRADLEY MILLER MASSEY OSTREM Name: B Q H P L V R O S G U M H G K P W L V D M D A L WS Y N S L S D S L N O S T X D M O S B W J J V F PP V I Y P C G T M I L L E R N T C F H T I P B K NQ Y G O X Q P R V J W O M Y S B P Y G S I F M C VS Y R O B N I E A P F V T M O C P L T N O S N A HY K U T I X K M C R E F P A N D A J X Z X N S B BP I D L Z Q S U K Z B D O H A C K Q U I A H O O NM U N G Y N M I N A X F H G M D N Y R A L C E U NP B W O P I O Y K D A O U P F H A M N N W R D Y TC O X S Q N T Q P F E U Q R F O Y W R H Q K O V LY E T C T V B D V F I R N B O K T L C Q D C O X BD G S M F Y S J R M L P W W H J L L E E Z A O A XY E Y U D M A S S E Y J E O X T W N Q Q V W V S RN L U W O X J E S C C F P I O W W U L F M G A I QA I J Y J L H H J C L K L J R D Z K G C D D W F GX E K R M F S E N Q G K T B K S W W D O N P T H IZ L I C R Q F Z D J K A R R L K O S U Y I E N W EH W S C H N A B E L M A H E A Z K N L T L H V P TT S W F Q H Z R R W D V Z P R H Y S Y D K V A V EX R Q L J A Z F C L S V P N S S G I L K T S B F SH G O X P B B Q E F N K P U E O Z P X X R K L N SJ B S N Q W W Y S U D K I N N T Q S Y R Y A M J OZ Z K O N P H O H L S H P S R K X R X H A O P S VC Z J X I E E U V Y E L D A R B F O E T E Y G L GQ K J O H N S T O N D B B L O D F D D K Y G X V EZOR IMAGINEERSZOR IMAGINEERSCreated with Word Search Makeron the on the lighter lighter sideside(First Name) (Member Since)WILLIAM SWINTKOWSKI 1993 ALAN BOECK 1993 ORVILLE BOECK JR 1993 SHERMAN BOUCHER 1993 CHARLES BOWEN 1993 REGINALD HANSEN 1993 DAVID HUSTON 1993 STEPHEN WILLETT 1993 PP 2009THEODORE SEE 1993 GERALD JORDAN 1993 PP 2003RAY BURROWS 1993 ANDREW GAVIN 1993 LARRY HAWTHORN 1993 ERNEST JOHNSON 1993 CHRIS KREUL 1993 LARRY TRONRUD 1993 DON BALCZEWSKI 1994 BRIAN BREDLAU 1994 RANDALL MUNDT 1994 ROBERT RANDS 1994 ROBERT WYMAN 1994 PETER FOSS 1994 STEPHEN TREU 1994 WILLIAM WADEPHUL 1994 PHILIP GULLICKSON 1994Zor Members Last Name Word ListUse Zapper App to see the answers to this puzzleWhy don’t koalas count as bears? They don’t have the right koalacaons.A man walks into a library and asks the librarian for books about paranoia. She whispers, “They’re right behind you!”I burned 2000 calories today...Thats the last me I leave brownies in the oven while I take a nap.Page 26 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comUse Zapper App to see the answers to this puzzleZor Member Last NameWord ListI have I have kleptomania. kleptomania. But when it gets But when it gets bad, bad, I take something I take something for it.for it.My grandfather invented the My grandfather invented the cold air balloon, but it never cold air balloon, but it never really took off.really took off.October 15TH, 2022 2PMOctober 15TH, 2022 2PMEACHTYSON SWAN 2000ROBERT OTT 2000KENNETH LOKKEN 2000JUSTIN THOMPSON 2000RICHARD STOKER 2000DAVID BRACH 2001GARY KRAUSE 2001LARRY RIEMENSCHNEIDER 2001 PP 2012DANIEL STORMONT 2001SCOT ARNOLD 2001RAYMOND MIELKE 2001MARK HAZELBAKER 2001RUSS HUNT 2001JAMES FILKINS 2001THOMAS KUNKEL 2001MAURICE TRASK 2001ROBERT REMINGTON 2001MICHAEL TRICKEL 2001GARY BUEHLER 2001MICHAEL STATZ 2001JOHN WILKE 2001FRANKLIN STRUBLE 2001RICHARD HAGER 2001JAMES WEAVER 2001GERALD DAY 2001
Page 26 Zor Zephyr Magazine • www.zorshriners.comZor’s Potentate, Ill. Sir Rodney LaBlanc, issues a challenge to all Zor Nobles: Not only is Shrine about helping children, Shrine is also about family - our personal families and our Shrine Family! We are all aware that our Shrine membership numbers are declining. In order to keep our organization alive and function-ing, each one of us needs to work to help keep our membership numbers growing. I challenge every Noble in Zor to join the Shrine Legacy Program! Do this by bringing in family members to the Shrine – sons, grandsons, sons-in-law, nephews, brothers, cousins, etc. Share your pride in the Shrine with your family! A special celebration will be held next fall/winter for any-one who brings in new members this year and joins the Shrine Legacy Program.For questions about the Shrine Legacy Program or the Challenge, contact Noble Rodney LaBlanc at 608-617-6776.Potentate Issues a Challenge to all Nobles
Page 27September 2022 • Zor Zephyr Magazine( 800) 972-9546No Job Too Big or Too SmallROBERTS • RIVER FALLSPete Gunderson& Matt Gundersonwww.fnbrf.comGo Mobile withCONSIDER ADVERTISING!Shriners! If you own a business your company should consider adversing in the Zor Zephyr. It reaches all Zor Shriners in the state and we can give you very aracve rates. If interested please contact Milt Helmer at 715-821-5002 or email at: miltonhelmer@gmail.comSmithfamily reunionJune 3, 2020Grand Park, WI800-533-1635 www.HelmerPrinting.comPROMOTIONAL ITEMS: • Pens • Koozies • Bags • Key Chains • Cups • Mugs • Raffle TicketsCUSTOM APPAREL: • T-Shirts • Hats • SweatshirtsWE ALSO DO: Business Cards, Banners/Signs, Flyers, Envelopes, Brochures, Raffle Tickets, Coupon Books, Local & National Direct Mail, and much more! Contact us today!WE’RE HERE for all your printing needs!MARCH 2022 • Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 27( 800) 972-9546No Job Too Big or Too SmallROBERTS • RIVER FALLSPete Gunderson& Matt Gundersonwww.fnbrf.comGo Mobile withCONSIDER ADVERTISING!Shriners! If you own a business your company should consider adversing in the Zor Zephyr. It reaches all Zor Shriners in the state and we can give you very aracve rates. If interested please contact Milt Helmer at 715-821-5002 or email at: miltonhelmer@gmail.comSmithfamily reunionJune 3, 2020Grand Park, WI800-533-1635 www.HelmerPrinting.comPROMOTIONAL ITEMS: • Pens • Koozies • Bags • Key Chains • Cups • Mugs • Raffle TicketsCUSTOM APPAREL: • T-Shirts • Hats • SweatshirtsWE ALSO DO: Business Cards, Banners/Signs, Flyers, Envelopes, Brochures, Raffle Tickets, Coupon Books, Local & National Direct Mail, and much more! Contact us today!WE’RE HERE for all your printing needs!MARCH 2022 • Zor Zephyr Magazine Page 27Greg Evans Printing Inc. DBAESTABLISHED IN 1998PRI N T MED I A G ROU PEVANS1302 River Road • Sparta, WIDESIGNDESIGN •• PRINTPRINT •• MAILMAILWalk-in, call, email, or visit our website • (608) 269-9797Call (608) 269-9797 MONROE COUNTYHERALDSubscribe to local newsmonroecountyherald.comZor Shrine ofce @ 608-833-6343
2012 La Crosse Potentate Party at Jansky’s Eagles NestMOVING?COMPLETE THIS SECTION AND RETURN IT WITH THE CURRENT MAIL LABEL (BELOW) TO THE ZOR TEMPLE RECORDER 6510 GRAND TETON PLAZA, SUITE 204, MADISON, WI 53719PeriodicalsPostage PaidSparta, WINobles, young & old, sharing stories & fun at Jansky’sIllustrious Sir Larry & Lady Julie showing off their CakeNobility from the Viroqua Area enjoying the steak fry